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4 months post op not seeing anything

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  • Senior Member

Have you noticed any acne problems on your head? They say this is signs of growth. I'm at 2.5 months and I think I can see some of mine growing a little, as my crown looks to be shrinking.


Also, I've been using Proscar and Rogaine foam. But, I'd start getting concerned at 6 months and down right worried at 9 months.


Who did your work?

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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Welcome to the HTN.

Not to worry, there are patients that "sprout" later than sooner; give your self another 3- 4 weeks; and, as per Dewayne, who performed your procedure, how many grafts were placed, and in what areas? Also, any photos you can upload would help.



Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the reply. I had a very good doctor do it(rather keep that to myself right now), it's a corrective procedure, I'm just worried that perhaps my head doesn't 'take' well to ht's. I experienced massive shock loss that I still have not recovered from and don't see any hairs popping out whatsoever. I'm at the 130 day mark, none of my ht's ever panned out and my hair looks awful. Thanks

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Welcome to our forum community.


As others have already said, everyone grows at different rates. Most patient start to see new hair growth between month 3 and 5 and then it slowly grows, thickens, and matures over time.


As TheEmperor stated, keep in touch with your physician and keep him/her updated on your progress. But no growth at this early stage is pretty typical, though I certainly can relate to your frustration.


Best wishes,



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I am also at the 4 month mark and haven't seen much growth. My procedure was a "corrective" procedure as well. I actually, however, remember the hairs growing faster the first time around (even though they were pluggy looking). Is it possible to have different rates of growth from different procedures?

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DDD03 and zhiangde,


I had the same concerns after my second and third surgery. In my experience, hair grew in just a little bit differently and on different schedules after each hair transplant. Try not to compare one to the other or you may drive yourself crazy. As long as you've chosen a world class surgeon, trust the process and your hair growth will come.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the input guys, i do appreciate it. I was curious, if there are any post ht habits/behaviors that would potentially ruin an ht? Just for my own knowlegde. I've been taking a multi vitamin 3 days a week, excercising alot, good diet. I do drink on occassion but nothing 2 weeks before/ and 3 weeks after. Thanks

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Zhiangle and DDD,

If I'm not mistaken your growth rate for a corrective or non-virgin scalp will be delayed by a month or two due to the vascular system being compromised. Many on this site experience this and months later they have those bushy little fellas start poking and pinching their way out of the scalp... No need to worry, like you said you went to a good doc be at ease.

You only live once...

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the encouragement. Hypothetically, wouldn't pretty massive sun exposure hurt someone's chances of growth? I'm just curious.

I have been wearing a hat consistantly for about 4 months now. Thanks

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  • 3 months later...
  • Regular Member

Hi just thought I would check in. Unfortunatley, I don't think this ht is working out for me. My hair actually looks worse now(shock, possible further recession). My doc and I have agreed that we haven't seen progress, and he seeems puzzled by the scenerio as well. This is my third procedure. I thought 'third time is a charm.' But maybe 'three strikes and you're out!' applies here. I know that I should just wait, but I just don't see a miraculous transformatiion coming up in the next three months or so. What should I do?

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I'm guessing that you are about 8 months now? Based on your doctor's assessment, what percentage of the grafts has started to grow at this point?


It's possible that you are a very late bloomer, but I can understand why you'd be concerned.


Unfortunately, there is no way to force the hair to grow. What has your doctor recommended at this point? I know a number of doctors recommended on our community will offer to replace any grafts that don't grow for free.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Do you have any pictures? I read online that I should take pictures every month because sometimes the subtle changes are more noticeable when looking back through months of pictures.

I wish you the best of luck and hope your hair grows a lot in the coming months! icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Ya this is my third try. My doctor is quite good. I'm just afraid that perhaps that scarring on top of my head from the first surgery has left me permanatley damaged. My doc and I both agree that I might be in big trouble here. I'm just not sure if I should wait it out or get a second opinion? I'm worried about my donor supply and am looking into the possibility of BHT in the future. Thanks

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If the first two were unsuccessful, why did you and your surgeon opt for a third one?


Though there are certainly strange phenomenons that exist (though very rare) of a hair transplant not working for unknown reasons, after two failures, it seems to me that a third wouldn't work either.


Do you have any photos you can post for us?


In my opinion, get a second opinion to be safe.


Best wishes,



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Well, he felt like it could be fixed, so we tried. My first doc was terrible and doesn't even specialize in HT. The second guy was good but overworked at NHI(performed 3-4 procedures a day, saw him for only an hr of the whole procedure), third is a top surgeon. I just thought I was going to the wrong places, but I may be just an unlucky one. I have pics but I don't really feel posting them and getting a bunch of comments on my hair right now. Is there any shot of a positive outcome here?

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I got by first in 1999(had no clue what i was doing), second in 2002, and the last one 8 months ago. My current doctor thought that maybe the scarring from the 1st sugery might be a factor. Other than that I've about read about the mystery 'X' factor, some grafts just don't take. I don't know what else to say..

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