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Everything posted by something

  1. Bill, i think he wants the hairline higher, not lower..
  2. BTW, what the hell are you talking about "Plastic Stuff" bleeding and repair work....
  3. just wanted to add something..even though it looks successful to me, it is not because your not happy with the design, and your Dr failed to give you what you wanted. i just hope you guys discussed the look before the procedure started. best
  4. well, you can't keep everyone happy i guess.... seriously, most people would give a finger for that much hair, but you should have addressed the proper hairline that you wanted before the deed was done. it looks like a classic armani style hairline with no recession, and i figure that you wanted a little recession. well, don't know what you can do now. guess you have to live with a fantastic result for most everyone else.
  5. lorenzo, you misunderstood what i was saying....you are not promoting woods, but i was refrencing your post about Doctors who promote FUE... woods was the master of internet promotion in the early days. also, his results have always been sub par in my opinion. also, his rates are out of control. there are many more promising results from FUE then woods that i have seen.
  6. Lorenzo, Dr Woods? Are you serious? And you talk about promoting. If you want to spend lots of money and get a few hundred grafts then by all means, go to him. The way that clinic handled itself in secrecy was not ethical at all, especially in FUE infancy. Dr Feller is a good Dr, no doubt about it, but honestly, how many before and after FUE have you seen from him?
  7. Dr De Reyes clearly does good work from what i have observed...seems like this clinic gets consistent results from FUE.... Feller, well, to be honest, not that many results and is more focused on strip as far as i can tell. The same with Rassman. Umar, i never liked how his immediate Post Op looks, way too bloody. Cole is unethical, and arrogant, so i would never go to him for anything. Maybe to get consistent FUE results, it should be full time.... Armani is still evasive, and i don't believe that yield is all that great comparing to similar sessions he was doing with strip.
  8. Bill, I see you are being a diplomat here, so its all good, but damn, Balody is just trying to make sense of this bipolar post. Either way, the first time i read it i just thought that the guy has no online experience, but the mood swing is troubling.
  9. its called messaging....not that big of a deal, espically when you come here asking for advice. you also made a public post, so your information is available for everyone to read and respond either privately or publicly with you. do you really feel upset about this?
  10. Hatrick....maybe you should spend some time reading the blog first before you pass judgements. Also, simple math gets you to 120,000 dollars. 12,000 grafts x $10 per graft and there you have it....At the time this went down, thats how much Dr.s were or still are charging for an expirement of sorts. To the TS, don't trip out to much on that, because if you go the normal route with a good DR, this should not happen.
  11. Hi Nx, From the looks of it, you are a NW6 going into the final stages of the norwood patterns(7), and at a young age. My honest opinion is that you can try an HT, but you might not be satisfied with the results given your degree of loss. If you were to go that route, i would get on Propecia right away. Again, send your pics to some Docs that specialize in large cases, like H&W and see what they say. But if you can't get the 7-8 grafts that you would need for a nice change, i say forget it. Best, ST
  12. Whats up Joe.... You just have to live with it brother. Its not going to get any better, probably a little worst for the first three months, then alas.... you start another long process till about a year, but at least it gets better.
  13. Bill, i would really consider reinstating such a rule, because only a handful of clinics have an online rep, and these threads would be hijacked every time. I didn't like Aarons response in the first place, as it was promotional, but then Dr Fellers took it too another level. How can you avoid this if you let Dr's and clinics post on these types of threads?
  14. Relax Dr Feller..... Man, that is a very aggressive, egotistcal response.
  15. just stay on propecia for about 8months and see were you are at. With your pattern, FUE is probably not the wisest choice. also, you will have major shock unless you have stabalized on propecia.
  16. Did the Dr. put you on propecia before the surgery. Going in between hairs with this large of a surgery without being on propecia is not wise. I hope you were warned of this before. Hopefully things will neutrilize in a bit of time, but you might have lost those hairs permenantely as well. Best of luck
  17. i dont mean to be rude, but this logic doesn't make any sense at all.... you will lose them regardless if you keep them short or not, sorry. the hair sheds because of the trauma, not nutrients or blood flow, which is plenty in the scalp.
  18. this is very possible.. MPB can be aggreviated by surgery.. it would probably be minimial if you were on meds, but still can happen to areas that would be affected by MPB.... remember, some people think that not only insults to the scalp cause shockloss, but anesthia as well.
  19. Daniel, the good docs know what they are doing, so in the consult you will have a feel of what they can offer. Age is really not an issue, how young do you want your Dr to be, in his 20's? Anyway, if you are going to do it in LA, i would suggest you take a one hour plain ride to AZ and meet with Dr Alexander. Or you can drive for a few hours. He is really good at what he does, and his hairline work is as good as they come.
  20. This is normal in some skin types. This is just tiny holes that were created during the surgery and reflect where the slit was made, not pitting. I believe you will heal in time.
  21. Well, i've been through this three times, and was more liberal with instructions the first two times and more careful with the third. However, this is the first time that i did not loose a graft, that i am aware of so with that said, I would use a cup for about 10 days before getting under the shower imo. No need to rush. Some Dr's (armani, rahal) are very careful in there post op, so you see big crusts 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, but this is extreme. I like the middle ground on this.
  22. depending on needs: rahal alexander H&W feller cooley
  23. I think the site owner has gone too far now. Banning all those members, many of which have been here awhile know was not right. Where has the integrity of this site gone. I could understand NG2GB being kicked off if after repeat PMs accomplished nothing, but this site exist because of forum members who spend time giving back. This is not how you repay your supporters. You can't justify this anymore, it has become very transparent where this site has gone now. Welcome to the land of money.
  24. Pat, Are you saying that you banned other posters as well? I certainly don't believe that is the right step if true.
  25. certainly some uneducated, hysterical people on this thread.... some of which add fuel without having any real experience. i'm sorry to say, but without photos and the right amount of time passing (about a year), then nobody has any evidence one way or the other. stop being such jackasses, and wait to see what happens in a few months. and yes, Dr E. has been around for a long time with a long proven track record. is he immune to surgical errors, no, but lets wait to see what transpires.
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