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KamCal HT Photos with Dr. Hasson: 3664 grafts


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It appears that a lot of your shocked hairs in the recipient area have returned at this point. It appears that there is still some donor shock loss remaining around the scar on the one side which is typical for this time.


Remember that you are only at 3 months. The fact that you are experiencing any new growth at this point is amazing!


The next several months will be very exciting for you!



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Kam, yes I would say it does look fuller already. And don't worry about the shock loss at the scar. I remember having a tiny little area that scared me for a few weeks but it grew right back in after that. Man, you had a weird loss pattern huh? That fringe in the front must have driven you nuts.

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Thanks Bill, NG2GB, and Pushing. I am really excited and can't wait for the next few months. Should be really exciting.....


Pushing, you are right. I do have a wierd loss pattern. I didn't know what to do with those hairs in the front. Dr. Hasson gave me two options:


1- get rid of them with laser.

2- shave them with a machine like shaving my face.


I don't think I get rid of them with laser. I probably will end up shaving them. However, I am waiting for my transplanted hair to grow to see how they blend in. Dr. Hasson said if I comb my hair from back to front I don't need to shave them as they will blend in nicely. But, if I comb from front to back then they become noticable and need to be shaved or removed.




3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


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As you have similar loss in the front as I had pre hasson...the best thing I found was to pick them with twezers sucks for 30min but is a better option then shaving as it keeps those hairs away longer and they come back thinner (I wouldn't laser personally). Your shock loss looks to be coming back soon you will realize the good side of ht when you hit a few more months from now...good luck and good growth.




July192007 Dr.Hasson 4724 grafts

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello Eeveryone,


I have added my complete 4 months photos to my weblog as well as to this photo album. Please feel free to comment. It is still very thin over the transplanted area. What do you guys think? It is easy to get concerned. I guess I am in the frustration mode according to JOBI!!

3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


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don't be concerned. I know some guys (i.e. Pushing 40 amongst others) have fantastic results at only four months. But, this is atypical. Most guys begin sprouting at 6 months+, which Im sure you already know, but I would be asking the same questions as you as I can only imagine how brutal the waiting game is.


sure you will be golden in a few months.

out of curiosity: how does the scar look now if you shaved the whole thing down? I've thought of doing this when I undergo a procedure to keep the waiting game at a minimal pain level.

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Thanks NG2GB and NoBuzz. I know 4 months is way too early but for some reason I was hoping to see some result over the transplanted area by 4 months mark. My hair does look fuller overall and with a better quality but I am guessing it's because of the proscar I am taking. Well, nothing I can do at this point but to just wait another month or 2 to see what will happen.


NG2GB, honestly I have not shaved my head since 2 months mark so I cannot answer that question. But when I use a comb to lift my hair and look at the scar, it does look a little red. It should fade away gradually and I am not concerned that much about the scar at this point since the shockloss is returning and I can hide the scar. At this point, I don't experience anymore itching in the donor area. Maybe a little numbness.





3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


My Hair Loss Weblog

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WoW...i will say it again WOW ! Kamkal, ur looking good man, i know the feeling. I see shock loss issue has gone too! thats a bonus. i am just gone 3 mnths myself and thought nothing would happen but take a look at my 3mth pic...man this is the fun part now i guess....


happy growing bro !



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NN: Thanks for your words of encouragement. I know I should wait at least 4 more months.


FS: Thanks. You are looking pretty good yourself for only 3 months. As Bill and other have mentioned, avoid looking at the mirror if possible at all. This is a very gradual process and if you don't have patience, you get discouraged. I am still getting ingrown hair pimples which is a good sign icon_smile.gif. I just got one in my hairline yesterday. So sttuff surely are happening. Happy growing to you as well.


Bill, thank you also for your help and support to everyone. I have more pictures in my weblog if you'd like to take a peek.




3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


My Hair Loss Weblog

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I have updated my album. 4 months 3 weeks post op. It is getting really exciting. Big improvement since 3 weeks ago. I try to take some photos this coming week as well for my 5 months post op. Can't be happier. I can comb my hair again from front to back. Last I remember to be able to do this was 7 years ago. I get many comments these days. I am glad I did this. Also, as you noticed in these pic, I have shaved my frontal natural hairs to show off my new hair line more!!!


Most of the shocked hairs have returned. But, there is just one spot on my right side that has yet to return back. Should not be a big deal. I just need to leave my hair a little longer on the side to cover that. I hope it comes back in the next following month.


What do you guys think?

3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


My Hair Loss Weblog

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That looks fantastic!!

Your only at 4 months too, so Im sure the biggest and most dramatic difference is yet to come.

That is crazy your "old" hair line appears to have hung in there so well. The stubble looks thick and is VERY low. Do you have to shave it every morning?

Anyway, can't wait to see the final product and Im thrilled for you...

