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Domies Log - 1 YEAR update!


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Originally posted by domie:

thanks for the comments guys, its always refreshing to get positive nods from the knowledgable HRRF crowd, you all rock!


you are so right about the "ride" troy, without a doubt this is the biggest decision i have ever made. at times "the voices" can kick in and try and play mind games, but the level of anxiety has faded in the light of anticipation for the coming results. also the healing process has made things much easier, not feeling so "fragile."


eman, i flew from sf to vancouver late wed night, had surgery thursday, flew home friday evening (including a bart ride through sf and oakland with a car full of "gangstas" around midnight, then walked 2 miles home from the station), rested at home sat and sun, and worked monday morning. i wore a hat until my staples were removed (by a friend) 10 days later, shaved the domb that day with a #1-3 (pics are up, should be helpful to your situation). the redness is still there but not that noticable and fades everyday. just get a little sun before you go, i had zero for months before my procedure and it has not been an issue for me.


dr wong had given me the exact same count and i ended up (very happily!) with over 4900. you have no idea how nervous i was making the decision, i was wrecked for a few weeks debating the options. after getting my facts straight and knowing the process, for me it boiled down to, "do i want to shave my head for the rest of my life? (because thats all that was left to do without any styling options left) or do i want to do something about this look i hate?" after that simple fact, the decision was much easier for me. when i was in the chair, whenever the word "scalpel" popped in my head, i just thought of that nagging feeling i had every single time i looked in the mirror... and i made it through what was not easy for me personally. icon_smile.gif


hope that helps you out, and again thank you all for being a part of the ride!


Same here, I often question whether or not I'm making the right decision - especially during weekends or extended holidays where I don't have to go out in public and I'm around family only. Those are the times when I think, do I really need this? Without actually having to "deal" with hairloss, avoiding mirrors isn't the biggest problem in life.


But, Monday comes around and I have to deal with the same old shit in the car, ie - trying to pull what little forelock I have left to cover the massive gaping holes in the temples. Miserably failing and walking around like an idiot for the rest of the day, taking 5 flights of stairs to avoid the elevator mirror, looking up at the sky to not see my reflection in my car. It gets old by about 9:15 and I know I'm making the right choice.

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time does fly! 2 month stage is here and although the pictures at this point are not too dramitic (hair wise), a lot has been gained in the areas of receding numbness and the "redness" fading. not one single person has noticed the "redness" to date (and wont at this point) and i have not wore a hat since the staples were removed. the donor scar has got to the point where it is next to impossible to find by touch and in some areas to even find visually. besides staying out of the sun, life is completely back to normal and all is well. just waiting for the crop to start sprouting! next update June 30th. take care fellahs!

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Looking good Domie, buzz cut and all and no sign of the scar!! Now I guess it is just wait and see. Thank you for keeping us all updated. I'm sure that time cannot go by fast enough for you to see more results.


Too bad about not being able to really be out in the sun. Here in Chicago the summer is so short that I would go stir crazy not being able to get a some sun and enjoy the heat.


Look forward to the next update!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • 1 month later...
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another sleepy weekend morning, another month, wow?! rolled outta' bed and snapped another handful of photos to share with the great HRRF crowd.


The progress is apparent in comparison to the previous months. Although i do feel that the pics look slightly more full (dense) than what i see in the mirror (or at certain angles), but a sign of whats to come! Amazing how gradual the process is, but i do feel an exponential growth rate is imminent. without doubt, im super-siked for month 4!


w00t w00t!

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Are you using anything to speed growth like Minoxidil or MSM?


Also as soon as your dye your hair blonde (if thats what you do) I believe the contrast will provide you with a much better cosmetic result.


But yeah the results are coming in great, looking forward to your updated progress!

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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i have not taken anything to speed growth. 1 month prior to the procedure i started taking propecia (1 a day), and as of today i have switched to proscar (i plan on taking it every other day). also, i have been taking a b-complex vitamin (almost daily).


i did bleach my hair prior to the surgery for exactly the reasons you stated. once it seems safe to do so, i may bleach it again... but this time i dont think it will be needed for any reasons related to density. icon_smile.gif and thanks jake, i look forward to keeping you posted!




thanks alot for your encouragement, you have always been helpful. it is a pleasure to share my experience with this great community.

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Your hair looks amazingly natural. Even at this early stage. Most, if not all HTs I see on this site look very good but do you think it's because you have blonde hair that it looks more natural. Is this the general feeling about Ht's that the lighter the hair the more natural it looks?

