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Am I a candidate for...anything?

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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a few days and after discovering the wealth of information and support on here, decided to post.

I realized I would have a future receding hailine when I was in high school. I could pull back my existing (at the time)hair and see what was (sadly) in my future. My hair didn't really start thinning until my mid-20's. The rate of hair loss really started to accelerate in my late 20's-early 30's. I'm 32 now, and the situation has gotten pretty bad. I'm about ready to shave it all off, but I don't think I have the skull shape to pull off the Mr. Clean look.

I have learned quite a bit from reading through the various sections of the site and doing some searches. I've posted my pics and would greatly appreciate honest feedback as to what you think my options may be (HT, various medications, shave it, etc.) Don't try to spare my feelings, I'm looking for realistic assesments to help me make an informed decision (as I'm sure we all are).

I hadn't realized until this morning (when I took the pics and finally saw the top and back of my head) how bad my hair loss had become. Is there enough left to salvage?


All replies greatly appreciated!



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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a few days and after discovering the wealth of information and support on here, decided to post.

I realized I would have a future receding hailine when I was in high school. I could pull back my existing (at the time)hair and see what was (sadly) in my future. My hair didn't really start thinning until my mid-20's. The rate of hair loss really started to accelerate in my late 20's-early 30's. I'm 32 now, and the situation has gotten pretty bad. I'm about ready to shave it all off, but I don't think I have the skull shape to pull off the Mr. Clean look.

I have learned quite a bit from reading through the various sections of the site and doing some searches. I've posted my pics and would greatly appreciate honest feedback as to what you think my options may be (HT, various medications, shave it, etc.) Don't try to spare my feelings, I'm looking for realistic assesments to help me make an informed decision (as I'm sure we all are).

I hadn't realized until this morning (when I took the pics and finally saw the top and back of my head) how bad my hair loss had become. Is there enough left to salvage?


All replies greatly appreciated!


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  • Senior Member

Up front, I'm not the most experienced guy here, just one of the mouthiest, but looking at your pic's, you donor hair appears VERY diffuse, and very fine.


I know exactly what you mean by the pictures too. I knew I was balding by looking in the mirror, but then I took some pictures, and when I saw them I went, "Holy Flaming Cow! I'm a old bald guy! When did that happen?? That's not what I see in the mirror!!!"


Still, there it is...


Now, in spite of the above, something could likely be done for you, but it doesn't look to me as though you have the donor hair to give you anything but a less sparse appearance.


However, step 1 would be to get on Propecia STAT, and I'd recommend Rogaine foam too.


Many doctors feel they can be complimentary, and you need every weapon available. With your short and fine hair, the foam will be easy to apply, and therefore an easy habit to keep up.


Next, you've come out of the closet here, and the next step is to submit your pictures to a trained doctor on this site. A COALITION doctor ONLY. They're trained professionals, and even the more experienced people here can only guess.


The online consult is free. Do it with at least two and preferably 3 doctors. You'll get varying responses, some terse, others may be more chatty. No guarantees at that price, but its the best starting point.


One more thing. Nizoral shampoo is often recommended here by the veteran's. I'm just running out to get some myself. I'm not sure if it will help, but apparently it may impede DHT in the scalp, and that certainly sounds like a good thing to do.


mark h

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I agree with Mark H.


- Start on Propecia, Rogaine, Nizoral, daily multivitamin, etc.


- Do an online consultation with a few of the Coalition doctors and then see some in person if you're able to. There have been some amazing transformations on this site. In many cases, I wouldn't have thought the patient was an ideal candidate for a HT, but they pulled off amazing results.


So, take a look at some before and after photos to get a sense of what you desire. Also, use this site to ask questions (as you are doing) since so many have gone through the process and can advise you appropriately.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Thanks guys,

I will probably pick up some Rogaine tonight...I hadn't realized that it is now available OTC. I'm not expecting too much from it, but it's better than doing nothing in the interim.


I'm also going to do two or three HT consultations...I'll start the ball rolling on that right away.

Any other comments?


Thanks again,


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Originally posted by boo radley:

Thanks guys,

I will probably pick up some Rogaine tonight...I hadn't realized that it is now available OTC. I'm not expecting too much from it, but it's better than doing nothing in the interim.


I'm also going to do two or three HT consultations...I'll start the ball rolling on that right away.

Any other comments?


Thanks again,



Do yourself a favour and only go to coalition docs that do large sessions. Feller and H&W are the only two that I know of. Many of the coalition docs prefer smaller session HT's and you'll be running the HT treadmill for 5 years if you go for the 1500 graft/procedure sessions.


Checkout www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/jcwhair as an example of what can be done with very fine donour hair.


Bottom line is you need to see the doctors in person (specifically those who do large sessions), and have them access you properly. I've seen alot of cases that people write off as inoperable that turn out not to be so once the doctor has a look.

