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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. I think he is part of a criminal organization MHR who regularly commit fraud and misrepresent thier procedure.They will tell you anything to get you to go forward and hand over your money.Most of the time they do a quick and sloppy sometimes dangerous procedure. After that you are on your own.This is when they review the consent form with you.What consent form you ask? the one they pop on you as a photography waiver minutes before, usually after you are medicated.It is buyer beware full on with this breed.The doctors there are used car salesmen with knives pointed at your head.There are better choices would be an understatement.

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  2. Actually the medical boards are useless. Dr. Magdalin not only disfigured my scalp but caused physical injury to me .Yes from a lousy hairtransplant . I reported him and gave details . They did not disipline him and if you do a search there is no record of it. The medical boards are for doctors by doctors.In plain english they suck and are not out for your interests. Although they do reveal the doctors training and board certifications if any. If the doctor has no hospital privaledges or is not board certified go elsewere.P.S. a certification in hair transplantation is a weekend seminar so don't be fooled. Anyway the process of the lawsuit has begun and I am hoping for litigation or 2.5 million dollars which I would gladly return to be put in my original state of health and happiness.

  3. I am not a patient of Mcgrath. But I am a victim of MedicalHairRestoration. I was lied to and BUTCHERED by them. More than just a bad hairtransplant. They were horrible to deal with and had absolutley no compasion nor took any responsibility for the damadge they created .And made disparaging coments to me in my suffering. They are not to be trusted with your head or health. I will now revise my previous post and tell you that there is a 100% chance you are being lied to and misled.The "consultant"(salesman) gets a commision for talking you into it and the "Dr." swears to all the lies you are told. Its what they are trained to do.Unfortunately they don't spend there time training them how to do hairtransplants.The only concern "Dr." Mcgrath has in you is your money.Read the fine print in their consent form. I know you can't because they did'nt give it to you.It would contradict what they told you so they will spring it on you minutes before chopping your head up.P.S. for some reason they recomend 2,500 grafts to everyone sound personalized? Danger! Will Robinson, Danger!Also could you post what they told you?

  4. Well the first thing to know is that you should not choose a doctor by location. Otherwise you will be traveling to try and "fix" it if you can . Who is the good doctor you speak of. It is a very, very short list and you would do well to find out if he is on it This is a field were quackery and deception still reign supreme. There are a few pros and alot of cons that you need to research carefully.If you are looking to get a full head of hair, a one shot procedure,or something completely natural.

    you will be sorely dissapointed.Also the people that will promise those things will also butcher your head and then some. Like I said do research on the forum as most of the available literature is biased and produced by the "Industry", it is unregulated and designed to fool the best of us.

  5. Based on what the doctor and/or consultant told you?There is a greater than 90% chance that they are either lying to you or not telling you things you need to know. You may want more hair but you may not want a transplant there is a ton to learn. It is much more than just the hair dude.Hairloss makes us impulsive and somewhat irrational, take your time this is a big decision.

  6. Who was the doctor? And who told you he had a good reputation? Was it the consultant?I see it is your first post here and you have only had one consultation. Perhaps you should spend 6 months here before you decide to do anything.

  7. Scooby,As much as I hate MHR I think that your pics look good. Your head looks normal after only 6 weeks, placement and angles look good.I don't know why they planted into your crown though maybe "DR." Magdalin has THEM conviced he is cloning hair in his office. My head looked like hamburger for months after and then recovered to just being deformed and bald. I was a thinning in front(but still thicker that 2 good transplants) N/W 2. It actually makes me even madder that Wild Bill could have done a good decent job even though the pretences would have been false, I was their only "patient" that day too. He just did'nt give a care about anything but my money, he did most of his butchery with multi-bladed knives ,donor and recipient,to save time. The standard of care for an animal.I think your outcome will be good, probably MHRs' best work.I am in the process of sueing the scumbag for fraud which is cut and dry. Then I am going after medical malpractice for the vascular and nervous system damage he did to me in his haste and carelessness.This will take more time and money(you actually have to post a bond) but I don't care.Better than the alternative.

  8. Maybe she should give their resident Pig and butcher "DR."Magdalin a lesson on how to do a hairtransplant as he obviously only knows how to sell them.Through bold faced lies and deception.He is a criminal in every sense of the word .Your doctor sounds as though she was interested in a decent outcome. There is no way that it was even a consideration with Butcher Bill.He was quick ,sloppy, no planning and his involvement was rare.Looking at his new house in Roxbury on the net no doubt .The techs were unsupervised and poorly trained and commented on the "cheesyness" of the grafts and contradicted things that "Dr." Magdalin had told me.In plain English He sucks and so does MHR. I am glad you did not get butchered and am suprised you took the chance. Perhaps letting them know you were on the internet may have provided you a better than the usual "standard of care" MHR usually employs.Which is basicly that they don't kill you at least pysically.

  9. One thing to note is that several Doctors in this field get "transplants".Most did'nt need them as a remedy or to pevent hairloss.It is a sales tool. Also some organisations require that a physician perform on one of his peers as a prerequisit to admission.I find the apples and oranges statement of "I had a hairtransplant and don't use propecia" disturbing.Especially to a 25 year old with a full head of hair and some diffuse thinning.Please check out a site called hairtransplant lawsuits and check the links.It is hard to tell when a Doctor is misleading you in the hairtransplant industry but there is a way to tell, there lips will move.

