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Everything posted by Midiman

  1. Is this really the case? I haven't heard this before. Sure would explain a lot with my regrowth...
  2. Thanks... glad to know I'm not alone with this. I'll have some 6 month pictures on my blog in about two weeks. On a side note, my wife has started to notice it more... that's a good thing. The real test will be when my 7 year old stops calling me bald!
  3. Hi guys, I'm almost at six months now following my procedure. My hair is definitely showing improvement. However when I rub my hand over the transplanted area, I can feel small prickly hair that seems unwilling or unable to grow any further. Is this normal? Six months seems like enough time to have all of my transplants up and running? Is more patience needed? Thanks
  4. Hi guys, I'm almost at six months now following my procedure. My hair is definitely showing improvement. However when I rub my hand over the transplanted area, I can feel small prickly hair that seems unwilling or unable to grow any further. Is this normal? Six months seems like enough time to have all of my transplants up and running? Is more patience needed? Thanks
  5. At five months, I'm noticing that my frontal hairs aren't coming in as fast as my mid scalp and crown. I wear a hat at work... any correlation?
  6. Action, My surgeon was also Dr. Keene. I'm seeing my best growth now at 5 months (four was desperation time for me). I'm taking Proscar and 3000mg MSM a day. I can only tell you (since we had the same doctor) that it will eventually happen. Hang in there! You went with a good choice. Jon
  7. Only thirteen hours left 'till the auction ends... and nothin'. That's sad! I hope it's a scam for the sake of his dignity.
  8. Gorpy you look great BTW! No disrespect to Dr. Feller or the patient but this thread really brought home the fact to me that softer hairlines for the "maturing" man are always best. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=147092 No doubt it's a great head of hair... I just think that a softer less-densified look would've been better for this gentleman. Time does catch up with you eventually... "densified": yes, a word I made up!
  9. As a SoCal resident, I think it's important to point out that ungodly amounts of money are spent in this region every day by those who can only be deemed as "beyond wealthy"... eight figures a year and higher. For those, paying twice the going rate is of little concern. It's a lot easier to drive 15-30 minutes from Belair or Manhattan Beach to have the procedure than it is to get on a plane for two to four hours. Now I realize that the rest of us wouldn't be inclined to do that (me especially!), and I'm certainly not advocating Dr. Rassman's rates. However, his credentials and location have landed him right in the middle of one of the richest areas on the planet! So are his rates ethical?.. I don't know. I do know however that for some, price can become secondary to convenience.
  10. Well thanks for the encouragement. I found that after I stopped "watching" it grow every day, life became a lot easier and growth actually started to occur. Patience is a virtue.
  11. Hi guys, I've updated my weblog with a 4-month pic. All in all I'm seeing some improvement... probably more Propecia related than anything. Find it here: http://www.hairlossweblogs.com/home-page.asp?WebID=97 Jon
  12. Hi guys, I've updated my weblog with a 4-month pic. All in all I'm seeing some improvement... probably more Propecia related than anything. Find it here: http://www.hairlossweblogs.com/home-page.asp?WebID=97 Jon
  13. Judging by his pre-op photos and diffuse thinning, an ethical doctor would be concerned with permanent shock loss to the frontal area, as illustrated by what has already occurred with his donor scar. His hair may be too weak at this point to accept anything more than her assessment. At 32, he still has a lot of years before his MPB will play itself out. Megasessions are NOT the answer to every hair loss case and in regard to your earlier post, Dr. Keene is not "afraid" of doing them.
  14. maki, Dr. Keene is known to be an excellent hairline doctor. I would trust her opinions and let your surgery take its course. Don't listen to 4000+ suggestions... totally ridiculous!
  15. I'm actually in the process of getting my hair counts from Dr. Keene's office. Not to necessarily form expectations about my outcome, but rather to find out what my current donor area density can realistically provide me should I decide on another procedure in a year or two.
  16. I know what you're talking about. I'm almost two months post-op and I look worse than ever!... shedding, redness, etc. I think I even alienated my doctor a bit by suggesting some concern over the procedure's density and graft counts. Knowing myself and my ability to stress, I could've predicted this!
  17. So true... I see gentlemen all the time in their 60's and 70's who look like they haven't lost a bit of hair... damn bastards!!!
  18. Gorpy, You really have come along in the last few months. It looks great! I would wait until a full year has passed before making a decision on another procedure. I'd also be a little concerned with shockloss to the newly transplanted hair... although most likely it would grow back over time. Thanks for the updated pictures.
  19. Looks very good Jake. Dr. Shapiro does some great hairlines!
  20. Thanks Janna for the vote of confidence, I appreciate it. Due to shedding, I don't have a lot of evidence left of the procedure so it's hard to tell how she patterned it. However, I agree with you that her expertise should yield a fine result.
  21. Jake, Glad your experience with Shapiro went well. Do you have any before or after pics? Also, how many grafts per cm2 were you shooting for?
  22. That's quite a statement. Concerning packing, I just had a 25-30cm2 procedure with Dr. Keene. She and I elected to go conservatively because of my existing hair. If and when I go for another procedure in a year or two, would dense packing permanently harm any of my existing grafts? Thanks
  23. Actually, I've been on a "high" ever since my surgery occurred last month.. and I don't even have anything to show for it yet! Not an easy decision obviously, but one that I think most of the current HT recipients are glad they made. You think about something long enough and it usually manifests itself, whether you like it or not.
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