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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. This pair should get married . Neither one could ever satisfy a woman and they both lie like rugs they would make a good couple.They talked me into this mess with misrepresentation and then pretended there was nothingwrong . I should have spotted these dirtbags . But I held Drs. in high esteem. Dr. M the butcher and liar is a real disgrace to his profession. I had expected more of an M>D> than what he did to me.I hope he knows what goes around comes around.I pray for his demise.

  2. I didn't do that on purpose . That Pig William that butchered me .I can't begin to say what a liar and unethical peice of shit he is. i'll have to come up with another name.I am getting ready to picket in front of their shop of horrors to save other potential victims from the hands of the Butcher Bill.That piece of human shit.

  3. Dr. Shapiro is the only one who has pictures of this horror. I don't have a digital camera. I can't beleive what this piece of shit did to me . He did everything wrong.I have been turned into a freak by him. I live every second of my life thinking why did I beleive thr Lies he told me. I was a N/W 2 with temple recession he told me I needed 2500 grafts and itwould be a one time procedure. I was tricked by him and the consultant. I can't even function anymore. Someone should stop this Butcher.I didn't know a Dr. would lie like he did.

  4. Trying to live with permenent disfigurement at the hands of a Liar ,butcher and hack like Butcher Bill is the hardest thing I have ever had to do.I am in abject despair and regret by what this Quack has done to me. Be aware tht he left his skills at the door when he worked on me if he ever had any which I doubt. I did not deserve to be mistreated as I was by him . He is unethical and unscrupulous and I hope his peers root him out.

  5. Trying to live with permenent disfigurement at the hands of a Liar ,butcher and hack like Butcher Bill is the hardest thing I have ever had to do.I am in abject despair and regret by what this Quack has done to me. Be aware tht he left his skills at the door when he worked on me if he ever had any which I doubt. I did not deserve to be mistreated as I was by him . He is unethical and unscrupulous and I hope his peers root him out.

  6. I had it done in June.I have lived like a hermit ever since.The Dr. has been nothing but a scoundrel and a liar . He has caused great pain and damage to me. I was not the great candidate he told me I was . I had too much hair. He knew that but put it at risk as well as my health. Look him up he is a freaky looking bastard and a calculated liar. Worse than the consultant.

  7. I originally when in to find out about transplants. The Dr. talked me into it telling me it was a one time procedure with no complications and what a great candidate I was. He was actually the reason I decided to do it.I had trusted Drs. and was not aware this type was around.The consultant was less of a factor than he was . He is dirt . I am repelled by him and I guess so was his wife who left him and for good reason. Noone likes a sneak or a self centered liar.

  8. The Dr at MHR Boston is nothing more than a liar and a hack who disfigures people. He is worse than a salesman who lies to make a sale. His skills are poor and he harms people . He also oversells the procedure and is an unethical piece of dirt. A common thief and butcher. I am living proof of his handywork. Get out of the business you bum.

  9. The Dr at MHR Boston is nothing more than a liar and a hack who disfigures people. He is worse than a salesman who lies to make a sale. His skills are poor and he harms people . He also oversells the procedure and is an unethical piece of dirt. A common thief and butcher. I am living proof of his handywork. Get out of the business you bum.

  10. Other than being lied to loosing most of my original hair getting a low hairline having bumps , pits ,scarred scalp, nerve damage,scalp discoloration, bumps and getting screwed.My experience wasn't too bad. These guys suck. Especially the Boston office. The Dr. is a Quack with a capital "Q". His licence should be burned. He has caused me pain and misery . Talking people into a transplant who have decent hair to begin with is unethical. And telling them there are no complications is just a lie.I hope you get yours you S>O>B> for what you have done.

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  11. I think you should stop and wait you are way too early to consider a transplant. I had a transplant because i was concerned about the same thing and a temple resecion . I was way too early too and have nothing but regret and depression. Think of what you have and not what you don't have.Stay with the propecia but DO NOT get into anything as life altering as a hairtransplant. It is not just a hairjob there are very few Drs. that can even do them right and the difference is night and day. The transplant I had has all but ruined my life.Do tons of research and see for yourself what can and cannot be done. Thank God you did not see an unethical Dr. to get an opinion. Forgetaboutit

  12. I was wondering on average how many grafts I have left to repair the mess that was made of my head. The Dr.(MHR) took 2,500, hardly any have grown and most I beleive hit the trashcan. It caused massive shock loss to my existing hair which wasn't too bad. The only growth was in the hairline (pluggy and low.)Dr. Shapiro said it would take 2000 to improve the mess. My scalp is still tight at 7 months. So where does this leave the donor bank . I imagine I might have a few years of possibly looking ok from a few feet away after Dr. Shapiro does his thing.But I will be in retreat from there on out. Didn't know that I would ever end up like this.

  13. I was wondering on average how many grafts I have left to repair the mess that was made of my head. The Dr.(MHR) took 2,500, hardly any have grown and most I beleive hit the trashcan. It caused massive shock loss to my existing hair which wasn't too bad. The only growth was in the hairline (pluggy and low.)Dr. Shapiro said it would take 2000 to improve the mess. My scalp is still tight at 7 months. So where does this leave the donor bank . I imagine I might have a few years of possibly looking ok from a few feet away after Dr. Shapiro does his thing.But I will be in retreat from there on out. Didn't know that I would ever end up like this.

  14. I am trying to find ways to cope with this.I had a good amount of hair i just wanted to improve it. i ended up loosing my hair because of the tansplant and getting an unatural looking sparse hairline . i just don't feel right anymore.i don't knowif another h/t will help either.i appreciate that there is somewere to go with this problem and iam kind of still in shock from it.i also cannot beleive that i got taken so easily by the Dr. by doing 2500 grafts and that it was a one time procedure.it has really destroyed my self esteem and confidence greatly.

  15. I am not making any of this up I didn't know about hair transplants and thought I would see about what they were I know now I was jusr starting to thin I was given the impression that I could head off going bald by having it done early and I now am scarred up and balding it has effected my life to the point that i can hardly do anything.

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