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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. it has been over 6 months since i had this done and my scalp is still tight from the donor area scar.the wound is healed but my head feels tight all the time.the dr. that did this to me used a 4 bladed knife and really had trouble removing the strip(s)to get the grafts. he scraped away and i beleive his lack of skill combined with hislack of concern caused this.thereare nerves back there that must have been cut opened by his heavy hand my scalp if always dry and i dont sweat from there anymore.my heart is always beating rapidly from the damage he did.this is a dangerous procedure in the wrong hands . i guess i will have to try and find a way to recover somehow.but i can never seem to .how did i get so butchered .

  2. you can file with the medical board in your state and the better business bureau but the consent form pretty much lets them do what they want. the doctor that did me looked to see if i signed the consent form then hurried to get started i am still kicking myself for not backing out right there. but most quacks will hide behind a consent form after not telling the truth beforehand.if the doctor explains these things then has you sign it to verifie that you are informed thats just a formality. my consent was signed just before the procedure after i had paid and was given meds . the consultant told me i was having a simple h/t not a flap surgery so it didn't really apply to me. then they hide behind it.I would not even try to deal with a quack having had the misfortune to have been harmed by one. just file with the medical board asap and the better business bureau. I am also compiling a report and documentation to my states attourny general. anybody else know of any other recourse?

  3. can a bad hair transplant really be fixed or is it a case were once you have a bad one you just end up chasing your hairloss until you run out of options . i know i made a mistake going in for advise from the wrong people as a n/w 2 and my hair has been falling out ever since i had it done i am wondering if even the best doctor can undo the damage to where i was before i did this.the doctor at MHR used up alot of my donor hair and my scalp is still tight. hardly any of the 2,500 grafts grew but the disgusting hairline he put on me. they just made me bald were they put them in the front and all over my head i am loosing hair. unfortunately the hairline needs be removed or camoflaged and then what. i will have no hair to fill in behind it or keep up with the balding that is occuring in patches.i have been put in a bad place to work from. i should have waited until my hairline had receeded .i dont know what this guy was thinking to lower my hairline like he did. it has put me in a bad situation even for a repair.my head will never look normal again. should i even try to fix this mess or try to just stay with the hat i have been forced into.I want to fix it but i don't know if i ever will be able to really as i know there are limitations to what a transplant an do.i hopethey didnt take all of my donor hair but i think they took most of it. i wonder how much was wasted by them in the trash can. i could surely use them now. i remember saying to the nurse that there was alot left and then she took the grafts and the grafts dissapeared then she said that it was just fat. i think the whole staff was dishonest with me. other than the tech who said i didn't need a transplant and was then told to be quiet by the nurse.i just read an advertisment for a job MHR is offering guess what no exerience nessasary. no kidding i thinki was a guinue pig great they let their people train on patients.

  4. can a bad hair transplant really be fixed or is it a case were once you have a bad one you just end up chasing your hairloss until you run out of options . i know i made a mistake going in for advise from the wrong people as a n/w 2 and my hair has been falling out ever since i had it done i am wondering if even the best doctor can undo the damage to where i was before i did this.the doctor at MHR used up alot of my donor hair and my scalp is still tight. hardly any of the 2,500 grafts grew but the disgusting hairline he put on me. they just made me bald were they put them in the front and all over my head i am loosing hair. unfortunately the hairline needs be removed or camoflaged and then what. i will have no hair to fill in behind it or keep up with the balding that is occuring in patches.i have been put in a bad place to work from. i should have waited until my hairline had receeded .i dont know what this guy was thinking to lower my hairline like he did. it has put me in a bad situation even for a repair.my head will never look normal again. should i even try to fix this mess or try to just stay with the hat i have been forced into.I want to fix it but i don't know if i ever will be able to really as i know there are limitations to what a transplant an do.i hopethey didnt take all of my donor hair but i think they took most of it. i wonder how much was wasted by them in the trash can. i could surely use them now. i remember saying to the nurse that there was alot left and then she took the grafts and the grafts dissapeared then she said that it was just fat. i think the whole staff was dishonest with me. other than the tech who said i didn't need a transplant and was then told to be quiet by the nurse.i just read an advertisment for a job MHR is offering guess what no exerience nessasary. no kidding i thinki was a guinue pig great they let their people train on patients.

