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Am I losing my hair?


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Well, here's an attachment.


I'm 15 years old finished puberty (I think) and since my dad's bald I assume I will be bald too, I just really hope I won't...


Does the picture show any sign of baldness? Lately I've been losing alot of hair, maybe it's because it's summer, I don't have a clue.


Thanks in advance,



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Well, here's an attachment.


I'm 15 years old finished puberty (I think) and since my dad's bald I assume I will be bald too, I just really hope I won't...


Does the picture show any sign of baldness? Lately I've been losing alot of hair, maybe it's because it's summer, I don't have a clue.


Thanks in advance,


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You don't have to assume that you'll be bald if your dad is. As the baldness gene is recessive, it has to be recieved from both parents.


If you are displaying a thinning of the hairline, it seems quite possible that this is the beginning of male pattern baldness. A professional opinion from a qualified physician (a dermatologist perhaps) might be a wise course for you.



"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


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It's not thinning, yet...


I'm just asking.. By looking at those pictures, can you say the balding process has began? If so just say yes it won't be a huge shock...


If none of you can say, I'll go visit a doctor, but at least tell me what you think.

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It only looks like you are losing a lot of hair, because they are long. As far as hair, if you are going to end up like your father - it will most likely start with temples. Maybe try taking pictures every couple of months and try to compare them. From the picture it looks like you do have a high forehead, but your temples look fine (unless it's hair covering them). You probably want to wait a couple years before you start on Propecia or anything if this gets worse.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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thanks, i'll take pictures in a few months and compare, maybe i'm not losing hair but your theory of "more noticable hair" is right...


thing is, right now i'm wearing nothing but a towel (heh) as i just left the shower, i pulled my hair softly to find any hairs that are about to fall and in total i lost about 20, I assume I'm losing about 100 hairs a day, isn't that abnormal?


could it be stress? i'm in a really stressed mood lately, and the stress also causes me to scratch every inch of my body (that includes the head) and when i scratch i scratch hard, believe me


could it be the stress&scratch combo?


thanks in advance


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actually - I believe the number you mentioned - 100 hairs - is what a healthy person loses a day (you might want to do a search on it on internet). I also grew my hair long when I was your age, and had the same concerns. At one point I actually cut them short, believing that being long makes them fall out. Stress can be a factor - but so can be your diet, and a thousand other things. As far as scratching, I wouldn't worry about it too much, as long as there is no bleeding involved. Again, I would just keep my eye on those temples - that's where it usually starts.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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You have a healthy looking head of hair, what is great is that you can possibly address your MPB early on and never go fully bald like Dad.


MPB drugs - are a personal decision and some chose not to use Propecia etc... I respect thier own decisions, but I "do" take Propecia and it has curbed my hairloss, after all you are fighting a genetic battle.


At this point you may opt to do absolutely nothing, and just keep an eye on things, since you really have a healthy head of hair. A bit of temple recession doesnt always mean you are going to be "crome dome" bald, in fact slight temple recession makes a man look like a man !.


At this point dont worry, stay hairloss educated, enjoy your youth.


And I would bet your future hair options will keep you from being bald like Dad. If you see a serious bald pattern starting see a dermatologist, ask about options. In my opinion you may not even need Propecia at this point ?. A good dermatologist can determine if you have any hair miniturization, which is what happens when you hair waves good-bye and does not come back (balding), see what he/she says ?


NW icon_cool.gif


[This message was edited by NW on July 06, 2003 at 08:49 AM.]

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heh, thanks, this really helped alot icon_smile.gif i'm worrying less icon_biggrin.gif


also sorry about my grammar, it's not like i'm retarded but I speak dutch and hebrew mostly, english is just a language i learned


again, thanks for your help!

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You don't have to assume that you'll be bald if your dad is. As the baldness gene is recessive, it has to be recieved from both parents.



I don't think this is accurate. i believe you can inheret baldness from EITHER parent. And if there is a baldness gene on BOTH sides, your chances of becoming bald are much greater (though still not 100%).


But I don't see how anyone can say from that one photo that he is balding and thinning. It looks like a normal full head of hair. But there is no closeup, no top view, etc and no earlier photo for comparison.


tsachi, when I was 15, 20 or even 30 I kept looking at my dad who was a class 6, and wondering how many years I had left before that was me. I'm 47 now, and still keeping a close eye on my slowly receding hairline. But now I know I'm not going to look like my dad, who lost most of his hair by age 35.


One more thing: It is normal for your hairline to recede slightly, as you age. So keep one eye on your hair, one eye on this website and both eyes focused on your life and the rest of the world.

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you never really did see my temples in any pictures, so they're kind of worthless :\


my dad has serious signs of baldness by the age of 22.


just a few more years of maintaining my hair and i'll find out...


my mother's side doesn't have any baldness, hell, my grandfather (mom's side) is 62 and still has alot of hair icon_biggrin.gif


my dad's side is just filled with bald people though :\


oh well, never mind me...

