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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. Having had a bad transplant I am wondering how some have coped with trying to move on . I guess there are three options I can think of . Hats which I have tried to adapt to, hairpieces which I don't like the idea of or more surgeries which may just be a waste of more money and possibly make me even more self consious. How does anyone make themselves whole again after being butchered?

  2. Having had a bad transplant I am wondering how some have coped with trying to move on . I guess there are three options I can think of . Hats which I have tried to adapt to, hairpieces which I don't like the idea of or more surgeries which may just be a waste of more money and possibly make me even more self consious. How does anyone make themselves whole again after being butchered?

  3. Steve, Do not go forward yet with anything until you read what is posted here about hair transplants it is important to find the right Doctor in order to get decent results. By all means stay away from the bigger hair transplant chains they will do you nothing but harm. Trust me I made a grave mistake by getting sucked in by an seemingly concerned and impressive Doctor who only had the sale in mind. Wait and do not do anything until you stay on this forum for while and hear what the posters have to say.You may decide not to do it at all and be glad that you didn't.

  4. While you still have time to evaluate your decision you could find out what is making you feel like you are not happy with yourself. We all try to strive for perfection but hairtransplants will noy do it for you in fact it might devistate you as they are far from perfect and have very limited ability and will never give you the effect that you desire unless you are nearly bald and don't expect to get full hair.

  5. Anonymous, You should be glad that you have found this site.I am sure that you will find that a hair transplant can be by far more devistating than loosing your hair. It can be by far the worst decision that one can make especially if you are worried about it and wind up in the hands of someone who takes advantage of your worries.Be glad that you have options because after a hairtransplant you will have none.

  6. Has anyone had experience with impacted grafts ? I have a few of them and was wondering what was the best remedy.I am concerned about two of which are right out in front were my hairline was lowered and they realy add to the terrible look of things. I have had them shot with cortisone and they seemed to go down to a point but they are still obvious and are below my hatline so are visible when I do go out in public.I have gone to see another area hair doctor who said that if they really bothered me I could have them punched out but that seems kind of brutal.Has anyone had this problem and what was the outcome.

  7. Has anyone had experience with impacted grafts ? I have a few of them and was wondering what was the best remedy.I am concerned about two of which are right out in front were my hairline was lowered and they realy add to the terrible look of things. I have had them shot with cortisone and they seemed to go down to a point but they are still obvious and are below my hatline so are visible when I do go out in public.I have gone to see another area hair doctor who said that if they really bothered me I could have them punched out but that seems kind of brutal.Has anyone had this problem and what was the outcome.

  8. I have been trying very hard to survive through this but I am still in a very bad way. I do not have a camera and at this point I am just not functioning too well or very gainfully either. I am grateful for the concern people have shown as I am going through this nightmare. I am still trying to accept the effects that this has had on my body and mind.I guess its even harder to know that it was done to me by the Doctor with the knowledge that I would not really benifit from a hairtransplant of that magnitude and it would cause me more hard than good.What makes it worse is that he did me such damage physically.I have not been able to continue in the way I once had asthetics aside. I try to beleive that the Doctor did not do this to me with intent or just made some mistakes but as I reveiw what happened to me I am more disheartened that he did.I will try my best to get someone to take pictures of me as I should try to document this digression. But I already know that the doctor will say it is the natural progression as he did when I showed it to him .Aside from that the hairs are appearing and they are growing in as tufts here and there and look disgusting. I don't have any piece of mind and get worse by the day. They lied to me for money plain and simple and have little regard for what they did or the truth.I am also more than disheartened that a Doctor took such a role in this and I damaged as a result of his lack of ethics and poor skills. I only hope that noone else gets harmed by this so called Doctor and that they discontinue there misrepresentations and deceit. I would not have gone forward if this was presented to me properly or if my questions were answered truthfully.

  9. I am just over four months and the problems and issues I am having are all real. This has not been a rollercoaster as much as it has been a downward spiral. I was shocked when I started to loose my hair from shock and it is still leaving.the bumps and pits on my hairline are also as plain as day .Also my hairline was lowered to three fingers above my eyebrow and they did not use F-u's but micro-minigrafts which are 3 hair units in my new hairline.I wish this was a fib or just a bad dream but its not I am living it and it is not fun.

  10. Dont worry too much. The bumps you are refering to are probably ingrown hairs not impacted grafts ,like I have. And you at least did'nt end up getting an MHR butcher playing surgeon with your head.You will more than likely be ok , another plus is that Bosley doesn't do a megabotch on evey patient that walks in the door wether they need it or not like MHR is trained to do.So even if it is not what you expected you will have less to deal with.You will probably be alright .

