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Dr. Leavitt, "Medical Hair Restoration "


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p.s. Although I have had a transplant, I have seen MHR's consent form. MHR, among other things, asks the client to consent to jurisdication in Seminole County, FL so that all disputes will have to be adjudicated there - what a great way to build a relationship with your client's. Furthermore, the contract will define the number of grafts you are supposed to receive, while also stating that you will pay for any grafts received beyond that amount. This is particularly ridiculous since every dr. has to excise more than is required so as not to excise more, and cut you twice, if the first cutting were to fall short. So, this turns out to be a very convenient way to increase your session fee.



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I live within 20 minutes of MHR Orlando. But after researching their methods/results, I wouldn't let them touch my head with a twenty mile pole. There are MUCH better doctors in Florida, 2 of which are featured on this website.

But no matter what, do your own research and remember the best doctors usually need the least advertising.

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Hey Mario -


My father had 3 sessions with Dr. True in NYC and is very pleased. I also think that my dad's restored hair is looking excellent and no one at all even knows the difference. Friends and new people he meets in front of me just assume it's his hair. I recall an instance of me debating with someone the virtues of plastic surgery (i run a plastic surgery company) and he said well your father would never do it. I laughed to myself.


At any rate, I am myself now looking to strategically begin work on my hairline which is receding - I still have a good head of hair but I'm starting to use methods to conceal the receding area in the front. I was thinking about using his partner in Los Angeles where I am who is Dr. Elliott.


So the long and short, do you know anything about Elliott & True the group?


Here's their Url: http://www.elliottandtrue.com


Any response appreciated -



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I don't trust MHR. They use salesmen to "consult" with patients, and show you videos and photographs in a book, which can be very deceptive. You really have to talk directly to the doctor who will do your work, not some cheesy salesman! Those "consultant" guys have been trained to say anything they have to say, to talk you into getting their plastic surgery. They work on commission! Would you trust a guy like that to be completely honest? Hell no! These guys are no better than sleazy used car salesmen trying to sell you a lemon. They have no medical background whatsoever. Also, with photos and videos, you don't get to see the back of patients heads, or see them from all angles. That is VERY IMPORTANT, think about it! Demand to see as many patients as possible, guys who don't work for the company!


If you're thinking about getting a hair transplant, my first recommendation based on my own experience is "don't do it!". But if you won't believe me, and really think you might be interested, INSIST on seeing as many current and former patients as possible. Not just one or two! Even the WORST doctor can manage to get it right once or twice! They should be patients that your specific doctor, who will do you, has done. And not just the guys who work for the company, who are there in the office!!! MHR is a big chain, and you shouldn't trust that the photos you see will be what you look like when you're done. Sure, they can show you a book with even a hundred excellent results, but that is only a hundred out of thousands of patients total. There are tens of thousands of guys who have gone on to wear wigs, wear hats every day, and even kill themselves over bad transplants. If your salesman has a good transplant, gee, no kidding, why do you think he works in their office?


Don't make the same mistake I did. I had an extremely crappy transplant from Dr. Carlos Puig, who now works for MHR. Dr. Puig was working for Cleveland Hair Clinic at the time. He had also hired a salesman ("consultant" they are called officially) who told me all kinds of lies. "Totally undetectable", that was the biggest lie of all. They say things to prey on your insecurities, like "Take control of your life, by taking control of your baldness! Do something positive for yourself!" Also, they said I'd only need a few hundred grafts, what they call "lowballing", in order to make it seem cheaper and easier than it really is. Because they know once you get started down this path, there is no turning back, you can't "undo" a hair transplant! It's something you will have to live with for the rest of your life! So then they can sign you up for more and more procedures, until you run out of money or out of donor hair. When I complained that they hadn't come through on any of their promises (I look terrible) They told me I had "unrealistic expectations"!


It's great that the fellow who runs this site got a good result, that he seems happy with, but that is not the case with the overwhelming majority of guys. Not everybody looks as good as Pat when they're done! Check out this website about Bosley, they are the biggest transplant clinic in the world, and you will learn some of the sales tricks to watch out for when you visit ANY of these doctors:



Cleveland Hair Clinic was eventually disbanded due to patient complaints, I don't believe they are a national chain any more, but any one out there who might be thinking of having Dr. Puig work on them, I can tell you his credentials might seem good, but he is an unethical doctor and he gives lousy results. Ask any doctor you're considering if he's been sued before by an unhappy patient, before you let him touch you. Don't talk to salesmen!!!! Ask them what their policy is for patients who are dissatisfied with their results. If they pretend "Why, we have NEVER HAD a dissatisfied patient before!", run like hell!