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Do yourself a favour and only go to coalition docs that do large sessions. Feller and H&W are the only two that I know of.


Whooaa Nellie!


All coalition doctors can do larger sessions, that is one of the requirements as spelled out by Pat for coalition doctors.


Certainly some of them can do larger sessions than others, but Dr. Feller and H&W are NOT the only ones that can do large sessions.


I recently got 4100 from Dr. Cooley who is an OUTSTANDING doctor, and how can you leave Dr. Shapiro out of the mix, or any of the others for that matter.


Bottom line, if you choose someone on the list of coalition doctors you're in good hands. However, if you choose someone from the "recommended" list you rolling the dice my friend because for some reason "recommended" on this site really mean caveat emptor.


The suggestions about seeing a doc in person is of course good, but if you've had several online consults, I don't see a good reason to fly all over hells half-acre getting in person consults.


Definately get one in person consult, and then go for more IF you feel you should try another doctor, but if you're happy with that one, go for it. I mean rack up the miles if you want to, but if you've seen one of the best doctors in the world, what are you hoping to get in round 2?


Now several here are suggesting large HT's for you, and I hope that is possible, but I looked at your pictures, and I've got to wonder where 4000 are going to come from. Your hair on the side and back looks thin, but then I'm not a doc.


Last tip, after that rogaine do NOT leave Propecia off your christmas list. You should start taking it STAT because if you truly are difuse as you appear, the meds may do as much for you as an HT.


mark h

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You should stabilize your hairloss prior to getting a HT.. This way you can use your precious donor supply in the most productive manner.. From the looks of it , I would be careful beause as Mark said, you don't seem to have an endless supply. More is not always better, right away .. Will you have future hairloss or growth based on genetics or treatment?? Once the donor supply is gone, it's gone .On the other hand once you answer the above mentioned questions, THEN maybe you go for an agressive approach based on your feedback from the Doc.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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boo radley,


First...............nice ID......I love To Kill A Mockingbird.........one of my all time favorite movies. Ironic..........boo radley (Robert Duvall) ended up heading to the higher end of the Norwood scale, eh? icon_wink.gif


I agree with most of the advice posted. From the pics, I'm not sure about your donor hair but that advice is best taken from an expert.........maybe in person, sometimes pics don't tell the whole story. You may want to go the extra mile and see one of the Doc's in person, whatever they recommend, I suppose.


I would definitely take the advice and start on Propecia (Finasteride).......... and maybe Minoxidil if you can commit to its messy regimen. Also, I'd buy some good hair care products like Nioxin and Nizoral. Research this site for info........there's tons.


In choosing a HT surgeon you really have the best of both worlds when looking at the Coalition Surgeons list. These Doc's are ALL top notch when it comes to the quality of work that you will receive. I wouldn't worry about what native hair you have left on top but would get as many grafts as you could in one pass. If your donor hair is good enough, your an ideal candidate at this stage of loss.


There are several Doc's that have been producing harvests of 4000 grafts or more, if you want coverage with any appearance of density you're going to need a lot more than that................7000-8000 IF you have the donor hair available. If I were to pick one Doc for the bigger numbers, I don't believe anyone has produced the kind of numbers Dr. Hasson consistently has. I don't want to get into a pissing contest with anyone about this recommendation............it's just my opinion based on past results. icon_smile.gif Yes, there are plenty of excellent surgeons that can deliver more than 4000, but in this case, IF you can safely harvest the donor hair, you need to go for the gusto. Big caveat on "if you can safely harvest the donor". This is why I would recommend an in person consult for you because the donor appears a little sparse (could be lighting, pics, flash......etc., who knows??....or you may just have sparse donor hair.)


Best of luck to you........keep us posted on your progress and decisions.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Honestly, get an IN person consult with your donor hair. Your expectations should be moderate at best for coverage. Shave your head first to see if you like and can live with it. If you can live with it save your money and get on with your life. If you can't, at least you will know what you are giving up.

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Boo Radley,


I don't have too much more to offer than my friends above...except this:


If you are going to consider an HT, stay realistic. You will never be able to regain your hair as it was in high school. You will most likely also have to live with a higher or more mature hairline. Talk to a top coalition doc - more than one I'd submit (I agree with Mark H, there are a number of docs to consider) that does large mega sessions. Submit photos for online consultations....discuss your goals with these docs. What do you want to do? Do you want to rebuild a nice hairline and thicken up the front? Do you want full coverage in which case density will suffer? Feel free to look at any of my photos below to see where I was and where I am now. Of course, coming just out of my third HT with Dr. Hasson, you won't see the finished result yet, I'm only 5 days post op. But somebody posted a link to Jotronic's site above...check that out for sure. Get on Propecia ASAP. You can try Rogaine...I think it works for some...I had scalp irritation and so I stopped.


