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Propecia and Testicular Pain


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Since I started taking propecia two years ago, I've had 3 periods of time (for a span of a 1-2 weeks) where my testicles have been tender/sore/painful.


I'm curious if anyone else has had this side effect. If so, did you stop because of it? I don't want to stop taking it, but if it's doing damage to my body, I may have to.

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  • Regular Member

Since I started taking propecia two years ago, I've had 3 periods of time (for a span of a 1-2 weeks) where my testicles have been tender/sore/painful.


I'm curious if anyone else has had this side effect. If so, did you stop because of it? I don't want to stop taking it, but if it's doing damage to my body, I may have to.

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  • Senior Member

sounds like a urinary track infection or maybe a hernia- see your doc. One positive thing about propecia was it was developed to help out, not take out the mans tools ie. prostate cancer, its effects on reducing hairloss was found by accident. Yet again, I have no clue! But, my doc did say it should lower the risk of the user of getting pros cancer. As far as I'm concerned anything below the belt is all interconnected.


updated.... After I wrote this I checked out propecia's site and in a small % of men it could cause testicular pain and it is recommended you see your doc.

If woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy -Steve Smith 'The Red Green Show'

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  • Senior Member

Probably is not the Propecia, maybe UTI or infection. But regardless, you need to see a Urologist as this type of tender/sore/pain might be signs of servere issues like cancer. Get it checked out.

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