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I'm not a big fan of counting hairs. I think it gets people too stressed out, and you need to take a longer-term view of your hair loss.


Tsachi, what I would do is wait a couple of years, and then get on Propecia (or whatever is the latest drug available at that time). Propecia should prevent you from losing your hair, but I think you need to be an adult to use it. You should discuss this with a dermatologist, and see if he tells you you are too young.


I think it is pretty likely that if you take action, you will never be bald.

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You are 15? Don't worry, I am 21 and sometimes I think I am nuts, but you are 15, you are nuts. However if your dad was bald at 22, you may not be nuts, try taking saw palmetto, it stopped my shedding, maybe it can help you with out a need for an rx or anything of that such.




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About inheriting baldness:


In my case, I definitely inherited the "family hairloss gene" from my father's side. I have cousins with almost identical hairloss. They got that from my aunt on my father's side.

My brother has thick, wonderful hair that is quite the envy. Probably from my mother's side.

Two brothers with very similar facial features but ENTIRELY different hair.

Lucky bastard! icon_smile.gif



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If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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People have made very good points here, however my case is different from the usual ones. No-one in my family is bald, not on my dads side and not on my mothers side. I am however, so it doesnt always work that if your dad has hair you will also and vice versa. Although most people whose dad goes bald will unfortunately also go bald early from what i have seen. I started to lose my hair at 16/17 and at first denied it for a while until it really began to get noticeable when i had it long, bring on the crewcuts.. Anyway what I would suggest is that you monitor 2 things, the amount of hair that falls out; by this I dont mean count it but simply get an idea of how accelerated this process is. For example when i was that age i was studying for my exams and when i use to sit at my desk i use to notice hundreds of hair fall out each day every time i bent my head down; black hair on white paper is very noticeable and depressing. Also check your pillow in the mornings and see how much hair is there. The second thing to monitor is your temples, check these every week to see if they have receeded further. If you find that you are losing a lot of hair and your temples are receeding then unfortunately you probably are going bald. More depressingly men who go bald young lose a lot of their hair and lose it quickly so go and see a dermatologist if this is the case. A normal doctor will not be very helpful, tried this and the guy didnt seem very interested. Most importantly if you do come to realise you are suffering from MPB dont sit and do nothing for 3 years like me. Get on treatments such as minoxidil, propecia etc as you will regret not saving what you had later in life. But remember that is if you are going bald, if not stop worrying and enjoy life.

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Quite interesting ! now I know who to blame, since my Dad does have a full head of hair & I did not. (do now..lol)


Interestingly Blue eye's are recessive as well, 2 blue eye'd parents will always have a blue eye'd child etc..etc.. the genetic chart is very similiar to the MPB.


Thanks !


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I would say thinning hair is diff to mpb; my dad has been thinning since 1992 and my grandad since 1982. My dad is not even on the norwood scale yet, maybe touching on 1, grandad is about 3. I am 4 and have been balding for 3, 4 years.

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I can't agree more with the comment about studying and seeing hair on your notebook. Well I never see hundreds of them. I used to see a lot tho, prolly one or two for each page of math problems I did, then I started proscar and saw palmetto and I never see any. Also I started loosing my hair, and first notice around 17( checked the back of my hair for my prom) I was in denial too until I was 19 or so and it had gotton worse, and I was still in denial, but started using rogaine, when rogaine didn't grow back all my hair in 3 months, I said I wasn't going bald I just had a jack up spot in the back of my head, probably from parting my hair there all the time. Still in denial. I finally accepted the fact that I am really loosing my hair about 2 months ago and ordered proscar. I am lucky because my hair loss has been very very slow. Not doing anything about my hair loss for almost 5 years make me SO upset, if I got on proscar when I was 17 I'd be mint.




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Honestly, his hairline looks like mine did at 15. If it's similar to my situation he'll notice his temples receeding ever so slightly for the next 3 years(but nothing to get worried over). However, at 18-19 I started to lose my hair a bit faster. I'd say that in the 5 years since I turned 18 I've gone from not being on the NW scale to being a NW3 or NW4(probably closer to 4). Because this kid's dad had hairloss in his early 20s he should be able to tell if he's going to follow a similar path at around 18-20. If so then he should do something about it. Before 18 I wouldn't advise propecia, although rogaine may work in that situation.


BTW, my younger brother is only 18 and has had a ton of hairloss in the past 12-15 months. I really feel for the kid, as it's looking like he's going to look like our dad by the time he's my age.


On a side note, since there was a discussion of family histories in this thread, my dad and his brother are pretty bald(NW5-6), which they mainly got from their mother. My mom's side is all women, although they're beginning to have thinner hair in their 40s and 50s. I think they got it from their mother(my grandmother), as my grandfather had a pretty thick head of hair into his 70s before some medications caused it to thin greatly.

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