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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. The difference is the guy that ended up at MHR only needed 500 grafts and the other 2000 were thrown away while the Dr. looked for a new house.Also gave the patient an ear to ear scar with a quad knife just for good measure. Its etics and asthetics that separate the two. Also the scalp is rough and bumpy as the grafts are hastily prepared if done by the incompetents at MHR who are just like McDonalds. They just don't care.

  2. Damn them for what they have done to me. And all of the lies that they told me about hair transplants. I have found the truth here and they knew it all along.I guess everyone is a great candidate for a one time procedure of 2,500 grafts if they are foolish enough to go to them for a "consult"like I was. I was unsuspecting of their unscrupulous methods of trickery and deceipt. I was not a candidate for a 2,500 graft procedure and their is no one time hairtransplant.I saw the tricky nurse take the grafts that they did not use away. Three petri dishes full. Where did they go? Where did you get your Medical degree from Butcher Bill. Couldn't be Yale or Chicago medical school like your profile reads must have been reform school you lieing piece of dirt.You couldn't just be unethical you have caused me health problems with your unskilled hands and I have to look like a freak too. You will realise the error of your ways .And as for the consultant steve the snake you are unworthy of hanging your achievements . you are a discrace to the uniform.You are a liar and a sneak. I asked you questions you and the Butcher and you both lied outright. are you proud that you made a few bucks on the deal.Live with the fact that you are earning blood money . Steve you are not helping people like you said when you misrepresent a procedure. As for Butcher Bill you should be ashamed of yourself for knowingly doing Harm.The nerve damage was just poor skill but your lying to get a sale is below you position as a Dr.. I will not relent in my pursuit of your demise.YOU are responsible for what you have done and you know it was wrong.


    [This message was edited by Mahair on January 30, 2004 at 08:49 AM.]

  3. Damn them for what they have done to me. And all of the lies that they told me about hair transplants. I have found the truth here and they knew it all along.I guess everyone is a great candidate for a one time procedure of 2,500 grafts if they are foolish enough to go to them for a "consult"like I was. I was unsuspecting of their unscrupulous methods of trickery and deceipt. I was not a candidate for a 2,500 graft procedure and their is no one time hairtransplant.I saw the tricky nurse take the grafts that they did not use away. Three petri dishes full. Where did they go? Where did you get your Medical degree from Butcher Bill. Couldn't be Yale or Chicago medical school like your profile reads must have been reform school you lieing piece of dirt.You couldn't just be unethical you have caused me health problems with your unskilled hands and I have to look like a freak too. You will realise the error of your ways .And as for the consultant steve the snake you are unworthy of hanging your achievements . you are a discrace to the uniform.You are a liar and a sneak. I asked you questions you and the Butcher and you both lied outright. are you proud that you made a few bucks on the deal.Live with the fact that you are earning blood money . Steve you are not helping people like you said when you misrepresent a procedure. As for Butcher Bill you should be ashamed of yourself for knowingly doing Harm.The nerve damage was just poor skill but your lying to get a sale is below you position as a Dr.. I will not relent in my pursuit of your demise.YOU are responsible for what you have done and you know it was wrong.


    [This message was edited by Mahair on January 30, 2004 at 08:49 AM.]

  4. I wish I had found this site before I was mislead and butchered by MHR. It would have saved my once normal life. They are masters of deception and mistruths, even the Dr, took a major part in the deception had I only known then what I do now I would have waited or gone to a real Dr,like Shapiro or Rose.

  5. I can't imagine That Butcher Bill of MHR Boston can live with hmself after lieing to people to get them to do a hairtransplant and overselling the procedure to the extent of throwing away grafts. He is the worst kind of Dr. a theif and a butcher of people.He knew damn well that he was setting me up for misery. Theres no one shot transplant like he sold me and there was no way I needed 2500 grafts to do the amount of hairloss I had. He should be condemed for his unscrupulous act of deceipt. I will find a way to get back at him for what he did.His profile should be changed . It reads like he is respectable he is not he is a coward and a liar . I hope he is proud of himself for what he did. That greedy Bastard knew what he was doing along with the liar of a consutant who could not tell the truth if his life depended on it. What a pair of scumbags they are.Also why are they listed on the site?I found this scumbags name when I was doing research on him listed. It should be stricken from the listings . He harms people.

