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  1. Bill, Don't believe he is talking about himself here. Anyway, in regard to the original post, no, one case is never indicitive of anything. It says something about this particular case, but not about BHT in general. I am not in favor or against, just waiting to see how BHT plays out in the next few years.
  2. some of us would like to believe we are the doctors, or the scientist. pricing is market, simple economics. if i were a doctor i would not ever post on this site, and i believe the way that we debate the doctors positions here gets us less and less of doctors inputs. they simply dont want to be harrassed by a mob. no body wants to discuss thier lively hoods, thier ethics, thier reasons to do things on a public message board. flip the perspective for a second and you can easily see what i mean. he charges the prices he does becuase a) he is in Los Angeles b) he is in high demand c) becuase he can. its not a matter of ethics, its a matter of economy. this debate in my opinion is dead. i always thought that not including this dr, and some others in a way compromises the quality of this site. i am in favor of Rassman just simply because he is a valuable asset.
  3. I dont think there are doctors better known then Rassman. Bill no offense but, "even if he is as qualified as the other docs", i think that statment should be the other way around. He is the reason why the industry is where it is today. So, maybe he charges $10, i'm sure he is very busy as one of the few that continue research, and i'm sure he gets clients for the prestige he has earned. But to exclude the guy that is a pioneer is a tough crediblity call...
  4. Personally Pat, i would like you to check the Elliott Clinic and see what comes out of it. You are in the neighborhood. Also, NHI, which we never really here from on this site.
  5. you need to educate yourself a bit. first, hair transplants where discovered over 50 years ago and not in LA, second a clinic that advertises per graft(especially at that low of a price) in one of those trade or weekly papers which i'm assuming is where you found them, might be a case of getting what you paid for, a cheap deal for a cheap transplant. Again, i have never heard of this clinic, but from your information, you need to start with your education first, because name dropping Bosely is never a good thing.
  6. forget the dr..really,i dont need to protect him, he can take care of himself. i just had a good experience with the guy, and thats the end of that. and i didn't mean anything offensive towards Pat. That i apoligize as well, but B-Spot keeps taking jabs at me for the limited time i have been here and i'm sick of them..
  7. B-Spot, you continue to take stabs at me and my aparent agenda, but your's sir is crystal clear. you know nothing about me but you need to get a life. you are attacking this doctor without having the real facts and thats the only thing i will say about the matter, other then that, you could say what you will about me, but i could careless, because i dont have any respect for you and your dog like loyalty to Pat.
  8. i would show you photos myself Bspot, but with my career, it is impossible. i hope Dr. Elliott can get some of his patients that can post photos to post, but its a little difficult when you live in Los Angeles and make money from your image to post your secrets worldwide..
  9. i'm glad Dr Elliott spoke up as i think he is being unresonably attacked on this site, and any one saying they got good results from him is labelled a "shrill"..i have gotten great results from his clinic and was labeled a shrill. i think that many of his clients, being a clinic in Southern California demand a high level of privacy. i work in entertainment myself, so no one has ever known that i've had two procedures done, so i dont run to forums to post. my curiousity after my second procedure lead me to this site to see what other people have experienced, but it seems that some of you guys forget that after this procedure, some just want to get on with there lives. Also Dr. Elliott, i hope that you stay active on the internet and share information with your techniques and clinic from now on, so that people can see that you are indeed kind and care for your patients.
  10. look B spot, if this dr. is not legit, then to hell with him, but i dont work for the guy..but he was a member of this site for quite some time and i had some work done by him..regardless i dont want to argue or prove my legitimacy because it just seems absurd
  11. listen B Spot, i really could care less about arguing with you...drs and the money they make, well i dont need to endorse them either. i just saw this post, and since i had a decent experience with this guy, wrote my two cents. my question really was regarding Pat's decision to can the guy, and if its legit, well, to hell with him too, but he didn't treat me that way..i did not question the validity of this forum, just your accusation of me, alright..remember, this dr. been on this site for a while, i checked him out before going back to him on this very site, so stop trying to villanize my character..
  12. dude your an idiot...i could care less and i dont work for the doctor, just wanted to give my impressions..Dr True used dilators in 1998 as well, as did other physicans at that time. i'm just wanted to know why Pat took him off. yah, i just signed on this network, but dont accuse me of shit i dont do..
  13. i've had good experience with Dr Elliott. I had two procedures with the first in 1999. At that time they used dilators which were those pins but they stopped using that along time ago. My second procedure was last year and it went smooth. The work that i have seen him done is completely natural and they have an open door policy on surgery day, so i guess, go a view it in person.
  14. hi, i have had two procedures with doctor Elliott since 1999, the last being in 2005. i am very happy with my results, and he is a fine surgeon as i have seen many of his patients results in person. i am also curious to know why he was suspended by th voice of one patient? Are there photos available. i know that he is in the iahrs and on the board of abhrs, and many drs. recommend him for transplants.
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