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Everything posted by wantego

  1. I really dont see how anyone can make a broad statement good or bad about Bosley. Doesnt he have hundreds of different doctors working for him? I think you would have to discuss a specific doctor there to get a valuable response. In my opinion I would pass on Bosley though. If you have made up your mind to get a HT wouldnt it make sense to go to a doctor you have seen a lot of reviews on rather than a massive corporation of doctors that have many less than stellar reviews?
  2. You asked a very good question. There is a big danger of continued hair loss when a person gets a HT so young. That is a concern I have when I see people get HT's so young. Would you consider posting some pictures so we can see what you are dealing with?
  3. Thanks as always Eman. You will be at 5 months before you know it. The 3-5 months fly by compared to the first 2 months. Eman I see a very subtle difference from 4 months to 5 months but nothing dramatic. I agree looking in the mirror every day may play a role. I'm not complaining. I just try very hard to be 100% honest and candid with people as I can. I also agree we can be our own worst critics. It is only 5 months. I'm hoping I have a lot more to come over the next 7 months or so.
  4. Thank you for the kind words. I must be honest though and say some pictures look fuller than in person or by touch. I think and hope I will have more growth and thickening to come in future 7 months.
  5. Thank you. I was referring to the improvement in month 5 alone not over all. So far so good. I do hope for more growth and thickening in the coming months.
  6. Some mild changes from month 4 to month 5 but nothing huge in my opinion. Still I think I'm doing well for the first 5 months in total. I'm hoping for more growth/thickening in the next 7-13 months.
  7. DB that ugly duckling period is tough on all of us. Most of us had similar fears. I hope your HT comes out well in 12 months time. Can you give some specifics like who was your doctor, how many grafts, what kind of surgery? Would you consider posting some pictures. MY first 2 months were pretty ugly as well but things are improving.
  8. Looks good!!! Any chance you will try for a #2 comb? I would be curious to see that.
  9. Clear improvement. Good for you and Dr Bernstein. You both must be thrilled.
  10. I meant pictures in general not your pictures. I never know how people can tell things from pics before grafts actually start growing. I hope you get an amazing result.
  11. I'm really bad judging anything with pictures but I wish you the best of luck and fast growing!
  12. That is pretty cool. Good for you. You must have felt good.
  13. Mate would you consider giving us some details if you do not want to post pictures? How old are you? How many grafts did you get? What kind of procedure? Who was your doctor? I hope you have a great next 6 months of growth!
  14. That is great to hear. That is a nice way to go in to the holiday season. Best of growing to you!
  15. I dont take it as a dig. I never considered Bosley but I know the people on these boards are just a minority of the actual number of people getting HT's. Many people that get HT's have no idea about these boards and are deluded with Bosleys TV advertisements. When I decided to get a HT I told one girl friend of mine that I was thinking of getting a HT. She told me Bosley is the best. That is what good advertising does to some people. It is obvious it works since those ads costs a ton of money to be running 24/7 for decades.
  16. That is very scary even for me and I did not use Bosley. Many people think Bosley is the best due to his heavy marketing on TV
  17. Yes that was Dr OZ with Dr Bernstein. He did say on the show that before Dr Bernstein he was down on HT's.
  18. Thanks a lot Clint. I'm optimistic so far. I will be posting 5 month pics in around 1 week! yay! Hopefully I still have a lot more growing and thickening from the 4 month stage till the 12-18 month final result stage. I hope you take lots of before pictures and then pictures every month after your HT. I did so and now I find that making panoramic picture comparisons can be very helpful in evaluating progress.
  19. Clint I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming HT. I'm also a Dr Rahal patient. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask me anything.
  20. It is hard to really give opinions blind. If you have taken before pictures and pictures along the way it would really help if you post them so we could see the progress so far. You can crop the pics or block your face if you have privacy concerns. Best of luck.
  21. Doldrums or not you pull off the look very well. I really hope you get an amazing result because I remember how much research you did before your HT. If anyone deserves a great result it is you.
  22. Knowing Farrel reads PM, it is a sure way to get Desperately banned on HLH. The onus is not on Desperately to prove anything, he is a real poster with real concerns. It is up to Farrel to prove that he is not involved in the deleting of the negatives threads on Armani. OK I understand your concerns. I certainly do not want to get anyone banned. I was only trying to help resolve this in some way. I will say I do believe the best way for any person to deal with all allegations is to answer all questions in an open, honest and transparent manner if the truth is on their side so to speak.
  23. It may not be either with some people. I wore a baseball cap with a full heard of hair in my teens.
  24. Just a FYI some people tend to find women with large foreheads very attractive. Tyra Banks and Uma Thurman have larger than average foreheads and are knockouts.
  25. Thanks for the answer Bill. After so many years depending on hats I think some people may feel a bit weird without them. Eman I'm not where I want to be yet for "my final result" after all it has only been 4 months and 3 weeks so far BUT I have started going without the hat in most situations. I did use to wear a baseball cap often but I actually started going without it little before the HT as sort of a test of myself. I was curious about other people in similar situations.
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