  5. I am kind of suprised that there is noone else here that has been made a victim by the likes of MHR . From what I have gathered over the past months what they did to me is standard operating proceedure for them. Was I just extremly unlucky with the Dr. I ended up with or do the majority of the victims they create just roll up. I hope that they are exposed to the point that it doesn't happen . But if a company like this is training there people that everyone is a candidate for 2,500 grafts and to skirt questions and purvey mistruths I cannot imagine there are not more of us out there . It is high time that something is done.A television documentary is overdue.

  6. I am kind of suprised that there is noone else here that has been made a victim by the likes of MHR . From what I have gathered over the past months what they did to me is standard operating proceedure for them. Was I just extremly unlucky with the Dr. I ended up with or do the majority of the victims they create just roll up. I hope that they are exposed to the point that it doesn't happen . But if a company like this is training there people that everyone is a candidate for 2,500 grafts and to skirt questions and purvey mistruths I cannot imagine there are not more of us out there . It is high time that something is done.A television documentary is overdue.

  7. I wish that the crooks only did 100 grafts on me . They oversold me and fed me a line of bull that I would not need do do anything else if I did it in one shot yes 2,500 grafts..I was a N/W 2 with thinning and didn't know any better.I thought they would blend in with my hair not kill it.They abused the position of beng a Doctor to gain my money and put my health and appearance in the toilet. Why they are still in business I don't know. I wish the bastard that did this to me his just deserts.And he will get them.I hope he likes the new home he bought off of the pain he has caused.I guess there are more than just me that he has harmed too. He is a discusting individual and what goes around comes around.No wonder his wife ditched him.

  8. Hi Mr.Hair,I am 39 and I just had it done 6 months ago. The Doctor if he deserves to be called one lowered the grafts below my hairline which was not what we had decided during the consult and just prior but he was slick and played with the mirror and did some fast moving. I thought it was because he was running late. I guess now he was just being deceptive but I don't know why and never will.I want to vomit when I think of his sneaky ugly ass he knew he was overselling and what he was doing unfortunately I didn't at the time and had respect for all Doctors and was unaware pieces of dirt like him existed .The name just came to me out of desperation I guess and were I live. But I'll be moving to R.I. soon.

  9. Unfortunately there is a lack of ethics in this field and it is unregulated. It is were the large clinics prey upon people only to have there cowardly legal staff defend there poor work.I have learned a hard lesson in life through dealing with the likes of this scum and the way they have handled the situation that they created.I will only get stronger from this misery and pursue every available legal option to get justice.

  10. Unfortunately there is a lack of ethics in this field and it is unregulated. It is were the large clinics prey upon people only to have there cowardly legal staff defend there poor work.I have learned a hard lesson in life through dealing with the likes of this scum and the way they have handled the situation that they created.I will only get stronger from this misery and pursue every available legal option to get justice.

  11. I paid $5 per graft x 2500 an was completely screwed up by MHR.I was a n/w 2 with thinning and they told me it was a one time expense. I would pay $10 a graft to reverse the mess they made of my scalp and have caused me additional hairloss. It depends on what you get, price should not be an object. I paid for a Cadillac and ended up with a broken down Hugo and I'm stuck with it unfortunatly I have to fix the medical problems it has caused me.If you are happy with what you got and paid $10 a graft consider it lucky.If you ended up paying too much and damaged you would be in a worse boat.$10 a graft and not getting butchered is a steal.

  12. I have actually met with him.He is a good guy and was very candid with me about what he saw in the sale job MHR did to me. I am pretty sure he does not use microscopes though and if you are going to have a H/T done it should be part of the equation,especially on your first H/T. My scalp is so irregular due to the improper techniques and unskilled overselling charlatan that MHR employed that it doesn't much matter in my case.Also think long and hard before you go forward there is no going back.Be careful stay here for at least six months before you decide. P.S. my hairloss has accelerated by years due to the overgrafting and poor work of the so called docror that took advantage of me.

