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Mr T

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  1. Big1, I am struggling with understanding how you really feel. ;-) I would agree that "Squaring temples might not be such a travesty", if the patient understands what may occur down the road and where that may leave him given his squared temples. If the doctor squares the temples without informing the patient of the long-term consequences, then I could consider this unethical as the doctor may be doing it to guarantee additional business from this patient in the future. At a minimum, I would consider the doctor to be violating the Hippocratic Oath that says they will "do no harm...". My two cents, Mr. T
  2. Me too... on the pages and the progress report. I kind of like the color change from the babysh*t brown to blue. Mr. T
  3. Paco, Lousonnlate's experience is of little value to you. His reslts have not grown in yet and you will learn nothing from his pictures. His father's results would be more valuable as his results would be apparent. Not seeing them in person makes a huge difference. You should tell the doctor you must see patients who are 8-12 months post-op in person before you will commit to surgery. Given the concerns you listed, you really need to get them addressed and see patients in person. Mr. T
  4. Sounds normal. Most people, including myself, usually pop them and then apply antibiotic ointment like Neosporin. They are pretty common depending on where you are in a given growth cycle. Mr. T
  5. Brando, The attached thread shows my results on Proscar. http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=6566060861&m=898009917 My opinion is you should explore Proscar as an option for retaining the hair you have and possibly regrowing some before pursuing surgical options. Mr. T
  6. Paco, There are many things you've written that concern me. If the only things you've seen are pictures, then you haven't seen enough to move forward. Every doctor should be able to provide live references who are somewhere between 8-12 months post-op. I won't beat around the bush. My opinion is that you should call and cancel now... or at least postpone until you've seen patients in person and find the work to be acceptable. This is a lifelong decision... on the front of your head... that everyone will see the first time they look at you... and they should not know you've had work done! Make sure that is the case when you look at those patients! Mr. T (Updated message to fix my grammar.)
  7. Fifty, Looks good! Keep us posted on your progress. Happy healing, Mr. T
  8. I didn't find the exercises to increase the looseness of my scalp as much as they increased the laxity, i.e., my scalp was able to stretch to accomodate the loss of tissue taken as donor and still yield a very thin scar. No new wrinkles were visible before surgery even with doing the exercises. Mr. T
  9. HBT, Sorry to hear that news, but glad to know no one was hurt! Best wishes, Mr. T
  10. Do a Search on his name. I know someone has posted on him several months back, but I don;t recall the details. Mr. T
  11. HTcurious, The pimple like bumps are normal and we almost all get them. That is a sign of the new hair coming in. You are I are in the same stage and the really do hurt like hell sometimes... but it passes with time. Losing your remaining original hair could be shock loss... which can be permanent or temporary. Permanent usually occurs when the hair was already weak and "programmed" to fall out. Temporary is often in or near the donor area, but also sometimes in the recipient area. The majority of mine was in the donor area and is just starting to regrow -- 2 1/2 months after surgery. Overall, your experience sounds normal. I'd give it some time before you get too concerned about the fallout. It may just be a temporary issue. Hope this helps, Mr. T
  12. shadows, You can wear a loose fitting hat from the day of surgery forward. Given the way your head looks after surgery, you definitely want to cover it up... or at least I did both times. Mr. T
  13. Jerry, I agree with Jotronic. Your work looks good and appreciate you sharing your pics. Mr. T
  14. I had both my surgeries on Thursday and felt ten days later on Monday was just about perfect. The scabs were gone, the staples were out, and I had a fresh haircut to better blend the rest of my hair with the recipient area. My two cents, Mr. T
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