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For those of you planning on having/have a boy

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  • Senior Member

Hey everyone,


i was thinking about this before, im not sure why but i was.


Well im only 21 but i plan on living the normal life and well eventually get married and have children. and i guess its 50% 50% chance, the child will be a boy. its better getting a boy or a girl than a wife who thought she was pregnant but instead got fat(haha stupid joke)


well anyway i know that hair loss is not 100% hereditary, but i guess there is a chance for my(your son) to have MPB.


well for those who have lost a severity of their hair at a young age, will you have a sit down with your son about it or have him find out on his own, tell him to do research on his own? there are many different ways i guess, which way would you choose to inform him? and of course im talking about when he reaches a mature age 18+.


i know it may sound weird but i hated when my dad said "hairless is nothing a lot of people have it", even though this is true, this is not what a young person wants to hear.

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  • Senior Member

Hey everyone,


i was thinking about this before, im not sure why but i was.


Well im only 21 but i plan on living the normal life and well eventually get married and have children. and i guess its 50% 50% chance, the child will be a boy. its better getting a boy or a girl than a wife who thought she was pregnant but instead got fat(haha stupid joke)


well anyway i know that hair loss is not 100% hereditary, but i guess there is a chance for my(your son) to have MPB.


well for those who have lost a severity of their hair at a young age, will you have a sit down with your son about it or have him find out on his own, tell him to do research on his own? there are many different ways i guess, which way would you choose to inform him? and of course im talking about when he reaches a mature age 18+.


i know it may sound weird but i hated when my dad said "hairless is nothing a lot of people have it", even though this is true, this is not what a young person wants to hear.

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I would not have a sit down. There are too many uncertainties about life: what's the point of bringing up something that may or may not affect him. It would be like discussion with your son (OR DAUGHTER) that there's a chance that they may be infertile. Part of life is dealing with its challenges as they present themselves, not worrying about them in advance.


That being said: If a parent notices that their son is losing hair at an early age and the son is visibly troubled by it, that might be a more appropriate time to discuss.


Just my thoughts. (From a guy who's dealt with both hair loss and infertility.

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sorry i meant to clarify that i meant in that situation, in which he is showing signs of losing hair.


and im sorry to hear that you are infertile, i hope you were able to cope with it, im sure it was hard to hear.

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I inherited depression from both parents.


I inherited acne-prone skin.


I inherited a deviated septum in my nose that's taken $8,000 in surgery so far and it's not done yet.


I inherited a set of teeth that took around $100,000 worth of orthodontic work & major jaw surgery before I was 16 years old just to straighten them out.




Male pattern baldness? Man, just put it on the list.


At least the MPB one will probably be more treatable than some of the others by the time it's relevant to them.




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I was very lucky--except for MPB--I inherited nearly perfect health and a high metabolism.


My brother was the opposite. His hair is absolutely Greek God perfect, with a natural wave, but he has so many health problems that he is in the hospital 1-2 times per year at age 39.


Given the choice, I'd take MPB.


1st HT with Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, Bangkok, Thailand - 18 JUL 07 - 3300 grafts (FUT) - US$6,930


2st HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 31 JUL 10 - 2249 grafts (FUT) - US$2,200


3rd HT with Dr. Pathuri Madhu, Hyderabad, India - 26 JUL 11 - 320 grafts (FUE) touch up - US$0


My Hair Loss Weblog


My opinions are my own. I am not paid by, nor do I receive any benefits from ANY hair-related website, clinic, or doctor for my posts.

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I wouldn't say anything to the kid.


When i was sixteen in Biology class back in school (12 years ago), i had a biology teacher who could predict who in the class would go bald when they were older. Back then i had long hair, it was brush thick as well. I was known in the class as Jesus. Anyway, he went from desk to desk and sniggered at the people that would go bald. He was right about me. One of the other lads he sniggered at that day is bald now as well. At the time i laughed it off. But he was right. But the point is what difference will it make if you tell a person or not. We can't do an awful lot about it.


I recently heard on the radio that you can predict if someone will encounter hair loss as early as the age of 10. Some boys at that age have a higher hairline and more of a horse shoe shape to their hairline. I ve also heard that certain haircolours in this case are more suseptable to encounter hair loss.

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What a dork. That's almost like laughing at certain students for having zits or something.


If I was that teacher, I wouldn't have said anything to those kids even if I was pretty sure of my guesses about it. And I'm not just saying that because I've got MPB now; I would've felt this way before I had any hair thinning. That just sounds kind of cruel.




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Kids have plenty to worry about without throwing MPB in the mix. I would not say anything until it became apparent that he starts losing some hair. At that point just kep an open door so he can exress his problem and you can suggest an accept it or fight it approach.


Badger, your teacher was a real A-HOLE! I guess he was bald himself?? Hope he got fired for his antics. What if your own son were called out in class and humiliated for beginning stages of baldness? I hope an angry parent caught up with him in a dark alley somewhere.





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I didn't have to bring it up; my son asked about it last year at 16 yrs old. He simply asked if he would lose his hair like I did. I explained as much about the nuances of hair loss as I could, my particular pattern, inheritance, etc. He is a VERY mature and rationale young man. He wasn't too concerned about it really. And, now that he sees how my transplant is turning out, he doesn't worry at all. Although I'm one of the lucky ones: my baldness hardly seemed like baldness until I was in my late 30's and still wasn't dramatic. If it had been early N6 or 7 like some 20 something guys I've seen, then maybe it would have concerned him more I guess.


We also lucked out on the genetics: great skin, naturally lean muscular bodies, and of course good looks icon_biggrin.gif Just luck in a manner of speaking. My mother got a little frisky while my dad was in Vietnam and here I am. My brother and sister however have the same dad. My sister is terribly obese with horrible skin and my brother is a N7 at 34 yrs old.

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  • Senior Member

By the time you have kids that are losing their hair will be at least 20 years from now. I wouldn't worry about it because either A: there will be huge breakthroughs by then and everything will be good, or B: by that point we will be more worried about the fallout of the dirty bombs and gasses and water poisonings that destroyed Washington D.C. 5 years prior or something like that (not to sound like a crazy "sky-is-falling" doomsday nutcase or anything)

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