  13. I am sure you know not to be locked into staying local.the methods in this area are not state of the art. We have some of the best Dr.s here but the worst H/T s in the world .I would say not to even go for a consult here the "Industy" is based on deception and trickery.Hair transplants are for life and unethical types abound here. Especially in my experience with MHR, In hindsite I was not a good candidate for a H/T.I had too much hair and thought it would fill it in and thicken it, The Doctor knew about the potential for me to loose what I had and end up being worse off and scarred but his greed ruled over his ethics and his skills were substandard by all acounts. The consultant told me he was cloning hair the reality was that he was still wet behind the ears and didn't know what he was doing other than harming a person for profit.Thanks Doc, Im saying a prayer for you .

  14. Anther day of suffering caused by the piece of dirt Dr. that MHR employed to take advantage and ruin people who go to them for an improvement and end up being damaged by them and in a depression. I loath them. I despise the Dr. that did his to me and hope he gets his. I'll be waiting.All I want for Christmas is his suffering.

  15. Anther day of suffering caused by the piece of dirt Dr. that MHR employed to take advantage and ruin people who go to them for an improvement and end up being damaged by them and in a depression. I loath them. I despise the Dr. that did his to me and hope he gets his. I'll be waiting.All I want for Christmas is his suffering.

  16. I am going to see some real doctors in December (Shapiro and Rose)to see what can be done to repair the terrible work that a butcher and oppertunist did to me. They have helped me enormously and have been very generous with their time and patience as I have gone through one of the toughest times in my life.Going from a N\W 2 with thinning and a temple recession to a scarred, plugged and devistated N\W 4 who has had his life altered and his appearance ruined.I am grateful to them for taking an interest in trying to help me out of this situation. I know there are several issues that cannot be undone but I am sure that if anything can be done that they are the ones that can do it.

  17. I am going to see some real doctors in December (Shapiro and Rose)to see what can be done to repair the terrible work that a butcher and oppertunist did to me. They have helped me enormously and have been very generous with their time and patience as I have gone through one of the toughest times in my life.Going from a N\W 2 with thinning and a temple recession to a scarred, plugged and devistated N\W 4 who has had his life altered and his appearance ruined.I am grateful to them for taking an interest in trying to help me out of this situation. I know there are several issues that cannot be undone but I am sure that if anything can be done that they are the ones that can do it.

  18. I too have had horrible results from (MHR) it was my first procedure. I was thinning in the front and had a temple resecion. Not only did'nt the grafts grow except in the low (three finger ) hairline. It has accelerated my hairloss and I am loosing hair all over my head. My scalp is red and irratated and I am going bald as a result. I made the worst mistake of my life going in to get more hair and ending up a mess because of their lack of concern for the patient.Their poor quality and quack doctors have created a living hell for me.I was unaware of their terrible reputation at the time but they surely have earned it.

  19. Who is the best for repairing the hairline. I have an unusual case were my hairline was lowered to three fingers above my eyebrows and there are two and three hair grafts placed there. Could they be filled in around to make them look less obvious .

  20. Who is the best for repairing the hairline. I have an unusual case were my hairline was lowered to three fingers above my eyebrows and there are two and three hair grafts placed there. Could they be filled in around to make them look less obvious .

  21. I admit that I did not do the research that I think would have saved me from getting a transplant.I was very active and not on the computer much before this happened. I was not aware that I needed to be so cautious of the feild and went to what I thought to be a qualified physician who would evaluate my hairloss and make the appropriate diagnosis of my situation.I did have recession in my left temple and thinning to the front behind my hairline I was concerned and anxious about it so I thought that I was doing the right thing by seeing a Doctor who specialised in hair about it.I did not know I was going to be sold what couln't possible even duplicate what I already had or had the potential of making it worse and unnatural. Instead I was told that I was a great candidate and would get great results because of that.Also that this was a one time expense that would take care of it and there were no complications or problems. I went on faith that the Doctor knew his business and did as he reccomended.I do not have the equiptment to post pictures and have been struggling to keep myself from falling deeper in debt. I have incured alot of medical bills that I cannot pay and am having a hard time motivating myself to do what I need to just to survive. I still have some hair from where the grafts were placed into and if I had been bald there it would appear that I have some hair but it is what was my own and far less than I had before with bumps and discoloration of my scalp .The grafts that have grown , in front of were my hairline was are pluggy and unatural.I have plucked some of the hairs in desperation in an attempt to make it better but to no avail the hair on the sides of my head is thinning out and my scalp is dry and flaking. I do not mean to go on about this but I am devistated .