Best of luck my friend. We all certainly can relate to the frustration of losing our hair. I hope these messages have helped you.



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First off, I'd like to thank you guys for the support. Like I posted earlier, I was aware of the hair loss, but not the extent of it, particulary up top and in the back...it has taken me by surprise. I'm still a little stunned by it. Just hearing others echo the same comments regarding their "discovery" helps out quite a bit.


Second, I appreciate the up-front comments. My own assessment is that any potential donor hair I have is indeed fine and sparse. I'm thinking there probably isn't enough for a HT to provide me with the type of results I'd be happy with. For me, that means having high density and pretty full coverage (I can live with the high hairline). My limited research and the feedback in this thread is leading me to believe that's not a realistic expectation. I'm not into deluding myself, so at this point I'm seriously considering shaving it off, and if I don't like the result, then trying the Rogaine/Finistride regimen. I dunno, I still have alot of research to do.


Again, thanks for the replies, they are helpful, and feel free to offer any other comments.


*edited for spelling


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The ONE recommendation all the docs are going to agree on is GO TO DOC AND GET ON MEDS!!! Seriously this will give you the time to do the research that is essential and to possible go with the Mr. Clean look. Remember the transplant will not stop the hair loss. The medication's purpose is to help keep what you have.


Good Luck

Ailene Russell, NCMA

Dr. Jerry Cooley's personal assistant and clinical supervisor for Carolina Dermatology Haircenter. My postings are my own opinion and may not reflect Dr. Cooley's opinion on any subject discussed.


Dr. Jerry Cooley is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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boo,I agree with you about not having the head to shave down. Most white men, especially me,don't look good shaved. It looks very bulbous, similar to walking around with a 1000 watt light bulb stuck on your shoulders.

IMO,the only good looking shaved men are black guys and huge Russian wrestlers.


As others have stated, get on Finasteride and Minoxidil immediately. You will see some results after a few months but obviously not as good as a quality HT.


I think your donor area looks sparse because your hair is very short. I think you may have more than first meets the eye.You may be a candidate for 4-5000 fu's(only guessing, Im not a Dr) which would give you a decent coverage and a big improvement on what you have at the moment. You're never again going to look like you did when you were 16 so don't even think about it.

You are only a young guy and I would say heading for a NW6. It's tuff to be like that, we know. Most if not alll of the guys on here(including myself) would say our HT has changed our lives. The extra confidence it gives and the lack of anxiety about hair loss is like a weight lifted.


Good luck man. Do your homework. Read every page on this site, you will learn a lot and it will help you make an informed decision.

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Originally posted by brianf:

IMO,the only good looking shaved men are black guys and huge Russian wrestlers.


Hey Brian, easy on the White guy stuff...lol. Remember Yul Brynner, Capt Picard, Telly Savallas, and uh...who else...what about that guy on Deal or No Deal?...


Okay I'm running out of good looking bald white guys, but hey it is possible. Its got to be an adjustment tho.

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Originally posted by Mark H:
Originally posted by brianf:

IMO,the only good looking shaved men are black guys and huge Russian wrestlers.


Hey Brian, easy on the White guy stuff...lol. Remember Yul Brynner, Capt Picard, Telly Savallas, and uh...who else...what about that guy on Deal or No Deal?...



Mark, you could throw in Mark Messier, the former hockey player and Bruce Willis. Again, you have to look hard to find a few. Most of us bald white guys look like we are hooked on chemotherapy.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I know this might not be taken well, but I think I would just either leave as is or just shave my head. At the very least just buzz it with a #2 or 3. It looks just too thin in the donor area to do much good and if you start the transplant route you are pretty much commited to it. You will have a permanent scar that you will forever be trying to conceal. With your thin scalp, this will be tough to do. The only reason I went the HT route was my wife wanted longer hair, other wise I liked it buzzed. Shaved? No. But buzzed was OK with me. Long and bald on the top just looked stupid to me. Just my 2 cents...

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Hi there.


I think the best thing to do first is shave it all off and see what you think.


If you dont like the look of it then grow the sides and back out a bit so you can see what sort of donor you have.


Before my HT i used to shave the sides and back to a 0 grade. When i did my consultation with spec he said my donor wasnt the best but still could get a decent result. Running up to the time of my HT i grew my hair allot longer then i was used to. From a 0 grade to a 5 or 6. It was estimated that i could get 2000 grafts done. When i got to Dr Fellers office he told me that my donor was allot better then what he saw in the pictures and he would get more out of me. During the procedure that number of grafts went from 2,000 to 2,700 and in the end i got 3,200. It was dense packed into the front and middle scalp.


I have been told i have around 1500 - 2000 for any future work.


Good Luck with it all, you have come to the right place for advice.

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