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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. Of course the doctor should have told you this,he also should have gone through future hairloss,shockloss,your goals, risks,need for multiple procedures,limitations,unnatural apearance, amongst many other things this is actually his legal responsibility.Actually a h/t is contraindicated (in textbooks) for less than a n/w 4.Any less of a number need to be completely educated (by the doctor). I am suprised that you went ahead after one doctor said "no" to you I only wish he had told you why.Surgical error (transection) is carelessness I had alot of that. Shockloss is due to the trauma to the scalp on the hair in the existing area and can weaken or kill that hair,it can also occur outside of the imediate area and weaken that hair or fast forward its lifespan.There are no Markus Welbys in that group do not expect any empithy or concern from them ,they will actually become hostile twords you,they are very sensitive .They are also masters of rationalization and deceipt.You will be told that what you are experiencing is your future progression(even though it was caused by the surgery),that you are not being objective,you are being self critical,or had unrealistic expectations(even if they gave them to you).The first thing you should do is file a complaint with the medical board as a record it is easy enough and you have grounds.You are not alone many,many people have been messed up by these guys,I have yet to find a real satisfied "customer" other than thier consultants(who usually refer to thier MHR plant as old work and direct you to a virgin area and proclaim that this is the their work)or an MHR "DR." with a faux transplant(a few grafts) .I hear new stories all the time some are alot worse than yours.Send me a message(private message) and I will direct you to the suit you should get involved to help uncover the MHR beartrap and save other people from their fraud,deceipt and damage.

  2. You have come to the right place to ask your many questions and it will take a long time to answer them all.Search through the posts to find some of the answers and asks questions if you are not sure.One thing I will tell you is there are no "specialist hair groups" only specialist "sales" groups, their main objective is to sell you their substandard usually disfiguring and sometimes dangerous product .Independant doctors concentrate on results corporations concentrate on getting your money.Of the thousands of doctors performing this procedure only a handful can do it with a positive result, it is a field like no other where the patient must fully educate himself to an "expert" level in order that he does not become the victim of an unethical and unskilled doctor.

  3. rsanders36,Sorry to hear that you were mislead and lied to by yet another MHR "Dr." take solace in the fact that at least you were not butchered and that there are good doctors such as Shapiro that can make this less of a mistake for you and give you sound advise be it another surgery or cutting your loss.It really bothers me that these doctors are allowed to make such false statements in order to seal the deal.He told you "This is a good time to do this,you will never go bald."?False.Don't hesitate to report him to the state medical board and include the false statments and unrealistic expectations he gave you as well as him not explaining the risks,future hairloss, etc.This may curb his future poor judgment somewhat.There is also a class action lawsuit being put together against MHR you can pm me to find out how to get involved.Do not fault yourself for not doing enough reasearch these guys are renound for taking what you do know and embelishing it with what you don't (overselling),while avoiding or dismissing any concerns you have about complications or risks (fraud).They have extensive training in the selling of transplants, not in the doing.This is not your fault.We are conditioned to beleive that a doctor works under the premise of "do no harm." This is all too often not the case with larger organizations who the bottom line(profit) preceeds all else inluding your best interest.I made a statement in a prior thread that the standard of care is extremely low and has not been changed in years.This does refer to the real doctors in this field that are doing state of the art responsible work (far superior to the standard of care) but that others are allowed to do outdated, dangerous,freakish transplants without a need or cause to raise the bar and can get away with it based on the overall standard which is low.

  4. Another thing to look at is the scalp and how the hair grows out of it does it look pinny or tufty.Also check for stigmata such as pitting(a hole), pulling (when the skin is pulled up by the hair at the base like a mini volcano),smoothness of scalp vs. textured or raised up in the transplanted area.

  5. I think the midwest has alot of cowboys,I am refering to doctors. You need to stay here for 6 months to learn about stuff before getting a H/T. your scalp will still be there.If you don't it may not be .Welcome and hope you use this forum to avoid hairtransplant hell.