  11. I am in despair because I was in the early stages of thinning hair and was mislead and lied to about almost every aspect of the procedure .From what it could do for me and what was involved.They did this knowingly and have caused me great harm.They had no regard for the truth and lied to me straight out .I asked all the right questions and thought they were obliged to give me straight answers they did not.Even the dicussion that the grafts would be kept above my hairline were disregarded,they lowered it to 3 fingers above my eyebrows were I never had hair and left pits ,bumps , scars and pluggy looking three hair grafts. They took out much more of my scalp than they said they were going to from the 6-7" area to going from ear to ear.They oversold the amount of grafts nessasary and may have throw most out.My hair is falling out all over my head and when I asked they said it was stress or the natural progression.I have no sweat from my head and a flaking scalp. The grafts they put in look gross and are spread out and tuft like. They said they used microscopes and didn't.The Doctor was presented as being an artist who was in the process of cloning hair and was the best in the area. He was not he was a neophite and liar.The whole thing was a complete misrepresentation .There was no way they could improve what I had with a hair transplant but they told me I was a great candidate and needed a transplant would never need another hairtransplant.Knowing that doing one at this time would do nothing but decompensate what I had and make it so I would have to do more or look freaky. The doctor changed plans mid operation and put some into my crown during the proceedure ,outlined my temples with grafts and did the low hairline all of which I know now to be taboo. In addition he cut several autonomic nerves that control heartrate and regulate sweat.He was a butcher and a pathological liar. The consultant took part in the act by setting up the senario for the doctor by telling me I needed 1,500 grafts and the doctor said 2,500 to get great results. My goals were full hair they responded with they couldn't give me the hair I had when I was 18 but could come real close to it.They also responded to my questions of problems or complication with there are none. They are ruthless and have gone outside of any standard of business or medical practice.They only presented the consent form after I had already paid for it and had been given a shot. When I asked about the lines that stated post operative pain and scar they told me not to worry about that as that was in reference to flap surgery not what I was having and not to worry about that.I did go to Bosley for an evaluation but the doctor couldn't see me and I had to go . I went to MHR and the Doctor was in so I went there. I wish I had gone to Bosley I think things might have been better because at least they don't oversell and I would have less to deal with and probably not have the nerves cut so severly . I cannot mention the Doctors name because I am in the process of gathering a case against him for negligence as their are acceptable standards of which he disregarded . 2,500 grafts on a n/w 2-3 are way outside that standard. Misrepresentation is another aspect I will pursue .Also the consultants role will be brought to attention. I'll just call him Mr. Honesty as he professed this several times during the consultation.I don't think naming the Doctor would save anyboby from anything or I would do so if I thought it would make a difference as if they read this they would stay away from them in general otherwise I would name names. PD knows who they are as he went there but was told they didn't use microscopes. That was shortly after me so maybe when I brought up this lie they decided they should tell when asked.I am in abject suffering and my joy of life has been taken by these theives. They have interupted my life dramaticly and I suffer daily by what they did.

  12. My life has become a living hell and I have no releif from the pain that it has become. I have nightmares about the mistake I made and even with the medicines I am taking I cannot get over it. I wonder how long I will be able to function while being haunted by the reality that the nightmare has become my life.I have tried to get some kind of perspective but I cannot . I have been destroyed by this. I am in tears most of the time.I am having a great deal of despair and regret. How could I have been so blind to such a deception . I am utterly in shreads .How could a someone do this to a person. I don't want to loose everything but I can't seem to get back on the horse.How can a Doctor be so negligent to take someone who came in to find out about hair transplants and do them such harm. I can't get over this. There was no way I needed 2,500 grafts and the tech was right when she said I didn't even need a transplant. I am really loosing my ability to cope and function. The joy I had for life and my business is gone. What is going to happen I don't know.I live in pain every minute. Everything was a deception I cannot beleive.At the cost of quality of life fo a human being. I tried to think that I am more than my hair and that I can do ok if I don't exert myself but it is too much most of the time.

  13. My life has become a living hell and I have no releif from the pain that it has become. I have nightmares about the mistake I made and even with the medicines I am taking I cannot get over it. I wonder how long I will be able to function while being haunted by the reality that the nightmare has become my life.I have tried to get some kind of perspective but I cannot . I have been destroyed by this. I am in tears most of the time.I am having a great deal of despair and regret. How could I have been so blind to such a deception . I am utterly in shreads .How could a someone do this to a person. I don't want to loose everything but I can't seem to get back on the horse.How can a Doctor be so negligent to take someone who came in to find out about hair transplants and do them such harm. I can't get over this. There was no way I needed 2,500 grafts and the tech was right when she said I didn't even need a transplant. I am really loosing my ability to cope and function. The joy I had for life and my business is gone. What is going to happen I don't know.I live in pain every minute. Everything was a deception I cannot beleive.At the cost of quality of life fo a human being. I tried to think that I am more than my hair and that I can do ok if I don't exert myself but it is too much most of the time.