  10. I beleive Wallwonka is confusing shedding of transplanted hair and shockloss of existing natural hair. Neither of which have anything to do will your general health. You can get up every morning do some deadlifts run five miles eat wheat germ ,crack walnuts with your pecs and have shockloss.A good surgeon can only minimalize it by not doing surgery or having the patient understand that it is very likely and then being careful and conservative, with future planning in mind of course.The only time shockloss will not occur is when there is nothing to shock.

  11. Wallywonka, I have the unfortunate priveledge to be in contact with many people who have had similar experiences to my own it is not unique.There are way to many glowing testimonials out there and very few reality checks as to the profound converse results that can and do occur.I was the picture of health did not expect any problems or complications, read propaganda and went forward. The only one that might have saved me would have been Arfy who was giving valid info and A different prospective.Some thought he was negetive. These things need to be said and offered to people so it CAN be given to them as benchmark they can use to weigh the potential risk against the possible benefits. Just giving thinkaboutit something to think about.Other than the cheerleading or how many grafts do you think I need crap. Sorry.

  12. Sounds like you should have a full head of hair in just a few more weeks.But seriously I am glad to hear that you did not get mangled .As you would know.Using microscopes (were they shown to you or were they used?) and a Doctor that was actually involved? Does'nt fit their M.O.. Hope it turns out well for you, keep posting.

  13. I am bringing this up to the top so that it may be re-entered to the system as it does not come up when an internal MAGDALIN search is done. Although the replies made by Robert and Gillenator are no longer in the thread ? My hope is that it will once again appear when a search engine is used outside this forum to alert the general public of this menace and lead them here to be educated.

  14. Shock loss is a very real concern and if you go into an area that has hair there is a good chance you will loose it. Some people say it comes back. Some it doesnt. It can also be in areas not reletive to the proceedure so you risk being much worse off than had you done nothing. The only ones that benifit from taking this risk are the doctors.And most will.

  15. Yea,A bit bad.The "Dr." was William Magdalin of MHR I was a N/W 2 with thinning I got tricked into a supposed "NO Complication"2,500 mini plug procedure under false pretences and lost most of my hair and my health as a result. I have had 1 repair procedure for the front but I am kind of stripped out and in hindsite should not have done it .I have had some laser (plug removal) on my forehead and temples and some dermabrasion. But my hair and skin is the least of it.

  16. The hair on the front/top is much different in several ways. The front has a thinner hair diameterwhich has a feathery NATURAL look wereas transplanted hair is course and sometimes wirey othertimes like catfish wiskers. The pigment/color is also different. You might have to dye your hair. Your real hair is connected to your nervous system an responds to your environment hence the expression "my hair was standing on end".transplanted hair is in a fixed position and stays in one position which will never chang.sometimes looking bizzare unless your train it and use adjuncts , hairspray, gell, etc. A tuft like appearance. Most if not all of your frontal hair is individual hair the back is one two and three hair groups. they don't look natural.Density it i mechanicly impossible to get the hair to your natural density. and there is NEVER enough hair DONOR to do it. The hair will remain there for the rest of your life. Sounds go hair for life. Unfortunately the other hair on the top and sides wont be so you will have hair (Grafts)were you no longer want it.

  17. Actually I thought of a good analogy in regards to early hairloss and FUE. A drug dealer will usually give a prospective buyer his first FIX for free or cheaply in order to hook him. Once they get you you are hooked .Sound ethical NO but they are not Doctors either.Why are Doctors setting people up for something they cannot finish. There are new techniques being developed to remedy hairloss WAIT. No hairtransplant doctor will tell you this so I will. Former thinning N/W 2 now scraggly scared up N/W 5.

  18. Why would you want to have 500 grafts put in your head? It will do nothing for you and look rediculous when you loose more hair either naturally or from the proceedure.Just because there is no scar does not mean it is not SURGERY if you think you have a minor hair problem now that could be addressed with 500 grafts you are not seeing the whole picture.Just so you know if you put transplants with your existing hair they are much different in several ways. Keep reading .

  19. Other than the scabs and blood there will be reddness that may last for quite some time there will also be swelling which may be significant to the point of closed eyes. You might also have a pair of black eyes . You might look like you were in a car accident. You will probably feel like you were in one too.You will say what have I done to myself.If you have existing hair you will probably loose that,some might come back. Oh yea in 6 months you will see some hair come in and it will be thin. You will have to keep your hair long in the back and maybe the sides too (so the scar doesnt show) and hopefully wont stretch.

  20. Yes, that pair have quite a scam going. The consultant plays Doctor and the Doctor plays consultant.I cannot beleive they are still in business. Here in Mass you cannot get a tatoo due to health concerns. But there are no regulations on hair transplants or what a Doctor can say.I was suprised to say the least when I coveyed my experience to the "Medical Board" (joke)regarding the lies and damage that "Dr." Magdalin did .and was suprised it did not result in a disiplinary action at least.The woman who was in charge of the consumer protection unit was not helpful and actually turned the blame to me and recited what the consent form stated. That there were "no garantees". She has been replaced and I am resubmitting with more detailed information and statements from other Doctors as to the resulting damage done and hopeful he will get his black mark.He deserves that at the very least as he is a criminal not merely a medical miscreant.

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