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Ready to "do it"!


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For starters, Pat, I've been reading this forum for a long time. I can't say "thank-you" enough for providing such an open and honest forum for education.


I sent my pictures to Hasson and Wong last week, and have been in contact with Christina.


I'd like Dr. Hasson to perform my transplant because his reputation is excellent, and his patient reviews and photos speak for themselves.


Here's my before. I can't wait to post my afters!



4700 fu w/Dr. Hasson on 3/1/07

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When are you scheduled? Any way if you can post more photos of donor area and sides etc., that way when the job is complete it gives us the total picture of his mastery. You'll be in good hands.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I'd suggest you start massaging your scalp. While you can do nothing regarding your donor availability, you can affect your HT in a positive way by having good laxity. Cheers.

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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Guest Cousin_It

Another important tip, start some medication, such as Propecia for as long as possible before the transplant, this will minimize "shock loss" of your miniaturized native hair. This is very important, since these follicles may not come back once they fall. The more prepared you are, the better, in this respect. Good Luck!

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  • Senior Member



Salt N Peppa has given you good advice, do a search on Hassong and Wong scalp exercises and you will find it. It may even be on You Tube as well, Jotronic is a rep who does the video.


I am sure you have made a great decision to go with Hassong, many on here have so they can expand on their experiences for you.


Good Luck





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Welcome to the forums and congratulations on selecting an outstandin physician. I'm currently 7 weeks post op from my third HT (first with Dr. Hasson). Feel free to check out my pictures below. Obviously since it's early, you won't see any growth yet, but I'm excited to say that this surgery out of all the others has given me the LEAST amount of temporary shockloss, has been the cleaneast surgery, the least amount of swelling, AND the most amount of grafts.


My friends have given you some good advice above...a handy checklist if I may:


1. Get on Finasteride ASAP either via 1/4 tablet of Proscar daily or 1 tablet of Propecia daily.


2. You may also (after your surgery) consider trying minox...however, I personally don't use it...too much scalp irritation and didn't cause any regrowth. Rogan foam might be worth trying.


3. Start doing scalp massages ASAP. JoTronic has posted a nice video on the Hasson and Wong website with an instructional on how to do them. I firmly believe Dr. Hasson was was able to get more grafts due to my increased laxity from the scalp exercises.


4. Follow all preop advice that Hasson and Wong give you...they are all very helpful and will not do you any wrong.


5. Relax...don't let anxiety get the best of you. There's not much else for you really to do but enjoy the ride...Vancouver is beautiful! My wife and I both went up there for my surgery. My only regret is that we didn't have more time to spend there.



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How are you trying to get a hold of Dr. Hasson? Did you call the clinic? Someone is always there to answer the phone. Did you do a virtual consult? I know I saw on another post at some point that Joe didn't receive someone else's virtual consultation pictures...so you might want to call to confirm they did or didn't receive them. You can also try emailing:








They normally get back to me within a day. But if you call the clinic, you can talk to someone right away.


Hope that helps.



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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

good news.


I'm set to have surgery on March 1st with Dr. Hasson.


I'll take some more "before" shots and some "afters" when I get home.


I'm pretty excited,,,I've been thinking of doing this for more than 10 years!

4700 fu w/Dr. Hasson on 3/1/07

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H_T -


Cograts.....I'm sure you're psyched! Look forward to seeing the befores so we can compare. Stay in touch.....



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

well, I had my pre-op visit today with Dr. Hasson.


Long flight from Atlanta with a lay over in Salt Lake...I was pretty tired when I got to the office. Christina met me with a very friendly "Welcome".


I was a little nervous before I met him, but his confidence is contagious. Dr. Hasson said I had good laxity, and a good donor area. Surgery is tomorrow.


I'm overdue for pictures..I'll post my before and afters when I get home.

4700 fu w/Dr. Hasson on 3/1/07

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  • Senior Member

Take it easy and relax!!!!!!!


Your going to have a great time and the hair fairy is going to make all your dreams come true!!!!!!


We'll be here waiting when you get back buddy!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hair Tomorrow,


Like HK500 pointed out, today is your big day. Congratulations in advance. I'm glad this community was able to play a role in helping you get top flight surgical restoration.


We will all be excited to see your photos.


So now you'll be hair in a few months rather than tomorrow.


Best wishes for rapid healing and growth.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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HairTomorrow, you will soon be needing to change your handle to HairEveryDay. icon_smile.gif Good luck, and please tell Dr. Hasson that Bushy says hi.


My blog.


HT1: 4063 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 12/9/03


HT2: 3537 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 5/15/06


Total grafts: 7,600

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Thanks Guys, just got home (1am in Atlanta).






4700 hairs total.


What a day yesterday was. For starters...I couldn't believe I was has having a transplant. I felt very, very little pain or discomfort. It was nothing worse than getting a cavity filled..the first needle is the worse, then you don't feel much of any thing.


Dr. Hasson is an old pro, and his technicians kept things light and upbeat. I even shared a few laughs with Jodi - Jodi, if you're out there, I never would have thought I'd write this, but you made the transplant fun. Everyone in Dr. Hasson's office was nice.


Pretty much watched TV and looked at the incredible view of Vancouver...I was totally relaxed the whole time. When it was finished (about 6ish) Jodi took me through my post-op instructions. One piece of advice she gave me that is really worth sharing, don't wait til you're feeling pain before you start taking the tylenol#3...I just started to feel it yesterday at about 7pm, started taking the Tylenol, and I haven't felt an ounce of pain in more than 24 hours.


Few other random thoughts/advice. The Grandville Hotels location is great. Not the fanciest hotel, but it's right on the water, and it's right in the middle of a bunch of great restaurants, art galleries, theater and the public market. Christina suggested the public market for food, it was a good choice. Basically, you can get anything from fresh sushi, to organic fruits, to pizza. The market has an overlook of the harbor, so you can eat, and enjoy the yachts cruising by.


The only regret I have is that I didn't spend more time in Vancouver. The city is so nice; I'm planning a vacation with my wife for this summer.


Dr. Hasson, Christina, Jodi, Doug, everyone at Hasson & Wong, thanks for taking such good care of me...it made all the difference in the world.


Your Friend,


Mark (aka "Flatch")

4700 fu w/Dr. Hasson on 3/1/07

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Looks like a totally clean surgery. They did an awesome job. Just a matter of time and you'll be a new man.


Did you mean 4700 FU? That is what it looks like to me. Obviously there is a difference.


Vancouver is such an awesome city. I am booking my flight out there for a trip in early April for some skiing. Can't wait.


Glad everything worked out so well for you. Keep us posted.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks Bill.


That old boy is a 12year old Great Dane...He never had his ears cropped. Ridgeback and dane do look very much alike.


Three days post op, and no problems to report (knock on wood). Little tight around the staples, but no pain or discomfort to speak of.

4700 fu w/Dr. Hasson on 3/1/07

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Thanks for the update, H_T-


Always a fan of Dr. H's work! Looks like he worked temples into the hairline as well, what a bonus.


I'm with NN, did you have 4700 hairs or grafts? Looks like grafts............let us know. We're all numbers guys here icon_cool.gif!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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