  6. The consultant now patient education director Steve Hodgkins at MHR told me that they did Sylvester Stalones transplant. I wish he had finished it with: He now wears a hairpiece to cover it up. I guess they did'nt do him physical harm though as he is still functioning.He got lucky.

  7. Yipes Thinking,You have been shown more red flags than a bull, toro.Some docs like to shave the recipient as to avoid existing follicles and duplicate the angles, quite frankly though if you are shaving your head to do this you have too much hair to be doing it and going for density will backfire.Also do not think of this as a dig as I think anyone going for plastic surgery should see a psychaiatrist before making permenent changes.This is especially true with hair transplants as they are notorious for being counterproductive and even if not, increase as opposed to decrease ones concerns with their hair.I am covinced that obsesion with hairloss makes people irrational for several primal reasons.I have one more suggestion and that is to visit a site called hairtransplantlawsuits and check the links there, they should be required veiwing prior to any surgery . The link to the hairball site is great.

  8. Medical boards are useless. They are for doctors by doctors. Malpractice in hair transplants are near impossible as it is elective regardless of what the doctor told you be it no complications, great results, one time procedure, undetectable ,etc. A bad outcome scarring, complications, etc. are considered "normal". The standard of care is extremely low and has not been changed in years, I was mauled in 2003 not 1973.A hairtransplant doctor would basicly have to kill you to be disiplined by a medical board and would rationalize that he was going to die eventually anyway. I have an extremely compeling malpractice case as the doctor was so careless he caused vascular and neurological damage on top of a disfiguring and inapropriate hairtransplant.Forget about the fraud and misinformed consent he provided me.Your best bet is to use the forums and solicit opinions from others on it to determine if the doctor is any good or if his recommendations are sound.There is no protection or regulations in this field and even the so called consumer advocates are not doing nearly enough in regards to petitioning for baseline regulations or presenting thier data to the apropriate agencies.

  9. Politik,russtaman, Read this post again. Did you read the part where she said:"I ran my fingers though his hair it felt a bit FUNNY,like DRY GRASS. It turns out he had hairtransplants (plural)"or just the part were she was making out with him on the first date and crying out "Dry Grass" I miss you?

  10. Loosing your hair that fast would make anyone depressed and freak out. It actually happened to me after a hairtransplant.There is only one known cure that combats the effects of hairloss that is acceptance. What happened to you will make you stronger even though you don't beleive it now because it is very traumatic but you will get over it trust me. There are stages of response to hairloss :denile ,panic,anger,then acceptance.And you never had a chance to adjust. I think I was in the panic stage when I got wacked.Stay away from a hairtransplant clinic as you are ripe for the picking as you have not emotionally adjusted to the drastic change and they will feed into this.Anyway nobody will find you less attractive.Shaved heads are in these days and black guys pull it off with style.Get back to the gym and look at Sean Ray thats the look.

  11. You are asking alot of great questions, You need to write them down and ask them when Dr. Shapiro looks at your hair/ head so you don't forget anything. He is the only one that can answer these questions. He would definately be able to tell you which is best in regards to number of grafts,more,less,likelyhood of shock vs. gain etc..Also tell him all of the concerns you have about your hairloss present and future.I am glad you are going the extra miles to see him he is not only the best but extremely ethical and honest.You can tell him you talked to Joe on the internet.He knows that I have the 101 reasons not to get a hairtransplant down pat and he is the only one that I would trust with your hair/health.

  12. No offence to anyone here heavy I hope you know that. Just trying to counter the "Its the hair dude!" propaganda thats targeting him. I hope he never forgets it either.A scumbag like "Dr." Magdalin would work on him as he advertises that he has performed hairtransplants on people from 18 to 90 in his profile. I was actually told by the consultant that he lowered a 16 year old girls hairline.I could have given him the 101 reasons not to get a hairtransplant but I think that was more effective given what his concern was with his hairloss.

