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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. HTcurious,I had a lot of shock from my first h/t,front to back.In the hands of a skilled surgeon you can be improved greatley without too much worry of this .Both of the Drs. you named make the cut but I beleive Dr. Shapiro may get the nod as far as repair goes.It is no doubt extremely depressing when you are messed-up/with the first time around.Just so you know beforehand your hair will always have some transparency with h/t and lighting but it can be improved over a shocked-out looking first pass by a good margin.One other thing I would like to mention is that if you had alot of native hair and your "Dr." did not explain properly shock loss to you or even mention it, report him to the medical board in your state for the fraudulant practice of medicine he commited.It may curb his poor judgement somewhat in the future and spare someone regrets or worse.

  2. Careful guys this guy was trained by on of the best con-men of all time.Who knows what you are actually seeing, more than likely smoke and mirrors. I have it from a great source that they actually bring the old plug /disfigurement/flapp boys out into the fray to teach "ethics" to the new fresh meat.I think his name is Pig or something.Buyer Beware!Some of the topics include how to deal with disapointed patients.You are not your brothers keeper,If you don't do it someone else will,and why am I having trouble getting my patients in for their seventh surgery.Sorry man but once a bird of a feather always a bird of a feather.And I put that lightly.His former boss suposedly had a h/t maybe 40-50 grafts and wears enough concealers to write his manifesto if he was ever incarcerated for the crimes against humanity he has commited.To say you could throw a dart behind you and do better would be acurate.Take your time here and educate yourself from the many cons,quacks and butchers and their well rehearsed scams.

  3. Expost, you should see a dermatologist about this as a scalp condition can cause hairloss.If you are interested in hairtransplants there is alot to it (its not like what you saw on T.V.)and the responsibility falls on the patient to educate himself ,unfortunately to protect themselves against a doctor(the ones that false advertise on T.V.).There are alot of Wacko doctors in this field who would tell you anything and mess you up good.I am glad you found this forum it is a powerful tool that will save you from making a mistake.

  4. Well ,IMO you still have too much hair to be a true candidate for surgery.You also have natural Ceasar like hair,even the sides and feel you could keep this looking good for many years.You may be a good candidate(based on your donor) but certainly not a great one at this point based on the amount of hair you still have,your age and the amount you have yet to lose. I would wait until you are.I also noticed you have very few posts here and might go so far as to advise you to research for another few months before you commit to surgery.I am sure Dr. Dorin did a family history with you and outlined the master plan for your future hairloss and future surgeries you will *need* if you have the first one.I hope opened dialog about shockloss was a major topic as you appear to have alot of at risk hair. To break even after a surgery and be commited to more can be a major *dissapointment* at best.As far a the scar goes I am sure it would be a thin one as he is one of the better doctors out there but I don't think this should be your main concern.

  5. Ailene makes an excellent point.I thought I was asking great questions (and I did),unfortunately you also need to know *WHO* you are asking these questions to.I asked the "Dr." several times about complications and was told bluntly"There are none"and "There are'nt ANY" (M.D.s don't lie about something like that icon_rolleyes.gif)actually I was told by the consultant that I may get a "pimple", that was the worst of it, being such a benign procedure , given the expectations of "great results"(by the "Dr."as I had such great hair) and being told that this was a one time procedure .I made an "informed decision" based on what the "Dr." had told me.I guess rationalization is a big part of his make-up as a brick thrown through a stained glass window could be considered a "great result" and a complication would be outside of typical therefore,swelling,permenent shockloss,nerve damage,scarring,unnatural apearance,need for repeat surgeries,pain,black eyes,stretched long scar,lingering redness,scalp deformities were actually expected to happen by him therefore were not complications.But what about the anhydrosis ,tachycardia,seboreic dermatitis,vascular problems,facial wrinkles and rosatia I now suffer from are these complications "Dr." or just part of the unrealistic expectations that you infered that I had(in your mongoloid drawl)after you gave them to me?I took for granted that this*person* was an expert as he advertised himself as such and like dino-"Dr." suggested I did'nt question his *expert* opinion.I should have asked the $10hr. tech who told me I did'nt even need a transplant (after it was too late.).I guess she knew more than the "Dr.".

  6. Goose,I am so glad you came to this forum before seeing *a* hair restoration physician.You should be made aware that there are very few real doctors in this field.The majority are simply put quacks,conmen and butchers who would undoubtedly play on your concern for your son and his justifiable concern over his hairloss to their advantage and disfigure him without remorse.A visit with a ligitamate doctor would not be a bad idea there are some listed on this site, there are many pitfalls and your visit here may help you avoid them.

