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Posts posted by dakota3

  1. A good hair system looks 100% undetectable - and I MEAN 100%!


    Beemark, Can you provide a few more pic's. It's hard to believe that this is a hairpiece. The fact that you didnt provide info on where you got the hair piece is good because it doesnt make it seem you are here to promote, but still doesnt quite convince me. If this is real please do forgive me but most people can spot a hair piece a mile a way

  2. Shaving your head is the only advise you should consider IMO. You are young and very advanced in MPB which means there is a great chance you will progress to a NW7. The good thing is that you are young and advancemnets in fighting MPB have come a long way and continue to make strides every day. Just hold on bro!! Definatly start on finesterides and minoxidil though!!



    Dont do it! Technology has not come far enough with hair systems yet for any of them to look real. You would get far more stares wearing a toupee as opposed to shaving. I know you say you dont look good with a shaved head, but A) have you tried it? and if you did B) how long did you try it for?. The reason I ask is that I didnt think Id look good with a shaved head so I went and had a HT. After it didnt grow in it was either shave my head or deal with the balding look. I shaved my head and while at first I didnt like it I got used to it after a while and my only concern was the scar.


    I tried a hair system for one day. Not only did it look aweful, but it itched and it felt like I was wearing a hat. Needless to say I had it taken off the next day. My suggestion... Try shaving your hair down to a half inch first, get used to that and then slowly take more and more off with each haircut after. Good luck!!

  4. 4000 grafts in that small an area is very aggressive. He surely will have a thick full mane when all is said and done.


    Shamrock, If you dont mind me asking... How old are you? Are you on med's to slow down the proccess of continual hairloss?, and did Dr. Rahal happen to mention how much donar you possibly have left?

  5. Why up so late? how much are you getting paid for your replies? or "praising" as you call it your doctor/s??


    I guess I could ask you the same question? The differance between you and I is that my first post wansnt a suspicious "PRAISE" of such a Clown of a doctor who relies on jingles to sell his services. Oh ya did you know he was the 1st Dr. in the U.S to do a strip surgery! What a joke. Do you know how many doctors use that statment as thier claim to fame? Please!


    If you are for real "which I doubt" please feel free to keep posting and give your opinions, but don't try to push a doctor "especially one with such a crappy reputation" .

  6. I'll believe you in 6 months when you have 100 posts "not all praising Dr. LARRY SHAPIRO" and I see some before and after pics of your "father-in-law. We see this far to often. Someone sign's up just to praise a certain doc and then is never heard from again. The members of this forum are not stupid and will not fall for 1 post from a new poster "propably Dr Larry himself". YAWN..... this is getting tiring...

  7. I don't think I have yet to see a negative testimonial on this product. In a age of information and snake-oils that says alot.In fact I think its ranked as the #1 hair topical solution now


    Thats funny considering all the topical solution is- is minoxidil! Provillus is junk. Buy some biotin, omega3 and some minoxixdil and you have the same thing at 1/10th the price.

  8. Having written a book about the hair transplant process diaryofahairtransplant.com I've spent the past two months telling newspapers, radio and TV stations that transplants do work.

    But I make sure I qualify this; transplants, as Last Chance highlights, they only work IF you get the right surgeon.

    I was really lucky to find Farjo in the UK. Make sure you find someone as good.


    A journalist's search for David Cassidy hair:



    Isnt this advertising? icon_wink.gif

  9. Who was your first op with?


    I'll let wanthairs tell you if he wants to, but I will say that it was a coalition doctor which just goes to show that anyone can have poor growth and any doctor can produce a sub par result. But like Dr Feller said It's far more likley to be a good result in the hands of a skilled surgeon.

  10. and in the hands of an established clinic the variation is purly due to the physiology of the individual patient


    Dr. Feller are you saying that you've never had a patient with low/poor yield due to a mishap you or one of your employees has made? I know you are good but I dont understand how you can make that claim. Everybody makes mistakes once in a while dont they?

  11. You may not like my answer, but I will give you by far the best advise. DO NOT get a HT! You are only 23 and it appears that you are very advanced on the NW level for such a young age.


    Im not all about bad news though. On the other hand you are very young and there are alot of exciting things on the horizon in the field of hair restoration. BUT there are no gaurantee's so if I were you I would hold off.


    You have a nicley shaped head and it looks as though you can pull of that look!

  12. cd3po, Hairpieces are aweful! Not one I've ever seen looks real! If you are really that advanced then I would say your best bet would be just to shave. NW7's should never consider HT's IMO. In fact I dont even believe full NW6's should consider HT's unless they are gauranteed to have 10,000 plus grafts from strip which is a rarity with advanced balding. I dont want to be the negative nancy here but Im just giving you my honest opinion.

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