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Everything posted by Anonymous

  1. I just started taking minoxidil 5% recently, about 1 month and I’ve noticed a shedding.. but its not from an area on the scalp where I applied it.. Can minoxidil cause shedding in areas where you don’t apply it ?
  2. alright actually I'm a few years post op and was thinking of getting a perm . But if not done by a professional, than a perm could cause permanent hair loss ?
  3. I've had a hair transplant and was wondering is it safe to perm my hair ? Would it cause any damage to the hair follicles or cause permanent hair loss ?
  4. Hi cant decide, can you post any pictures ?
  5. How does this look up close ? Because smp gives the illusion of hair for a shaved head , little dots , but if you have long hair surrounding the dots, doesn't it look weird ?
  6. How was this done , so you did smp without shaving his head ? Wasn't it hard to get the density right ? I thought shaving the head before smp was ideal so the technician could get a clearer view
  7. sorry to revive this old post but would SMP conceal the diffuse thinning only if the hair is cut short ? ( stubble ). What if the diffuse hair is grown out a bit longer, would the smp still be able to conceal the diffuse thinning ? ( because no scalp is showing ).. Or would it look unnatural ?
  8. I came across this article, Someone supposedly died from a prp treatment given by a beauty salon ? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/1-dead-3-hospitalized-after-receiving-cancer-beauty-treatment/
  9. can I honestly take this seriously ? There's some pretty well known HT doctors out there that are still offering prp therapy.
  10. Hi, has anyone tried dermaroller ? I've had a hair transplant with a strip scar. Could I use the dermaroller on the strip scar ? Is there a specific dernaroller that most people used ? I saw a few quite on amazon but not sure. How's this one ?
  11. Hi Mrjb, Do you have any pics? I'm currently considering Dr. True for HT.
  12. sorry to bump this old topic, but where can you buy dermatch from?
  13. Hi guys, the ones who mentioned that they were able to hide their HT in two weeks, do you mean with strip scar? I'm thinking of getting FUE and taking two weeks off work but I'm afraid that it won't be enough time..seeing that most doctors require you to shave your donor area. And I already have a strip scar back there.. so it's even harder to conceal. Would some docotrs be able to do FUE with long hair or is that a risk?
  14. I'm at 10 months, and my hair almost feels the same as my natural hair. I'm sure there's more thickening and softening to come but the frizziness look and feel of it is almost gone.
  15. Thanks for the replies- I had a strip scar done, when I asked about future hairloss after having him examine my hair, telling him what I'm taking for my hairloss, and showing him pictures of family members, he said something along the lines of.."you most likely will not have any future hairloss.. and if you do, than it will be around the temple area.. stick to the propecia". Something along those lines. ( Can't future hair loss be determined from family history and meds you're taking?) I've stated to my doctor that I only plan on one surgery during consultation and he didn't mention that I may need a 2nd pass. My hairloss was very minimal to begin with. My goal was to create a lower hairline. When I asked about my original density, he said 50-60 cm2. If this is really the case plus what he said about my future hairloss, I don't see why he couldn't have given me a new hairline closer to my original density.
  16. I'm so disappointed in my results thus far and I'm 8 months post op. I had hairline work done with one of the supposedly most well known HT doctors in the world. I've done tons of research and it seems to have been in vain if this is my result. My new hairline looks thin and transparent. I was given a density of 30-40 grafts per cm2. FYI, I'm asian and my density is lower than caucasians but still, it's too low. I was told that I would have no further hairloss given my family history, and if I did, it would be very little around the temple area so I don't know why more grafts couldn't have been used to thicken up my new hairline. I don't know what my doctor was thinking when he gave me this density. My donor area has suffered some sort of nerve damage, one part of my scar is extra sensitive. Although it's triclosure, I'm still unable to buzz my head, not even to a #4 or #5, it becomes quite obvious than. I don't know what to do right now.. I'm just very disappointed.
  17. I'm so disappointed in my results thus far and I'm 8 months post op. I had hairline work done with one of the supposedly most well known HT doctors in the world. I've done tons of research and it seems to have been in vain if this is my result. My new hairline looks thin and transparent. I was given a density of 30-40 grafts per cm2. FYI, I'm asian and my density is lower than caucasians but still, it's too low. I was told that I would have no further hairloss given my family history, and if I did, it would be very little around the temple area so I don't know why more grafts couldn't have been used to thicken up my new hairline. I don't know what my doctor was thinking when he gave me this density. My donor area has suffered some sort of nerve damage, one part of my scar is extra sensitive. Although it's triclosure, I'm still unable to buzz my head, not even to a #4 or #5, it becomes quite obvious than. I don't know what to do right now.. I'm just very disappointed.
  18. Mod, please delete this topic, I made a mistake.
  19. I'm sort of worried, is it normal for transplanted hairs to fall out 5 days post op? Is that to early? The doctor advised me that hairs should fall out in 2 weeks. I've only washed my grafts with a low pressure shower head. But I did touch it a few times, to gently cover it with shampoo and Vitamin E oil. I don't remember seeing scabs forming..but I'm not sure, yet I don't remember any bleeding either which is supposed to happen when grafts are pulled out, right? Ah, should I be worried?
  20. I'm sort of worried, is it normal for transplanted hairs to fall out 5 days post op? Is that to early? The doctor advised me that hairs should fall out in 2 weeks. I've only washed my grafts with a low pressure shower head. But I did touch it a few times, to gently cover it with shampoo and Vitamin E oil. I don't remember seeing scabs forming..but I'm not sure, yet I don't remember any bleeding either which is supposed to happen when grafts are pulled out, right? Ah, should I be worried?
  21. thanks jagdish but I only see pictures of his hair combed to the side. I'm trying to find pictures of hair combed straight down covering the whole forehead.
  22. I've been browsing around but can't find any pictures of how transplanted hair looks grown long ( around eye length). Everyone who posts their pictures seem to have their hair very short. I'm trying to get a sense if recreating a hairline with 50 grafts - cm2 will be enough to pull off a thick moppy hair look if combed foward. Would it be enough to sufficiently cover the forehead without any spots looking thin? Is anyone willing to post a pic of their HT combed foward?
  23. I've been browsing around but can't find any pictures of how transplanted hair looks grown long ( around eye length). Everyone who posts their pictures seem to have their hair very short. I'm trying to get a sense if recreating a hairline with 50 grafts - cm2 will be enough to pull off a thick moppy hair look if combed foward. Would it be enough to sufficiently cover the forehead without any spots looking thin? Is anyone willing to post a pic of their HT combed foward?
  24. I've been noticing that my scalp has been really itchy. Not all over, just the front hairline, specifically, the center part where I'm losing hair. And its not a mild itchiness, its so extreme that I feel like I have to pick at it which just makes it worse. I end up scratching away at thin hair follicles that end up falling off sooner because of my scratching. I'm only on propecia right now and I read that zinc helps stop the itchiness, but even 50mg of zinc doesn't seem to be helping the itch. Is anyone else suffering from itchiness only in hairloss areas?
  25. I've been noticing that my scalp has been really itchy. Not all over, just the front hairline, specifically, the center part where I'm losing hair. And its not a mild itchiness, its so extreme that I feel like I have to pick at it which just makes it worse. I end up scratching away at thin hair follicles that end up falling off sooner because of my scratching. I'm only on propecia right now and I read that zinc helps stop the itchiness, but even 50mg of zinc doesn't seem to be helping the itch. Is anyone else suffering from itchiness only in hairloss areas?
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