  13. Hair transplant doctors know how to make your hair look its worst in pre-op photos. Standing your hair on end twisting it into a tuft, combing your hair in certain directions , taking shots at certain angles,straight on, etc.I am sure that they could make Elvis look like a "candidate" In your follow ups they try to cover up the area they were previously exposing by combing over taking the red spectrum out of color and so on . "Dr" Magdalin was doing this with me until I had no hair left to cover anything ,then he started photo shopping my pics.Just one of the many "tricks" of the trade.He actually took pics at 10' away to show me that the bumps were not visible in a picture taken at that distance. I could still see them.He then acused me of be self-critical an not being objective.

  14. Yes , unfortunately it is ongoing until we die, recession then thinning all over including the sides which will retreat downward.You don,t want to do anything that would make you more depressed as in cronic depression and be saying I loved me the way I was and can never go back.There are many people in this field who like to compair hairloss to cancer etc.like its a disease something that needs to be taken care of it is not. I look at bald/balding people now with respect and envy and admire their clean scalps and tight haircuts.On the other hand if your goals are realistic and your remaining hair is stable and thick rather than defuse or velous, in the right hands with planning.Well the only person I would want you to see would be Dr. Ron Shapiro. I know he would give you all the right answers to your questions not what you want to hear and would never hurt you.After that you will know for sure if it is right for you. This may be a pain but it is the only way to be safe that I can think of.

  15. It would be tough to find out if a doctor has pending lawsuits against him, you would have to ask him and chances are he would lie if he did.These guys are not like Markus Wellby M.D.. He might just have a great consent form. You should go to at least 3 consultations as if it were a heart transplant.By now you know who to stay away from, now you need to narrow down who to go to. Even if the Dr. has no lawsuits is not a good reason to go to him/her as a bad result is considered "normal" for a hairtransplant in the eyes of the court.You also realize you are starting a process (replacing your hair) which is on going and will require more procedures as you continue to loose hair.This needs to be included in your master plan and don't beleive anyonebody who tells that a propecia perscription covers the rest, it just prolongs the interval between procedures if you respond to it.

  16. First of all relax. Then go to a dermatologist and ask about propecia. Whatever you do DO NOT freak out and start obsessing that you need a hairtransplant.Do not go to an MHR or Bosley clinic for advise even though you saw how simple it was on television it is a lie.There are some real wackos in this field who would cut you up and ruin your life for a few bucks.P.S. chicks hate guys with hairtransplants.

  17. I don't know if I can mention it here but if you do a search for hairloss help it will come up and direct you to their forum.There is a recent post under hair transplant doctors.Yes it would be nice to think that MHR has some "ok" doctors that don't lie,do irresponsible work or worse butcher you but you don't want to find out at the risk of your head and health(my opinion).FACT: They are light years behind the top doctors on everything except sales tactics and sales pressure , lies are a form of sales pressure.They use commisioned consultants (salesmen)to do most of the lying for them and then swear to it.There are about 2 doctors in the world I would ever let touch my head and neither would have at the stage I was at unless I disregarded their opinion. They are mentioned here frequently.What is your current hairloss? what do you expect to get from it?From where you are you could travel 100 or so miles and go to the best or stay local and then travel thousands of miles in an attempt to fix it if possible.Bad hairtransplants can never really be fixed.There is much to know about hairtransplants and most of the info is self- serving so you are starting out at a disadvantage, so be careful. Good luck.

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  18. Scooby,Unfortunately MHR misrepresents their procedure wholesale it is not speculation.They have harmed lots of people this is the TRUTH.You may have been lucky and I hope your honeymoon is not short lived. Are you planning to have your second and third procedure with them?If your doctor was ethical and concerned ,as it appears she was, she will not be with them for long.As far as just ask question. I did all of the answers were complete lies, not only the consultant but the doctor they are trained to do that(by MHR)I have that from an inside source. If they had answered even one of them truthfully I would not be in this position.Sorry Scooby I will tell the TRUTH about MHR every chance I get.And WILL refute every thing they would tell a potential victim with facts.I saw the work they did on you it is not their usual standard of care.Most will not be so lucky. Rebel, there is another forum you can search. Some of "Dr." Holts victims have posted there.Why don't you go check it out Scooby?You might want to change your name to LUCKY.

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