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Transplant Or Medication?

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I am 29, I live in San Francisco CA.I have had this hair thining going on for past 2 yrs.I don't know how to deal with this.


I want to do a Hair Transplant.Please Please help me with your suggestions.


Attached are the current picture of my hair.


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I am 29, I live in San Francisco CA.I have had this hair thining going on for past 2 yrs.I don't know how to deal with this.


I want to do a Hair Transplant.Please Please help me with your suggestions.


Attached are the current picture of my hair.

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Take propecia first and see the results ..This will also stop your loss. Lastly, what are your goals? Do you want a full head of hair or are you ok with your current look?

Good luck



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The previous advice given about finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) is right on. You're still young and need to see if finasteride will stop/stablize your hair loss.


You see, the shitty deal about hair loss is that you really don't know how much hair you're going to lose since you're still young. You can look at your family for an indication of what might happen down the road, but even that's not 100% accurate. You only have so much donor hair from the back and sides of your head that can be used for a transplant. If you rush out to get a hair transplant right now and fill in your thinning crown and deplete most of your donor hair, what will you do if your hairline suddenly starts receding like crazy? There may not be enough donor hair left to fill in this area.


As previously mentioned, get on finasteride and wait a year. If your hair loss stops then you'll be in a better position to make an informed decision.


In the meantime, use the 'Find' feature on this forum and search the archives for information. You'll find nearly every answer about hair loss that you may have!

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YOur hair is fairly short, and that would also make you a pretty good candidate for the Rogaine foam, which used in conjunction with Propecia may give superior results, particularly in areas where neither Propecia nor Rogaine would be very effective on their own.


The entire above statement is opinion. No studies using both have been done to my knowledge, however, I know of at least one top doctor on this site that encourages both, and the actions of both treatments appear different but complimentary.


mark h

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Thank you for all your posts.


My goal is to regrow the lost hair.


I am worried about a long time use of drugs (Propecia/Proscar), Is it possible to get results only with external drugs(Rogain Foam) or non-dependency creating drugs like vitamins etc?


Thank you

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Rogaine only works on the crown. So the best receipt is both.


your choice



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Rogaine increases vascular blood flow to your scalp and can be helpful by its self, does it work better in conjunction with propecia...from what I have read yes. Rogaine while not proven to grow in the temple regions can help to keep some of what you have. In general HT and Rx- meds (fin and dut) go hand in hand, as your goal is to prevent further loss (or at least slow it down) and increase the time between procedures too as long as possible. It is almost impossible to have a HT before 30 and not need to go back for more work in the future that is just the facts. So at some point you will have to decide what is more important hair or not taking meds? It is what it is...there are some cases (search "biscuit")he had a HT with Dr.Wong and did not take fin and his results are outstanding, however he was much older then you and had most of his hair that was dht susceptible fall... you I don't believe have.


Good luck, I am from the bay area and the docs local to our area are not that good...keep that in mind (look at the list of coalition docs on this site-no SF docs)

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Thirumbu, I hear you on the meds. I did NOT want to take them. Its a big comittment, its a costly one, and thats before you even consider possible side effects.


However, if you're going to spend all that money on an HT, it would be wise to confront the med issue head on, because you're going to need to protect your investment.


I take them now, and as a matter of fact the orange pill did give me a side effect...just yesterday in fact. Fortunately, I also have blue pills, and they very much compensate for the orange ones.


One last thing: both of these meds were recommended by my doctor, Dr. Cooley, one of the top HT doctors period, and I'd be interested if any of the other top doctors do not...I'm guessing they do. Shouldn't you listen to your doctor?

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Disagree with you on this, if you are telling him skip meds get a HT your going to by a NW6 anyway... I would say limit your posts...that's crap in my opinion. If you get a HT with out stabilizing your current hair the possibility of extensive shock loss is very very great, further if you want to look decent as a NW6 you are going to need 4-10k grafts which takes a ton of money/time investment combined with the rare characteristics it takes to achieve that sort of restoration.