  6. I can't imagine That Butcher Bill of MHR Boston can live with hmself after lieing to people to get them to do a hairtransplant and overselling the procedure to the extent of throwing away grafts. He is the worst kind of Dr. a theif and a butcher of people.He knew damn well that he was setting me up for misery. Theres no one shot transplant like he sold me and there was no way I needed 2500 grafts to do the amount of hairloss I had. He should be condemed for his unscrupulous act of deceipt. I will find a way to get back at him for what he did.His profile should be changed . It reads like he is respectable he is not he is a coward and a liar . I hope he is proud of himself for what he did. That greedy Bastard knew what he was doing along with the liar of a consutant who could not tell the truth if his life depended on it. What a pair of scumbags they are.Also why are they listed on the site?I found this scumbags name when I was doing research on him listed. It should be stricken from the listings . He harms people.

  7. Make darn sure you think this through before going ahead. My hair transplant has been a nightmare and you can't go back. EVER.Although I went to the worst possible HACK and butcher and was sold 2,500 grafts . You may be luckier because of finding this site and getting an apropriate h/t there is still no way to take ir back.

  8. if you don't want to read then don't. if you see that i posted then skip it if you are bothered.i took a screwing and was disfigured by an unscrupulous dr. had grafts thrown away and lost my hair. i was not bald before this if i was i would say it just didn't work oh well. but it was not like that so move on if you dont want to read.i personally think most h/ts suck now except the ones that are properly applied on good candidates which are all but a few.

  9. I am getting ready to file a suit against MHR on Two issues one of which is the nerve damage they caused the second of which is the overselling and misrepresentation of the procedure by the Dr. and consultant. I am also filing a professional neglience against the Dr, as an indvidual who participated in misinforming and deceiving me as a patient. Anyone else want to get on board?

  10. I am getting ready to file a suit against MHR on Two issues one of which is the nerve damage they caused the second of which is the overselling and misrepresentation of the procedure by the Dr. and consultant. I am also filing a professional neglience against the Dr, as an indvidual who participated in misinforming and deceiving me as a patient. Anyone else want to get on board?

  11. why should i be banned i was butchered and lied to by a dr. in this "industry" i am only telling the truth of what happened to me . hopefully people will realize that there are bad doctors out there and be cautious. i took for granted that all drs. had ethics . i was wrong and what i say is a result of trusting one of the worst.he talked me into something i didn't need and wasted grafts just to line his pockets with a big surgery. he is reprehensible and i know i didn't need or get 2500 grafts like he 'sold" me. it was not a case were i was bald and got a bad h/t i was thin in front and was conned into doing it on the premise that i was a great candidate and that there were no complications. if you don'tlike what i am saying don't read it. someone new may need to know that this is a sneaky profession with bad drs. who will take advantage of you just for money and not give a damn.

  12. I am not making this up. I don't have the equiptment to post photos and I am having a hard time even working now. I went to see Dr. Shapiro to see what he could do. I am going there in April if I can save for it. I was mislead by the Dr. into beleiving I could head off going bald and get great results. He was confident and I trusted him . I lost most of my hair due to shockloss and did not get hardly any growth from the grafts. I am going bald now and have nerve damage because of the procedure. It has become a nightmare. I have a low hairline now and a scarred scalp that is balding. I was going to leave the consult but was lured in to hear what the Dr. had to say unfortunately he talked me into thinking I was a great candidate and the hairs would blend in with my own.I live in a world of despair and regret.I reveiw what happened to me over and over. Hair transplants are a shady business and I didn't know this at the time.The Dr.was a con artist and oversold me by telling me it was a one shot thing. This is not even funny.The Dr. betrayed my trust and effectively ruined my life.

  13. I wish I had the grafts that the Dr. tossed out when he had nowhere to place them I am going bald now due to the procedure. I am sorry I trusted him it has not been the smooth sailing he advertised. It has been hell .I was not the great candidate he told me I was nor did I need the 2500 grafts he took from me. I only had some thinning in front and a temple recession .I suffer due to his lack of ethics and overselling.

  14. I wish I had the grafts that the Dr. tossed out when he had nowhere to place them I am going bald now due to the procedure. I am sorry I trusted him it has not been the smooth sailing he advertised. It has been hell .I was not the great candidate he told me I was nor did I need the 2500 grafts he took from me. I only had some thinning in front and a temple recession .I suffer due to his lack of ethics and overselling.

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