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Everything posted by wantego

  1. I believe there is a thing such as "Rogaine acne" but I think it is temporary.
  2. I do not know much about Bosley. I think many people are down on them while a few had satisfactory results. I think it is probably hard to make a blanket good statement about Bosley because they probably have 100's of different doctors working under the Bosley name around the country. I think to give an honest opinion about a Bosley doctor we would have to know exactly who the doctor is. Asking about the Bosley organization is not the same as asking about a Feller, Hanson, Wong, Rahal, Shapiro, etc where you actually know who your doctor will be.
  3. Bill I think it is cool that you post your pictures for newbies to see. H&W have such a good reputation. I think it will get cool to follow your progress when you decide to move forward.
  4. Hi Azza. I have been following your case. I hope your 2nd pass goes great. How are you feeling so far?
  5. 70 days is like 2 months and 10 days. I think you should look at peoples 2-3 month pictures and make your own judgments because I think people and opinions may vary. Good luck with your HT!
  6. Peaceful I would really like to see your before and 8 month pictures if you are OK with posting them.
  7. John I'm very sorry about all the grief and despair you have felt. I hope you find a way to find happiness. As far as you wearing the hat goes many of us have worn hats for years so you are not alone in that regard.
  8. I thought that was a pretty good price. Walmart has a 3 pack for $45.99.
  9. I thought that was a pretty good price. Walmart has a 3 pack for $45.99.
  10. John thanks for answring my questions. 1. Maybe anger was the wrong word for me to use. I apologize for that. I understand your grief. It is very understandable if your case is as described in your posts. 2. I'm glad you believe there are some ethical HT doctors. I'm sorry for everything that happened with your doctor. 3. I'm also glad you have legal representation. Do you think may be you should speak with him about your posts? He may think some things you say could hurt your case. You know how lawyers tend to be cautious. 4. I hope you get a conclusion that will help you feel better in your mediation. It sounds like you probably deserve compensation if your case is as you have said in your posts. Good luck.
  11. John I'm very sympathetic to your case but you did not really answer my actual questions or maybe I just do not see the actual answers because of all the other stuff thrown in. 1. John is your anger at your HT doctor specifically or at all HT doctors? 2. Do you believe that there are some ethical HT doctors out there that are not like the doctor you chose? 3. You mentioned your lawsuit. Do you have a lawyer representing you? 4. When is your case scheduled?
  12. John I'm not trying to blame you in any way. I'm just asking you questions that came to me when reading your account. Personally I do not know what your doctor was thinking if he used absorbent sutures and then asked you to get them out in 7-9 days. Nor do I understand why he would send you to a hair stylist. Ive heard of wives pulling out staples but I think going to a medical doctor if able makes more sense than going to a hair stylist for suture removal. That is why I asked you if you considered having a doctor remove them at the time. I'm sincerely sorry you have had to go through all this. I'm very disappointed to hear how things went for you via your HT and suture removal.
  13. John is your anger at your HT doctor specifically or at all HT doctors? Do you believe that there are some ethical HT doctors out there that are not like the doctor you chose? You mentioned your lawsuit. Do you have a lawyer representing you? When is your case scheduled?
  14. John I have seen you post regarding your sutures a few times. I'm very sorry for what happened to you but I do have a few questions. Were you told you had absorbable sutures? If so why were you going to get them removed? I agree a hair stylist should probably not be removing your sutures (if they are supposed to be removed) so did you consider going to a medical doctor to have them removed?
  15. Is Feller not considered tristate because he is Long Island NY? Seems a short distance for a HT
  16. Pictures can even be deceptive unintentionally. I used to take only pics with no flash (natural light) after somebody on a board told me that was the best way to go. Now I wonder if it is better to take pics with both flash and no flash instead of one or the other so that we get all sorts of different views?
  17. I do not think numbness is unusual for the first 1-2 months. I read somewhere it was from 1000's of nerves being cut and that they had to grow back. I dont know if thats is true though.
  18. Legal Eagle I was just curious how these posters had your phone number to contact you. Did you post the phone number to your office for everyone?
  19. I'm a mod on a sports board. I constantly have to move threads. It is not any fun for me to move a thread but it is part of the job. It is done to keep things on the board organized and so people have much less problem finding information.
  20. Welcome to the board and I wish you some great growing!!!!
  21. Any chance we can edit the title to butchered unless butched is really what John means. John I think many people have compassion and empathy towards your case. If we can help in any way let us know.
  22. Thanks for all the encouraging words. You have made me optimistic along the way. I think my hair looks better in some pictures than reality and worse in some pictures than reality so I have learned that pictures only tell part of the story often. Actually I never knew how bald I was before the pre op pictures. YUCK! I very optimistic about my final result though since I just past 4 months. I just hope for more growth and more thickening. This whole HT process really means a lot to me personally but I bet it is the same way with most you guys.
  23. Thanks a bunch Bill but I'm sure you know sometimes pictures can be deceiving. When it is dry it is not as thick in my eyes so far. I hope my hair looks as good in person as people see in the pictures. I'm very hopeful that I will get a good final result.
  24. nw4recession asked for some wet pictures so when I got out of the shower today I took some. I also had some pre op wet pics saved on my computer so I made comparison shots to give me an idea of where I came from and how far I still hope to go. I'm at 4 months and 5 days when the pics were taken. The hair on the top of my head may be longer now than in the preop wet pictures so it may not be an exact apples to apples comparison. Off topic: I found a free picture editor online which makes comparison pictures very easy if anyone needs one.
  25. I do remember you said that when I posted my early pictures but I never had any idea why you had such a strong belief. What did you see?
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