  7. Yes the scar is very important and you should ask your doctor about it ,length etc..I asked about mine I was told it would be 4" long and was uneasy about that, unfortunately I ended up with a horrid 10" smiley (via 4-blade).If you go to a reputable doctor you will be advised about the scar.Dr Shapiro improved mine when he did some repair on me.I was told it looks much better.

  8. Thinking,I don't like the idea of phone consults as you really need to be seen in person by the doctor for a true evaluation.You are right on with the 20-25 graft per sq.cm. thing ,why bother.I beleive Dr. Shapiro shoots for 40-45 I wonder if Matt was refering to a realy bald area for the first pass?.Even though this is a pain I would make the trip to see Dr.Shapiro in person and ask your questions and convey your concerns to him not Matt.This is the most important decision of your life.If I was going to do it all over when I was an actual candidate I would go to Shapiro, nothing against the other two real doctors you mentioned.I am impressed with your dillegence and educating yourself on this subject, even with that if something does'nt sit just right even with a top doc don't do it.Even the fact that you reasearched and recieved the best hairtransplant in the world it is of little consolation if it was'nt what you expected.I would also suggest that you see actual patients in person up close before taking the final step.If you do all these things there is little chance of you being dissapointed.This is the formula for a truly successful H/t.

  9. I have been speaking to a recent "customer" of his via telephone who is very depressed about his "results",problems with pitting low growth unrealistic expectations given to him etc.. He is now getting repair work done on a 1 year old mini graft H/T with a state of the art doctor.

  10. He is on propecia and has been since his h/t. I bet had he not had the surgery he would still have that hair ,certainly with propecia only.Katona sold him a cure (H/t and propecia).This is would be called Malpractice in any ligitamate field of medicine.Also another doctor would'nt touch him,why do you suppose that is?Because this would happen.This being a "natural" occurence that coincided with his h/t is just what he will be told,as a defence, but it is not the case.This occurance happens frequently.Especially when poor judgment or willful disconcern are involved ,a common problem with MHR, second only to the neglegence and fraud they commit on a daily basis.

  11. Bosley is responsible for brainwashing the general public wholesale as to what a hairtransplant actually is and what it can do.It is shocking that this blatent false advertising is allowed ,the FTC should be ashamed of itself for actually sueing the AMA to allow these Quacks to advertise this way and literally butcher people(MHR also utilizes this template with even less regard for the truth and IMO more disfiguring work)Bosley does the saute and multiple procedure approach, MHR mangles you in on fell swoop ,a disclaimer should be manditory with this type of advertising.Otherwise big tobacco should be allowed to run "healthy cigarette" ads.Educate yourself about what a hairtransplant actually is and what it can and can't do then decide who of the few doctors that can do it you want.DeBosleyize yourself first it is a fantasy that usually ends up being a nightmare.Its called "Selling the dream" a common problem in this field.Ethical doctors see red flags when someone comes in with early hairloss a Quack see $$ and will tell you absolutely anything in order to get it.I think if you only need 800 grafts you might not even be a "candidate" in the true sense of the word , more often than not this is determined only by wether or not you have hair in the back of your head ,this means everybody,nothing to do with your expectations or outcome.You lucky candidate.

  12. Hey,mikey23,The big irony to this is that DR.Shapiro is actually the same price or less than MHR so travel is the only incoveinience and may be taken into account by him for you.Travel is part of the deal with h/t rarely is there a decent doctor close by,there are just too few of them.I traveled 15 miles to get my MHR h/t(Boston has the best Drs.right?I thought so and was told he was brought here due to his advances in cloning hair, the only thing he brought was a new meaning to Boston Massacre) I have subseguently logged thousands of miles desperately trying to fix it.Your interests are best served by going to the mountain with all of your questions,the longer you stay here the more you will have, write them down and ask them.He will not lie to you or use semantics to seal the deal.

  13. mikey23,He was?He told you you were on the young side to be considering a h/t,that you would need more than one possibly several h/ts,that you will have an ear to ear scar,that you will never be able to buzz cut your hair,that a multi-bladed knife will be used on you(hopefully and regretfully only for the donor),that he does not use microscopes but 10+ year old technolgy that uses mini and micro grafts(fancy plugs) that cause skin deformities,that he will not be doing the majority of the work on you,that there are "no guarantees",and then give you the consent form to take home and reveiw?I am interested as to what you were told so that the record can be set straight for your sake.Or did he tell you what a "great candidate you were how great your hair was for an h/t ,what great results you would get and that there were no complications(just what you wanted to hear)?

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