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KamCal, What I love about Dr. Hasson's approach is the way he dense packed your front third or closer to front half thoroughly and then will cover the other area(s) another time. The 4 month to 4.3 is amazing! I just imagined at 4.3 months the phone ringing all of a sudden and a girl saying, KamCal can we get together now, I can't find you on that Norwood scale anymore.

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Originally posted by its752:

I can't find you on that Norwood scale anymore.




Thanks for the nice comment. It was very encouraging to hear that I am no longer considered bald according to Norwood Scale. Thanks for mentionaing that :-)

3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


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FS, thanks for your nice comment in my weblog as well. I know your result is also pretty amazing for only 14 weeks. It is amazing how close I was to get disappointed only 3 weeks ago at 4 months mark when I didn't see much cosmetic change. Now, 3 weeks later and can't be happier. The crazy thing is that we are not even close to be done.... :-)


So, if you are happy with your result at this point (about 4 months mark), you'll be flying in the sky a few months from now.


Happy growing fs,



3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


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  • 1 month later...
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Hello everyone, I have updated my photo album as well as my weblog. Please, feel free to comment. I am very happy so far with my result. However, I have one question for you once you looked at my photo album. All the photos are very impressive for myself at 6 month mark and cannot be happier except the one that shows top down view when I have combed my hair from front to back. The hairs look very thin and my scalp shows. Also looks like there is a canal from front to the back of my scalp!! I don't know if it's going to fill in or not at this time. I know the hair is going to thicken up over the next 6-8 months, however, is it going to blend in with the rest of my native hairs because at this point they don't match and don't blend in. Front part is very thin and the sides are thick. Can I have some reassurance. Should I expect more growth after 6 months? What do you guys think?

3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


My Hair Loss Weblog

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Originally posted by KamCal:

Hello everyone, I have updated my photo album as well as my weblog. Please, feel free to comment. I am very happy so far with my result. However, I have one question for you once you looked at my photo album. All the photos are very impressive for myself at 6 month mark and cannot be happier except the one that shows top down view when I have combed my hair from front to back. The hairs look very thin and my scalp shows. Also looks like there is a canal from front to the back of my scalp!! I don't know if it's going to fill in or not at this time. I know the hair is going to thicken up over the next 6-8 months, however, is it going to blend in with the rest of my native hairs because at this point they don't match and don't blend in. Front part is very thin and the sides are thick. Can I have some reassurance. Should I expect more growth after 6 months? What do you guys think?


dude i remember looking at your blog when you posted your immediate post up pics. your situation has improved SO much since when u posted those pics and some of the members were commenting on your shockloss( at that point i thought maybe your situation was going to get bad) but i was proven wrong. your situation looks soooo much better htan before preop im really happy for you man. It looks like if you EVER felt the need for another surgery youd be set for life.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Originally posted by KamCal:

Hello everyone, I have updated my photo album as well as my weblog. Please, feel free to comment. I am very happy so far with my result. However, I have one question for you once you looked at my photo album. All the photos are very impressive for myself at 6 month mark and cannot be happier except the one that shows top down view when I have combed my hair from front to back. The hairs look very thin and my scalp shows. Also looks like there is a canal from front to the back of my scalp!! I don't know if it's going to fill in or not at this time. I know the hair is going to thicken up over the next 6-8 months, however, is it going to blend in with the rest of my native hairs because at this point they don't match and don't blend in. Front part is very thin and the sides are thick. Can I have some reassurance. Should I expect more growth after 6 months? What do you guys think?


I think it looks great, especially for the relatively low number of hairs you had transplanted (5 - 6,000). It will thicken up over the next few months as well. Most Drs. say after 9 months the hairs mature and start taking on more of the characteristics of the hair you have on top.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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Thanks Jupiter and Dewayne for the comments. I am very happy with the result and it's great to see hair again and to see poeple do notice about my hair when they see me in real life. I asked that question since I have not seen much thickenning from 5 to 6 month post op. I am almost certain it will thicken up over time. But some reassurance would be helpful as well. icon_smile.gif


Dewayne, I just looked at your blog. You also do look great at 3 days post op. You will have plenty hairs by Christmans. Now the wait is on. Happy healing to you icon_smile.gif



3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


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Bro, i think you should be extremely happy right now. i remember the early days ( was it really only 6 mnths ago ) with issue of shock loss etc.

i see all your 6 month pics and u know what, its great when you can STYLE you hair in different ways again.

from what i have seen, there is something in having the right hair-cut, style that will give you the best appearance.

i too brush my hair back which help with my crown, but if i comb to the side, hair looks twice as dense.


i think its all in the styling my friend...


happy growing now, its the best time now !!



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looking great kam,fs is right about it losing density when combed back.i think it is because the hair stands up combed back instead of laying flat combed forward or to the side.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


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