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Everything posted by wantego

  1. Definite improvement. How are things going? How are you feeling about your HT? Best of luck.
  2. I do not know if things are getting better from all this back and forth between both boards. All I ever seek is good honest information regardless of which board and I assume most posters are like me in that regard. Only certain people being allowed to ask certain questions or only certain people being allowed to post in certain threads probably is not a good thing in the way of open and honest discussions. I think it is only making people more fearful to speak which is a horrible thing for people seeking honest information. Desparately do you want to private message me on the other board and I will then confirm to Farrel that you are indeed a real poster but I will keep your name to myself?
  3. How many months was it before you ditched the hats? Did you feel a bit naked without them? Was it a gradual process? This really intrigues me.
  4. How many months was it before you ditched the hats? Did you feel a bit naked without them? Was it a gradual process? This really intrigues me.
  5. Hi Aldo I was wondering if you have any updates. I hope you are doing great!
  6. John if a doctor purposefully mislead you than the doctor is to blame not the patient. I hope you have a great night.
  7. John nobody called you stupid.
  8. I would ask your doctor or at least a doctor what is best before experimenting.
  9. Mike I checked it out. Congrats to you. Big improvement from 3-10 months.
  10. John if you are referring to Behappy's response to me he was not calling you stupid at all. He was telling me that people have called him stupid for getting a HT. I think anyone that calls anyone stupid over getting a HT is possibly stupid themselves.
  11. Mike I read most people are at around 90% by month 12. Would you consider posting your pictures in a web blog? I hope things work out well for you. I'm between 4-5 months right now.
  12. I do not know what is true, what is rumor, what is just unproven allegation etc. I would be concerned if any of the allegations are true because as I said before we are dealing with peoples lives in regards to HT's. It is not just a business transaction. If a car dealer sells a bad car people can move on from it. It a HT doctor uses deception to sell a HT often the patient can not move on from it.
  13. I know plenty of people who tell me I was dumb or stupid to get a HT. When you get a good one they think you did a smart thing. When you get an obvious bad one they wonder why you would ever do such a thing. I'm sorry people have told you that. People sometimes say stupid things.
  14. MP does your web blog work anymore? Your link doesnt take me to it.
  15. I never heard of those food related things before. Have you researched your chosen doctor enough?
  16. I definitely understand your concerns. I hope you hang around and post your pictures every month so we can follow right along with you. It can be helpful to other people. I have had some redness also but I thought that was more an effect of the rogaine. I do not have any itching. If you just started taking propecia with your HT it is possible you went through the shred that many people speak about with propecia. As I said previously I'm around 6-7 weeks ahead of you so I went through the doldrums as well for sure. I wish you the best of luck!
  17. Oh one last point. The first 2-3 months are called the ugly duckling period for a reason probably. If you had shock loss you are not alone. Many people have it but it often grows back. Once again I wish you the best of luck. I'm optimistic that things will improve for you in the next 2-10 months.
  18. Predator when you said you lost so much of your grafts are you sure they were not just the transplanted hairs shedding? From what I have read the grafts are pretty secure after 10 days. If you look at my 2 month pictures you will see most of my transplanted hair shed away as well.
  19. Predator some people do regret their HT for sure. On another board I was reading about a patient called 80's hairband. I believe he was a Dr Armani patient. He had his HT a while ago and now regrets it. We have a poster on this board named John that had a HT with Dr Weis that has tremendous regrets. I looked at your blog. I'm a bit confused by your dates. It says you had your procedure done August 28th. That would mean Nov 28th would be 3 months right? Your blog shows pictures listed at 3.75 months. I saw you had your HT with Dr Rahal. I had my HT with Dr Rahal as well. For me I'm cautiously optimistic so far. I'm truly sorry you are having some second thoughts. I believe most people's numbness goes away over time. I really hope things turn out well for you. Everyone says 3 months is way too early to decide anything. I'm about a month and a half ahead of you. I had mine on July 2nd. I wish you the best of luck with everything. Please keep in touch and let us know if things improve.
  20. John I do not know why anyone would blame you for a bad HT performed by a doctor. I see a lot of people showing you a lot of sympathy and compassion actually. You just mentioned 1 poster actually offered to help pay for repair work. That is an amazing offer. I agree if your doctor was unethical then he should be held accountable.
  21. I believe some doctors suggest not using Rogaine for a 2 week period before and a 2 week period after your surgery
  22. Lost I never meant to imply that John should not be allowed to tell his story in any way. Quite the contrary I believe it is even more important to hear the bad HT stories like John has spoken of as a warning than the good HT stories. I just feel that it would be unfair if good doctors would be automatically linked with bad doctors be it in HT's or any other kind of medical procedure. For instance if doctor ABC is a great fair honorable doctor do we want him linked with doctor XYZ who is a horrible greedy butcher? That would hurt not only doctor ABC but also hurt patients looking for a good doctor. It is disconcerting reading that John is being turned away from other boards unless they have a legitimate reason which we do not know of.
  23. Irish would you consider making a web blog for your pictures? That way you can label them all so there is no confusion. I hope you are a late grower. I'm at 4.5 months and I want more growth to come as well. From what I read people should be at 90% growth at the 12 month mark so we both have more time.
  24. There are a lot of bad doctors out there for sure and a lot are motivated by $$$ but with that said we should try not to give all doctors a bad rap. Even if the large majority of HT doctors are bad we should try to be fair to the few good HT doctors out there.
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