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Your post seems a little fishy, it reads like it was "written" by an ad guy for the clinic you seem to be a shill for. It's a little too "Hallmark" if you know what I mean. And the fact that you say you own a plastic surgery company makes your testimonial sound really cheesey.


But maybe you are a real person, so I'll ask you: does Elliot & True use salesmen (I mean "consultants") to sell people on their clinic? Or do they speak directly with the doctor who will do their surgery?


What is their policy on unsatisfied customers?


How many clinics are in their chain?


Have any of the doctors in their chain ever been recommended by Spencer Kobren at www.theBaldTruth.com? He is a consumer activist, and has a list of doctors he recommends.


Also, this is a thread about MHR, why don't you post your glowing praise in a thread about Elliot & True, and let us discuss MHR here.



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Thanks, for the advice and the sarcasm.

D.O.= don't operate-that's funny. How about osteo"pathetic" doctor?

Anyway you seem to know a bit about medical training. Are you in med school or do you just know the difference between DO and MD.

Anyway since you're so smart who would you go see to have your hair done.

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Hi Arfy!


You have your right to have skepticism about the integrity of posters and I apologize for interrupting the discussion here. I was merely replying to Mario questioning the integrity of Elliott & True. Now as far as a glowing review, well my...DAD...had 3 sessions and he looks great. So what do you want me to say. As far as owning a PS company, why would that discredit my integrity. If anything, I am on the consumer advocacy side and want to find the best doctors for myself and my clients - none of whom are in hair transplants - they're all women. I am shoppijng for myself and I am just struck that my dad found a good doctor on his own. And I am equally struck that plastic surgeons that I respect and are highly respected recommend him too.


To be honest, I am just shopping for me. I don't have the answers on your guy and whether they are recommended. I am having a consultation with Dr. Elliott. However, I know from seeing with my own eyes that my father's look is natural and great. He was totally bald. I'll ask him if he's into letting me get some photos. My father is a wealthy guy who takes care of himself, so he did his research.


I will let you know what I find. However, I would hope that you would be open minded as I only want to lend positivity and integrity and honesty to this discussion.


I may ultimately go to Shapiro for all I know or some other doctor. Who knows, I'm just telling you from a first-hand experience that Dr. True did a really good job on my FATHER. period. I don't know other patients and I am going to my first consultation in my life as far as hair transplant this week.


I will not return to this discussion - you can find me in the Elliott & True thread. Even Pat is investigating them.


We'll see indeed.


Take care

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If I may mention..it is quite interesting hearing Dr refferals from men whom have had absolutely no HT work done...let alone arguing over who is the best..how would you know ?..however..I do think your father is a great person to trust..I certainly would trust my Pops results ? Of equal importance is be certain you have a great deal of Donar hair for your age..I have observed a lot of unhappy men..had surgery at a young age..hair receeded further and OOOPS!!! no more donar hair...this sets up very disgruntled feelings...then its easy to slam the industry, primarily because you were not the best candidate for HT.

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You make it sound like it is a young man's fault if he gets a hair transplant, and it turns out to be a bad decision:


"I have observed a lot of unhappy men..had surgery at a young age..hair receeded further and OOOPS!!! no more donar hair...this sets up very disgruntled feelings...then its easy to slam the industry, primarily because you were not the best candidate for HT."


The fact is that ETHICAL doctors will not perform surgery on a fellow who is young, or who's future pattern of loss is still unknown! By suggesting it is a young man's responsibility to know that he is not a good candidate, you are blaming the victim! It is most certainly the DOCTOR'S responsibility to decide who is or is not a good candidate! Unfortunately, the ethical doctors in this sleazy business are rare! Most doctors believe that if you have some money, and are losing hair, you are ripe for the picking!

