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Posts posted by dakota3

  1. I actually think this looks right on line for the # of grafts implanted. Considering he had just about nothing before he has pretty decent coverage. What concerns me is that there appears to be a little bit of pitting at the hairline. Now that just may be the pics but this is what it looks like to me. Let me add that it really depends on how much they lowered the hairline to determine if this is sufficiant coverage for # of grafts used

  2. IMO people who don't have hairloss don't even think about hair let alone know that HT's leave a strip scar. I shave my head and am slightly more self concious about the scar than I am about my hairloss now, but I've had people ask me if I've gotten in an accident, had brain surgery, ETC... but have never asked if I've had a HT. In fact for some reason more people think that it's cool "I know wierd right" than think it's hideous. Of course if you have some outrageous story about wrestling alligators in the everglades it makes you look like a badass! LOL!!!

  3. I agree that there is a noticable difference between the frontal 1/3 and the back 2/3rd's however in most cases with the expectations of furthur loss "this guy seems to be well on his way to a full NW6" there should be a transition of thicker hair in the front and thinning as you go back. IMO this is a true representation of what 4,000 grafts can do for you and the others you see here are "cherry picked results" who a fewer and far between in real life. I will say though that it does seem to go from ultra dense to sparse real quick. I think maybe it could have been trasitioned a little better

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