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I never said skip the meds, or don't take them till the HT, I was merely pointing out the obvious. Meds cost money, are a paine to take, have short term side effects, and no one knows what will happen if you take them for decades. Eventually that hair will fall out anyway (short of a miracle) and he will need a HT.


If he plans with the family history /hair loss pattern he has now in mind her can get this over with. Go to a great doctor, see how many grafts he can get and plan accordingly. He can still get the benefit of the tiny exisiting hair for a few years. After that he will be thinner, but the area will be covered since he planned carefully.


If he doesn't have the money or a decent number of grafts then it's different.



bayscholar, what density did you get? Looks great for 3 months!

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Eventually that hair will fall out anyway (short of a miracle) and he will need a HT.


I've not read that about Propecia. I've read that the effect is unpredictable: some get back hair, some maintain, others lose, but more slowly.


Where have you seen this information that any hair will be lost anyway?


mark h

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Originally posted by John_in_NC:

I never said skip the meds, or don't take them till the HT, I was merely pointing out the obvious. Meds cost money, are a paine to take, have short term side effects, and no one knows what will happen if you take them for decades.

The funny thing is that whether you take them or not, if you wait enough decades you die anyway. icon_biggrin.gif So I'd rather take the finasteride and live happier.

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I think I read more in your statement then there really was, my bad I was having a long week at work(I lashed out at landen on another post and I shouldn't have). Its Friday I've enjoyed a cold beer and all is better..thanks for the positive feedback. For my ht I really pushed Dr.hasson to give me more density and less coverage (go for two pass theory 3k and 3k)...but Dr.H said with my hair type and loss I would be happier if instead of 50- 60graftscm2(which he repeated to me was a ridiculous for me to even think about those numbers) so in the end I believe I ended up with 45 in the front and 25 moving back but I will ask Joe, I have been meaning to get in touch with HW and see were they think I am.

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Dear Thirumbu,


I'm 32 and also live in San Francisco. I had my Bosley procedure on 09/23/06. So far, pain is gone (I mean my scar area) and hair look better than before the procedure. Many people have notice it, and it feels good, ha ha !!! However, I'm also prepare for shock hair loss.


I also take Propecia daily. The scar visiable and it bothers me a lot, because I like to cut my hair N3.


I heard many bad stuff on this and other forums about Bosley and all I can do now is to continue taking Propecia and wait for the next 9-10 months to see my results.


My advice - spend A LOT of Your time here before You choose who would be Your Doctor. I've read many good stuff about Sheldon S. Kabaker, MD (He's office is in Oakland). So far, ONLY good stuff.


So first I plan to go to see Him in about 3-4 months to talk how to cover my first scar, and PROBABLY I will do a second procedure with him, as well.


P.S. Start taking Propecia and multivitamins NOW, OK?



Good luck,



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Hello thirumbu (and everyone else),


A lot of valuable feedback has been given to you. Medication is always the first thing to try. The thing you need to be concerned with the most first off, is stabilizing the loss. Once it's stabilized (which a year is a good amount of time to be on Propecia to see if it's helping), see where you are and then consider an HT.


I am also your age....29, and as you can see by my below links, I've already had 3 HTs. The difference between you and me, however, is that I started losing my hair at 21 and waited until I was about 27 to get a procedure. Being that a NW6 was most likely my destiny, I took the road to get HTs (many grafts as you can see), spread them out to get as much coverage as possible (rather than going the super high density route). You see....if you get an HT now to fill in the lost areas and then end up being a NW6 like I would be....you will have depleted a large amount of your donor area and wouldn't have enough for majority coverage. If I knew then what I knew today, I would have gotten on Propecia when I was 21. Hope that helps. Good luck my friend! We feel your pain.



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P.S. Regarding side effects of medication: Yes, there are potential side effects with both Propecia and Minoxodil. Read up on both and be informed before you get on the medication. The good news is that if you DO experience side effects (which are rare especially for Propecia), stopping the medication will stop the side effects. The biggest problem you could have with minoxodil is most likely itchy scalp...but though I haven't tried it, Mark H swears by the Foam and says it doesn't have the irritants in it that the regular stuff does. So check that out too!



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