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I am all for HT...I had one..and am happy..I just hear of a lot of young guys with big expectations..go through all the donar hair they have then..trauma..I am an advocate of the surgery, but have heard of a lot of guys out of hair...thats all....most of these guys went to Dr's who took all thier $$$ and ran out reserve hair supplies...Overall I love the results you can obtain..and wish all good luck.

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Hi arfy and NW -


I am going in to my first consultation and certainly the issue of not being able to quantify the hair loss pattern will be raised as well as whether there would be adequate donor supply. However, I would think that a doctor should also know who is a good candidate and a competent one would also use only the requisite amount of hair that is needed and try to limit excess from being drawn out. Certainly, I would think a very good doctor should be able to do this since it is an issue for any person whether they are just early in the hair loss cycle or at a more advanced level. I will definitely raise these issues in my consultation. Indeed my father's results are great. HOwever, I did not recommend Dr. True - all I said is that my father had 3 HT sessionns with him and the results are great. That's all. SO I do not recommend anyone unless I have also had first-hand experience.


We'll see - I'm seeing his partner Dr. Elliott in Los Angeles.


Yet don't you think that a good doctor would be able to start doing a session now and just minimize the amount of hair extracted by being strategic even if I am young and my hair loss pattern is not fully evident yet?


Any feedback appreciated.

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Arfy..I like your approach..you have a family member with experience..this is 1st choice..I agree with the thought that a good doctor will do an honest evaluation of your future supply of donar hair...but still be careful, <supply> it seems like the #1 problem with unhappy patients. I waited till 40 but I think 30 is reasonable, any earlier seems to me like a guessing game. I was so happy with my results that I overlooked the unhappy guys...started reading this hair page..and found out the majority of them ran out of hair, But you most likely have a wealth of hair in the back and will be satisfied..and I wish you good results..I do think most of the Dr's quoted on this site have legitimate backgrounds. Hopefully research will take us all into easier solutions. One more thing...stick with the Propecia.

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  • 6 years later...
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I had a ht at MHR in Orlando by a physician named Dr. Marco Barusco. He placed 2300 transplants in my frontal and crown area. He did a fantastic job, took the time to educate me with "realistic" expectations since I am blonde headed with fair hairs..he stated that I would most definately need an additional procedure to "thicken the density" of the frontal and crown areas. I had my first ht procedure in Nov 2006 and am scheduled for another 2000 4-8hair grafts to "thicken" the areas in question. I did fly in for a consult so he could validate my growth and made the decision to thicken the area. Not MHR physicians are assholes. I did use Dr. Puig in 1997 and was not satisified with his results. He should retire..but as for MHR..it depends on the physician. No salesman talked to me..the doctor himself did.

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Can you start a weblog so we can see your results; what do you mean by 4-8 hair grafts? we typically do not recommend MHR on here because their results are not consistent; you may have got good results, but we would need a weblog with high quality pictures, pre-op, immediate post-op, and 1 year post-op and at differant angles to validate what you are saying;

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I encourage you to start a new thread to share your experience with us as this thread is about 6 years old and very few will probably read this thread.


What concerns me is that if Dr. Barusco is using 4-8 hair grafts (referred to "minigrafts"), he is using outdated technology. The standard now is follicular unit transplantation using 1-4 haired grafts as they grow naturally. Click here to read about the evolution of hair transplantation.


Best wishes,



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Yes, please post some pictures. I live 45 minutes away from the MHR Orlando office and would be very interested in an objective

assessment of Dr. Barusco's work. He has never been mentioned here before either postively or negatively and I agree that it is as critical to evaluate the individual surgeon as it is the organization as a whole.



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6 year old thread-- revived to talk about MHR.


PCC is right-- we need a seperate thread and some deatiled pics in order to evaluate the work.


However, given that everyone mentions it is "luck of the draw" as to how good a doc is, why even take the chance?


Look forward to seeing the pics.


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 1 month later...
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Horse , Hang tough my man. You are not alone these guys are miscreants to say the least.

PM me .

Hey Bill -

I have a great idea. How about a rouges gallery, while free speach is still available?

If you think you are liable for giving a platform in order to expose the disease in this INDUSTRY you are wrong as you are not responsible for what ANYONE says here. Provided it is not entirely untrue.

The reality of what so few have done to so many would make Wes Craven puke.



A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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