  14. I think the biggest problem I have is that I just started loosing my hair and went in for advise about what my options were. The consultant professed his honesty to me and told me that nothing worked other than a hairtransplant.The only thing I knew at that point was that microscopes needed to be used.He even told me that they used them . He told me that the Doctor was the best there was and did repair work on everyone elses mistakes and even did eyelashes.I asked if this was a one time expense and he said it was the only transplant I would ever need.All of these were lies. He said it looked like I needed 1500 grafts but didn't know were the doctor would put them all.He asked if I would like to see the Doctor I told him that I would the doctor came in and said I needed 2,500 grafts to get "great results"that it would blend in nicely with the hair I had and they would keep the grafts above my hairline.On the lies they told me I went and had it done.After I did I noticed that I began to thin out rapidly and that my hairline had been lowered about an inch and was bumpy . I went in and they pretended they did not see the bumps I had or notice any thinning . I began to wonder and asked to see the microscopes they showed me the cutting station guess what no micro scopes . The consultant Mr. Honesty piped in and said see microthingies.I realized that they had deceived me I asked the doctor about if he used folicular units like he had told me and he said yes they did. I left distraught and hoped it would not be so bad . My hair continued to thin and the new three hair groups began to emerge from the bumps and pits in my new hairline that had been lowered and I was now almost bald to my crown. I saw the doctor again and this time he had their lawyer on conference call he began to dominate the conversation and misrepresent what was happening . I called the Doctor a bold face liar and he left the room because I guess all butchers are really sensitive. Their lawyer asked me what I wanted. I really didn't know what I wanted I certainly didn't want that hack doing any repairs and furthering the damage he had done. So I left. Days later I received a letter from them denying any misrepresentation on their part at all and that I was informed of potential consequences of having it done.when in actuality they went so far as to say there were none The other things to note are that I was told the area was going to be small from the donor area 7or 8 inches by 1/4 inch and would be undetectable and pencil line thin. they cut me ear to ear and left me with permenant nerve damage. I have a scalp contition now ,dry and flaking because I can no longer sweat from my head I feel it was a gross deception and they played dumb when confronted by the truth. They are responsible for causing me great torment to me and ruining my joy of life I had just begun to get my life in order and I thought I was giving myself a reward. I am in the midst of trying to hold my business together and trying not to loose what I have. I just got back from the hospital and am hoping I don't get so low that I can't go on. I need all the support I can get and regret beleiving that a Doctor would only do what was in the best interest of a patient. I voiced my concerns to he and the consultant about problems or complications and felt a like a baby that I had asked so many times. here are a few of the spins. The only complications are donor hair and money, the only complication is more hair and there are none.My life has been turned upside down by these craven deceitful bast@rds and I hope they get theirs. I am going forward with a law suite regardless of what they say and the truth I hope will prevail.I am still loosing the hair I had and and have lost more than just that.Anyone else should speak out as well or get in touch with me to and join in. Ruining peoples lives and taking advantage of their beleif in doctors should not go on.

  15. I have been having such a hard time coping with the problems that were created by having gone forward with the transplant that I received and the deception which was played upon me that resulted in me doing it in the first place. I am wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and how they were able to move on and try to get some kind of life back.It is the worst thing that has ever been done to me and the more I learn the more I am haunted by it.I can only hope that somehow I can learn to live under a hat and find someone who can help with at least a few of the problems that have been created by it.I think the worst part about this whole mess is that I was in the early stage of hairloss and ended up with one of the worst transplants possible.The Doctor was just an opertunist and and overt liar. I wish I had known more about the mechanics of what a hair transplant was and didn't rely on his assurances or his ethics as much as I did. As a result I will have alot of problems which have in fact caused me imeasurable pain and suffering emotionally and physically. How does this guy sleep at night? I will have to take a road trip this October to see if some of the harm done to me can be improved,of course I know most cannot.And I wonder if I will ever be freed from a wearing a hat.Has anyone else been deceived and butchered by the unethical practices of MHR?

