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1000 grafts for $7200 (Live in Sydney, Australia). Good price? Pictures included.

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$7.20 in Australian money would be the current equivalent of approximately $6.26 per graft in US dollars. $6.26 via follicular unit transplantation would be considered high in most places around the world. However, it's my overall understanding that most clinics charge more in Australia. Why that is however, I couldn't tell you.


In my opinion, you are young and should hold off on getting a hair transplant. At 23 years old and a receding hairline, you are still at high risk for aggressive hair loss to come. Thus, if you get 1000 grafts now (which frankly won't do a whole lot for you), there's a high probability that you will need several subsequent procedures in the future. After all, if you lower your hairline now and your natural hairline recedes further, you'll end up with an unnatural looking line of hair with a balding pattern behind it.


In my opinon, consider getting on Propecia and Rogaine for a couple years and re-evaluate the need for a hair transplant in a couple of years. In the meantime, take your time and research this community about the hair transplant procedure and develop realistic long term goals.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

At 23, you should NOT go through with this. There is only one doctor in OZ that does good enough work to do a hairline on you and he would be much more than 7200. I'm with Bill in that I am not so sure your even a candidate, really.


Reach out to some of your fellow aussies here, like Parable...talk to them and they will give you the scoop. I would send him a PM if I were you.



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Absolutely not. Your hair loss isn't so bad. I've seen people at a Norwood 3 level at 18 years old. Be lucky that's not you!


The way your hairline is going looks like a normal hairline, but maturing... it's not in the "M" shape. I would wait it out for a couple of years to see how much it recedes.


Look into a mirror and lift your eye brows up. If your hairline goes way above the top brow forehead wrinkle with the biggest groove, then you might have some more recession than normal. If you DO see a lot of recession and eventually your hairline goes into a heavy "M" shape, try getting on finasteride. As for now, you certainly do not need a hair transplant, and would be a waste of time and money, and you would be screwed if your hair loss really kicks in after about 5 years.

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-Enjoy what you have now.

-Enjoy being young.

-Have fun and try not to be too critical of yourself--a problem all of us have here.

-Wait and see where your hairline goes in the next ten years...hopefully stays the same.

-Finally, just go out and be confident in yourself, you have great hair now!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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That's not a good price anyway, at any age. You can get that many grafts for $4500 at one of the top docs in the U.S.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I guess my main regret is that I had a sub standard doc and I now have a scar on the back of my head. If I had waited until now I wouldnt have that because I would have done fue instead.


I'm going for repair in 2 weeks time, to remove some mis angled grafts from the front to the scar, then in Feb next year I'll have another surgery to my hairline, and it will basically look like the one that you have drawn on yourself.


I'm not saying that I wouldnt get an HT now if I hadnt had one before, I just wish that I had been better informed.

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this is a classic example of the dangers of deceptive marketing in this indusrty...


akuma is under the impression that he can recreate and lower his hair line and it will blend perfectly with his THICK ass head of NATURAL hair... hes under the impression that he is a canidate for this, just like so many who dont know any better, and IF akuma really wanted he could find plenty of clinics who would tell him exactly what he wants to hear, take his money, scar him for life, and change the course of his ENTIRE life...


akuma-- you should NOT even consider this. im telling you right now you will regret your decision. take it or leave it. but alot of guys, myself included, on here had to learn the hard way. as a result our lives have drastically been altered due to our past mistakes...... you have more hair than 99.8% of the people on this site.... be thankful you found a site where informed individuals can advise you.. many still today are not so lucky......


run away from the hair transplant idea as fast as you can, and enjoy your scar free, COMPLETELY NATURAL, full head of hair... BTW should you ever start REALLY showing signs of miniturization in your crown or top, you will regret having such a low hairline.. and to get that hairline as thick as your thinking you can get it will require a few thousand grafts, leaving you only 2-5 thousand left for the future... and IF you are lucky enough not to lose another hair your whole life you will STILL have a hard time matching your current natural density... it may take 2 procedures and many thousands of dollars, as well as 1 to 2+ years of your life spent in "down time" waiting for your new hair to come, and waiting for results that are not a guarantee in the first place..... going thru with this will NOT ease all your "hairloss?" worries... you will NOT just get the procedure and that will be the end of it, problem solved forever and ever... that scenario is largely make-believe and is a SERIOUS exception to the HT community...

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Do you guys think i should go ahead with a minor transplant then?




Please read my post and others above. Everyone is advising you against a hair transplant at this early stage. You asked our opinions and we've given them to you. Asking the same question isn't going to provoke us to change our minds.


Trust me my friend...the advice you've been given is because members care and want to help you.


Best wishes,



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always been restricted with the type of hairstyle i could do my whole life.


Akuma, a HT isn't for you. They aren't the magic bullet you think they are and because it just won't match your natural hair in both density and texture, it will restrict your hairstyle even more.


Seriously... forgetting about this idea will be the best decision of your life.

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I still would of gone ahead with fue at 22 because that was my state of mind at the time, even though I was only just past a NW1 and still am now.


If I had the hindsight then that I have now, I would wait.


With my current state of mind, I wouldnt go ahead with a HT on a virgin scalp, because I still have a lot of hair, not much less than Tom Cruise FFS!


I had only lost a little bit in the temples and rushed into a HT to fill it in.

It wasnt satisfactory so I had 3 more and they still arent dense enough, and the hair angles are wrong, and my scar isnt the best it could of been. I'm only going for 2 more HT's to rectify my situation.


I dont mind sending pics privatley, I'm reserving putting them on here until I've finished my 2 repair surgeries, so I will make I weblog in Feb next year.

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