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LifeStyle & Hair Loss Questions


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Hi all. I am 25 now and started noticing a year ago that I was thinning on the crown (early stage) and possibly the front as well. These past few years I've gone through a lot of stress because of school and unemployment. I've noticed that after I started my job a year back, I've been losing less hair (I also started using Nizoral a year back), but only when I could keep up with my sleeping schedule. I am hoping to slow the thinning process down through natural lifestyle upkeeping, so that I won't have to do a hair transplant until maybe after I am 40-50 years old. My dad is almost 60 and only just started to lose a little hair, but his brother is considerably thinner(hair) at age 50. I wish I could be like him but I suspect I have inherited hair genes from my mother's side, my maternal grandfather is bald and probably started to go bald at age 40-50. So, I would really appreciate answers to the following questions:


1. I have a flaking problem and general scalp characteristics like my dad, but with hair quality like my mom. Whose side am I more likely to have inherited hair loss from?

2. I lift weights and do push ups for about 10 minutes every other day, would this fasten my hair loss process, does it matter when I do it (e.g. before bedtime)?

3. I've heard that masturbation does not cause hair loss, but what about watching porn? If I watch porn and/and not masturbate, does that cause excessive free hormone to be retained in my body?

4. I eat light on dairy and meat products and moderate amount of veggie and fruits, does that help with hairloss?

5. I am an engineer so my job does require me to think a lot and sit in the office all day long. I walk for 20 minutes after lunch break. Is that enough to balance excessive hormones? I used to play more often demanding sports like basketball but not anymore.

6. Is it possible for me to retain acceptable amount of hair (i.e. not immediate obvious to others that I am going bald) until maybe after 45 years old through simple lifestyle upkeeping without using hairloss drugs? Is it possible since I am noticing loss at age 25..


Thanks a bunch!

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Hi all. I am 25 now and started noticing a year ago that I was thinning on the crown (early stage) and possibly the front as well. These past few years I've gone through a lot of stress because of school and unemployment. I've noticed that after I started my job a year back, I've been losing less hair (I also started using Nizoral a year back), but only when I could keep up with my sleeping schedule. I am hoping to slow the thinning process down through natural lifestyle upkeeping, so that I won't have to do a hair transplant until maybe after I am 40-50 years old. My dad is almost 60 and only just started to lose a little hair, but his brother is considerably thinner(hair) at age 50. I wish I could be like him but I suspect I have inherited hair genes from my mother's side, my maternal grandfather is bald and probably started to go bald at age 40-50. So, I would really appreciate answers to the following questions:


1. I have a flaking problem and general scalp characteristics like my dad, but with hair quality like my mom. Whose side am I more likely to have inherited hair loss from?

2. I lift weights and do push ups for about 10 minutes every other day, would this fasten my hair loss process, does it matter when I do it (e.g. before bedtime)?

3. I've heard that masturbation does not cause hair loss, but what about watching porn? If I watch porn and/and not masturbate, does that cause excessive free hormone to be retained in my body?

4. I eat light on dairy and meat products and moderate amount of veggie and fruits, does that help with hairloss?

5. I am an engineer so my job does require me to think a lot and sit in the office all day long. I walk for 20 minutes after lunch break. Is that enough to balance excessive hormones? I used to play more often demanding sports like basketball but not anymore.

6. Is it possible for me to retain acceptable amount of hair (i.e. not immediate obvious to others that I am going bald) until maybe after 45 years old through simple lifestyle upkeeping without using hairloss drugs? Is it possible since I am noticing loss at age 25..


Thanks a bunch!

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I'll try to quickly answer your questions as best as I can.


1. It is near impossible to fully determined who you inherited your hair characteristics from. More than likely it is a combination of both parents.

2. Lifting weights and doing pushups will have no bearing on your hairloss.

3. Masturbation DOES cause hairloss--look at the member B Spot on this forum. That is what happened to him. He also lost his right hand. icon_biggrin.gif Just kidding ofcourse. Watching porn and not masturbating or masturbating itself has no affect on your hair.

4. Diet has some impact possibly?? That is debatable, but I would always recommend eating well to limit any health issues.

5. Exercise might have a factor, but it is probably more the stress that builds up if you don't do something to get your mind off of your worries.

6. Yes it is possible to retain some of your hair until 45. Eat well, sleep well and hope that your genetics are such that you can retain your hair. The meds will help however and it might be something to consider. Aslo try some different shampoos such as Nioxin and Nizoral.


Hope that helps. icon_smile.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Originally posted by NervousNelly:


Masturbation DOES cause hairloss--look at the member B Spot on this forum. That is what happened to him. He also lost his right hand. icon_biggrin.gif Just kidding ofcourse. Watching porn and not masturbating or masturbating itself has no affect on your hair.



Nervous, LOL, stop it your going to make my stitches pop! By the way, with your advice you sound like an real expert in this field? icon_wink.gif





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Hey I wasn't married until 34 so yes I would think that might classify me as an expert....and from what all my married friends tell me, it doesn't take long to where you get to revisit your youth. icon_smile.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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3. Masturbation DOES cause hairloss--look at the member B Spot on this forum. That is what happened to him. He also lost his right hand. Just kidding ofcourse. Watching porn and not masturbating or masturbating itself has no affect on your hair.


ROTFLMAO! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard...well at least on this forum.


On a serious note, just to add my two cents. There are a number of factors that are debatable as to whether they effect hairloss or not, such as stress, diet, exercise, etc, however, even scientists and researchers have not concluded for sure ALL the factors that may contribute. That being said...Nervous has given you some great advice. Genetics are pretty difficult to overcome. You are either preprogrammed to lose hair or not. Eat healthy, work out as hard as you want...you will be fine. If you are losing your hair...get on finasteride and maybe try minoxodil too if you don't mind a messy regimine.



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Isn't it true he started to go blind and his face was stuck in one position?? Check out the last photo in the photo album section. That's the face!! icon_biggrin.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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You BASTARDS!!!!!!!!


I shared that with all of you in the utmost PRIVACY!!!!!!!!!!


Now my secret is out!!!!!!!!!!


You guys think your sooooooooooo funny, icon_biggrin.gif



Anyway, I have always heard that excessive masturbation is a sign of high intelligence and untameable sexual potency...... LOL


So, I guess I fit with both categories so that is the cause of my excessive baldness......


IMAGINE if I still had a full head of hair????


It would not be fair to the rest of you guys or members of the opposite sex........


You guys are the best icon_biggrin.gif

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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