  22. Are there any doctors who will petition for regulations regarding standard of care to be inposed on the hair transplant industry as a whole.As it is known that the effects of having some Doctors take advantage of the fact that it is not are causing many people great harm. The overselling of grafts to the unsuspecting and using outdated proceedures is unethical at the least. Moreover the trust many have in Doctors as a whole is compromised. Someone should stand up and take the initiative to bring this forward. People are being harmed by the unscrupulous methods of your peers.Might there be some amongst you that would be willing to make sure that ethics are not overlooked for the sake of money.

    Or at least that no harm is done for the sake of money.Most outsiders are unsuspecting of the Harm they are going to encounter as a result of there being a lack of regulation and presume there best interests are being taken into account only to find they were not.

  23. My appearance has been altered to such a degree that I cannot even go out to the store to get what I need without feeling self consious. My life has been ruined. I feel the oppression of what this doctor did to me every minute. I wish that I had never trusted anyone with my life. Worst of all I feel as though I cannot accept my altered appearance as my own. I have reveiwed over and over my pre -op photos and cannot but say to myself what was I thinking. If the doctor had even one degree of the ethics I thought he had he would have either sent me away or given me the few hundred grafts I may have needed. I certainly hope that MHR realizes that they are ruining people when they have a 2,500 graft or nothing policy. It is unscrupulous and I say at this time criminal what they have done to me.The suffering I have gone through is imeasurable. The future is equally bleak. Somewhere , Somebody needs to hold them accountable for there actions . Perhaps the "industry" as a whole needs to be re-vamped hopefully from within.It is an insult to have been knowingly wronged by a person that carries the title of M.D.. This transplant is by far the worst thing that has ever happened to me and has had far reaching effects that I never could have imagined.It is worse to know that it was intentful as I in this short time know more than I ever thought I would need to about hairtransplants.There will be legal recourse but that is little solace for how I will have to live for ever.So now I will have to try to repair what wasn't broken in the first place or relegate myself to looking like a freak.I hope others will come forward and put an end to this abuse.I didn't know that I was in the wrong place at the time and didn't see any red flags. But on constant reveiw of the events that transpired I see them clearly.My soul hurts and I fight to have the strenth to continue.

  24. My appearance has been altered to such a degree that I cannot even go out to the store to get what I need without feeling self consious. My life has been ruined. I feel the oppression of what this doctor did to me every minute. I wish that I had never trusted anyone with my life. Worst of all I feel as though I cannot accept my altered appearance as my own. I have reveiwed over and over my pre -op photos and cannot but say to myself what was I thinking. If the doctor had even one degree of the ethics I thought he had he would have either sent me away or given me the few hundred grafts I may have needed. I certainly hope that MHR realizes that they are ruining people when they have a 2,500 graft or nothing policy. It is unscrupulous and I say at this time criminal what they have done to me.The suffering I have gone through is imeasurable. The future is equally bleak. Somewhere , Somebody needs to hold them accountable for there actions . Perhaps the "industry" as a whole needs to be re-vamped hopefully from within.It is an insult to have been knowingly wronged by a person that carries the title of M.D.. This transplant is by far the worst thing that has ever happened to me and has had far reaching effects that I never could have imagined.It is worse to know that it was intentful as I in this short time know more than I ever thought I would need to about hairtransplants.There will be legal recourse but that is little solace for how I will have to live for ever.So now I will have to try to repair what wasn't broken in the first place or relegate myself to looking like a freak.I hope others will come forward and put an end to this abuse.I didn't know that I was in the wrong place at the time and didn't see any red flags. But on constant reveiw of the events that transpired I see them clearly.My soul hurts and I fight to have the strenth to continue.

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