  16. I have been having such a hard time coping with the problems that were created by having gone forward with the transplant that I received and the deception which was played upon me that resulted in me doing it in the first place. I am wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and how they were able to move on and try to get some kind of life back.It is the worst thing that has ever been done to me and the more I learn the more I am haunted by it.I can only hope that somehow I can learn to live under a hat and find someone who can help with at least a few of the problems that have been created by it.I think the worst part about this whole mess is that I was in the early stage of hairloss and ended up with one of the worst transplants possible.The Doctor was just an opertunist and and overt liar. I wish I had known more about the mechanics of what a hair transplant was and didn't rely on his assurances or his ethics as much as I did. As a result I will have alot of problems which have in fact caused me imeasurable pain and suffering emotionally and physically. How does this guy sleep at night? I will have to take a road trip this October to see if some of the harm done to me can be improved,of course I know most cannot.And I wonder if I will ever be freed from a wearing a hat.Has anyone else been deceived and butchered by the unethical practices of MHR?

  17. What is the doctors responsibility to a patient when the patient asks about problems or complications of having a proceedure done? Are they bound to reveal the downside of a proceedure when asked or are they allowed to withhold what they beleive might prevent the patient from going forward inspite of the patient voicing his concerns?

  18. What is the doctors responsibility to a patient when the patient asks about problems or complications of having a proceedure done? Are they bound to reveal the downside of a proceedure when asked or are they allowed to withhold what they beleive might prevent the patient from going forward inspite of the patient voicing his concerns?

  19. I can appreciate what you are saying and have listened to the advises of the posters and appreciate what they have said to aleiviate my anxiety. But let it be know that I was a N/W3 with receeding temples and came out a 5 at least with scarring and just plain mess for skin and as far as the hair goes in a year ill see what suprises that will hold for me ,there is nothing disingenuous or embelished that has gone on if telling what has happened sounds like a law suit maybe I have cause.I have indeed been to several doctors since .The dermatologist has given me the option of dermabrasion for the nice Fibrosis scar but does not advise and i would have to wait have the hairs lasered first, after that I could go to one of the well known doctors on the west coast for a brow lift to hide or raise my hairline to a normal point.The recommended Dr. that i went to said the number of grafts used for what I needed was overkill , 300-500 would have been more than enough.Its no wonder the surgeon does not want to engage I'll bet most people on this forum would have ripped him up.He is being taken to task and does not like it because He knows of his improprieties and the damage he has caused his best patients are the uninformed.he ones that go for 2500 grafts for some thinning hair.


    [This message was edited by Mahair on August 05, 2003 at 05:00 PM.]

  20. Thr outfit was MHR in Wellesley . I am in trouble I cannot Sweat from my head anymore from the scarring . I need some help . This is a real disaster. I do not have a digial camera and am fighting off bills I have not been able to work much for 2 months. I was a successful business owner and have lost my capacities . The scope of the issues related to this surgery are sever. Can anyone help . The problems and issues are ligitimate. and they are saying it is the healing process and to wait a year .My concerns are not the hair they are the damage to my scalp and the fact that I was told there were no complications.There have been many My life is falling apart before my eyes.I have been Harmed.

  21. I their anyone who has been devestated by a bad transplant that who can help me with a way to get through this horror which I am living or trying to live with . I am desparate . I did not do the homework and ended up at a hair mill to ask advice about my hairloss .I was told by the Doctor I needed 2500 grafts to get what I wanted which was full hair and thicker hair .I was a norwood 3 with thinnning in the front and receeding temples .I was told what I wanted to hear and went forward only to end up with a low hairline pits and bumps scarring to the font of my forehead below my former hairline and massive loss of hair all over and near balding to the crown area. I thought I could still function with a hat and investigated hair systems. I am now noticing that my forehead is developing deep furrows and is getting a puffy inconsistent look the area above my eyebrows are getting raised up as well.Could I have a worst case senario on my hands . I know that there is no way to judge the hair that will grow and replace the original hair I had at this point in time as it is to early but these issues are getting the best of me and need some inspiration to function .Could I reframe this I feel doomed .I don't like the prospect of this being the new me.

  22. I their anyone who has been devestated by a bad transplant that who can help me with a way to get through this horror which I am living or trying to live with . I am desparate . I did not do the homework and ended up at a hair mill to ask advice about my hairloss .I was told by the Doctor I needed 2500 grafts to get what I wanted which was full hair and thicker hair .I was a norwood 3 with thinnning in the front and receeding temples .I was told what I wanted to hear and went forward only to end up with a low hairline pits and bumps scarring to the font of my forehead below my former hairline and massive loss of hair all over and near balding to the crown area. I thought I could still function with a hat and investigated hair systems. I am now noticing that my forehead is developing deep furrows and is getting a puffy inconsistent look the area above my eyebrows are getting raised up as well.Could I have a worst case senario on my hands . I know that there is no way to judge the hair that will grow and replace the original hair I had at this point in time as it is to early but these issues are getting the best of me and need some inspiration to function .Could I reframe this I feel doomed .I don't like the prospect of this being the new me.

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