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hey no worries, im more than happy to share (and i plan on being prompt with my monthly updates). now that those first few milestones have been acheived in this process and the results are starting to become apparent... it is such a great feeling! one to share for sure!




without a doubt (in my experience), lighter hair has been much easier to conceal thinning, but i dont think it is lending much help to the "natural look" you refer to. the new hair has come in gradually and relatively even (so far)... so im lead to believe that the color of the hair does not make much of a difference in that respect. hope that helps. icon_smile.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...
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4 months my friends, and im happier by the day... GROW GROW GROW! still plenty of room for improvement, but it is so nice to see results starting to become apparent. in darker light theres a full hair line looking pretty sharp! in brighter light still looks pretty thin but its only month 4... i actually used a little STYLING GEL the other night?! woh!? suhwheet!!

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Congrats on the growth. Looks like it's starting to come along. The next few months should be fun for you to watch. Keep postin' the updates.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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AWESOME....you do have a hairline now. I cannot believe how good it looks and only at the four month mark. Your before and after pictures truly reflect the change. I cannot believe it and will probably gasp again in the next couple of months when you post more pictures.


Do you still think about your hair everyday?

What have friends and family said?

Can the scar be seen say after swimming?

What is your daily regimen in terms of care?


Sorry for all the questions, but just curious and again it is looking AWESOME!!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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troy/hairbank, im here to entertain you guys! after all you have done for this community (and personally influenced my decision)... sheesh, the very least i can do.


faceless, we're living the same dream (4gr range) i really hope my progress helps you out. and with the operations being so close in time as well... awesome! keep up that PMA (positive mental attitude)!


ugly, you know what you must do! icon_smile.gif


eman, yes i think about my hair everyday... but now its "YES!" as opposed to "ahh man" before the procedure. i forgot about it for a while, but now the fireworks are starting... kinda hard to turn away yaknow? the few friends that do know are starting to say "wow!" others that dont have no clue (as far as i can tell) although its tough to be patient at times, part of the beauty is how gradual the process is. people really do start to say, "hmm you look different? you been workin' out?" scar, its RIDICULOUS how minute it is. i forgot about that pretty much as soon as the staples were out. no way it could be seen swimming... im curious how it would look with a shaved head actually? besides proscar, no daily regimen.


no worries with the questions, im here to help how i can icon_smile.gif

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  • 5 weeks later...
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im five months post-op now, and loving the results. at this point the new hair is still somewhat thin (kinda whispy), but looks great in certain lighting. under close scrutiny, it could still use so more density... im very excited still for whats in store and very curious how far this will go? 6 months = 50% growth, is that what ive read? if im still under 50% IM ECSTATIC!


as mentioned, im 5 months post-op and been on the propecia/proscar for 6 months... i actually think i am getting that dreaded "shed" ive seen people talk about here. i've noticed alot of fine hairs shedding the last couple weeks... darn it! when do those come back again (a little help anyone)? kinda sucks its right in the middle of the new hair fireworks show, but nonetheless im pretty darn stoked! w00t!

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7 months and you will be loving life.. That's when my HT's really grew in and matured. At 1 year, you will be looking good because of both the HT and the propecia..


Good luck



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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looks great so far. Any idea what density did you get in the front part?



Originally posted by domie:

im five months post-op now, and loving the results. at this point the new hair is still somewhat thin (kinda whispy), but looks great in certain lighting. under close scrutiny, it could still use so more density... im very excited still for whats in store and very curious how far this will go? 6 months = 50% growth, is that what ive read? if im still under 50% IM ECSTATIC!


as mentioned, im 5 months post-op and been on the propecia/proscar for 6 months... i actually think i am getting that dreaded "shed" ive seen people talk about here. i've noticed alot of fine hairs shedding the last couple weeks... darn it! when do those come back again (a little help anyone)? kinda sucks its right in the middle of the new hair fireworks show, but nonetheless im pretty darn stoked! w00t!

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You're looking real god at only five months. Remember that the hairs not only grow longer but they grow thicker in diameter too and will continue to do so for a few months.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I'm very impressed by your results at this stage...........super! Imagine what a few months of thickening will do!! As for the shed, the resting phase of the follicle is between 6 weeks to 2 months, then the little guys will start growin' again.


Amazing results, congrats to you!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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