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Everything posted by JacobS

  1. Kg- I've been on propecia since jan 2004, soon to be 35(Nov). I think it completely halted my recession, not sure I grew much more but certainly at the rate I was going I think the situation relaxed.
  2. the problem is you guys are making me lazy. A couple of days later and I cannot remember the last time I took propecia. I'm going to stick to the daily habit just for sanity sake, you may be right but I'm not good with the every other day thing.
  3. Thank you Robert for your efforts on the HTN! I've said it before on other threads, without this particular site and the folks that participate I just would not have taken the leap.
  4. Nash- I did not realise you had a post out here. You really have a great result that looks natural by itself and also creates a nice base for additional work, not that I think you need it.
  5. Gorpy- Folks in general have a very short memory span and adapt to a new look very quickly. Do what makes you happy!! Most people really don't care because they enjoy being around joyful people and you will be very pleased with yourself in 4-6 months. Dr keane will take good care of you. You are going with someone with a great track record.
  6. nk- Get on propecia asap. many of us share your perspective on rogaine.
  7. hope you are on propecia. Looks like you have good donor hair. You'd get a decent impact in the front from 3k or less grafts, I'd guess.
  8. Early days brother, your time is coming soon! When I was 3.5 mths I had nothing to show.
  9. Bill- You'll be heading into the dog days shortly; the slow wait. You'll should be in good shape for skiing season though ( Jan- Feb).
  10. Brando, JetFlyBoy thanks. Brando- my social life has improved dramatically hehe....apparently the buzzcut was not working for me cause I am getting a totally different response from the fairest sex. Jetflyboy- Scar still feels a little tender and is noticeable with a #3 so (a #4 is as low as I go now). It's a nice thin scar albeit still a little red. I'll ask someone to take a photo of the back of my head and post.
  11. As I said earlier, you are looking good my brother. What you have is permanent, well rounded and age appropriate. A girlfriend ( very hot)said she'd leave me for you if it was a straight looks competition. Go out and slay my friend, else I may, for you're just hanging around.
  12. This was my first post actually, almost 2 years ago. Wonder if it's a fair reflection of Brandy's work today? Brandy was very experimental in the early days and obviously left a trail. Wonder if his experience has served him well and maybe now he has happy customers ( I still won't let him touch my scalp)?
  13. Usually a headband can contain it however it sounds like it's too late for you. You'll have to suck it up for a couple of days.
  14. Cas - Check with your doc for antibotic to resolve these pimples; he may suggest a zpak.
  15. HBT- I just want to make sure you don't bail on us. You are a HTN legend and I look forward to your contributions. Jacob
  16. KG- With regard to shockloss I really did not notice any shockloss in the front, perhaps some of those grafts never shed. I did have a thin line ( almost like a parting) between temple and island on one side for about 5.5 months and to tell you the truth I was a little worried but it started to fill in almost immediately after that (the 5.5 month mark). Dr. Keane advised you on shockloss and the only thing I can say is that the experience varies from person to person from what I have read. I love what Dr Keane did with the back of your head though, She is a master or mistress (not sure what the correct gender is for the use of this word ) of her craft. Bill- thx for kind words. I'm sure I'll have another procedure as time passes although I still dread the 1-4 month stage. Dr Katz again? Looking forward to seeing your next result around Christmas. Hope you are single so that you can take advantage otherwise watchout Mrs Bill!
  17. Markcia/ Lonez/ Terry/ Pat and BobC thanks for the kind words. BobC to answer your questions; this is my first run. I am 7 months out and I don't recall much shockloss except around the scar line in the weeks post op. My forehead has always been naturally high and recessed in the temples (even mid teens) so a mature conservative hairline was an easy decision for doctor and I. A couple of pluses for me is that I don't have a baldspot, I take propecia, and my hairloss has been slow/ gradual and from the front only. My hairs are quite course and despite the fairly low density in my donor area, it looks and feels dense on my head now that I have grown it out and I'm sure much because of my doctor's placement. Regards
  18. Thx Guys, basically 800 grafts in each temple and another 740 in the "island" to build up the hairline and ensure some symmetry when the island completely thins out.
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