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Everything posted by wantego

  1. I'm sorry but they do not allow any new posts with Dr Armanis name on them. It will just be deleted so I can not help you with that. You did say you needed to ask another member a question. If you tell me who you are looking to contact I can help you contact that person.
  2. If you just want to contact a member with an important question over there PM me your email and I will be happy to PM it to the person you seek to contact. Would that help solve your registration problem?
  3. It is really great to hear/read this. I'm really happy Dr Feller was able to help you have such a positive change in your life!
  4. I actually think that is great that they let the patient count. I never thought of that. Thanks for the information.
  5. I understand. Those first 1-3 months are not a lot of fun but they fly by fast.
  6. I thought about that but I dont think she is important enough to tell her my private business.
  7. I never heard of a patient actually counting the FU before. Do some doctors actually do that? I always thought that patients just had to trust that the count number given to them was accurate.
  8. What do you guys find is the best way to get the foam directly to the scalp instead of all over your hair?
  9. Ready, How are you feeling about things so far? Did you ever find out why Rogaine made your scalp burn?
  10. I was thinking exactly the same way. People do not choose to be bald. Its pretty low for it to be bashed like it is some character flaw.
  11. Azza I'm hoping you do not mind me adding my own question to your thread. If you do let me know and I will delete it. My doctors paperwork suggest we use Rogaine on our transplants for 12 months. I think this may be to "jump start" the grafts. What will happen if we stop Rogaine after 12 months? Will we lose our growth to our grafts?
  12. Dabuski I would say she is attractive in her own way but definitely not a model. She is around 33. I'm not wanting to put her down though. I just found it ironic and funny that she would use bald as a put down to me not realizing I had a HT. I thought you guys might see that as funny as well.
  13. I understand the need for privacy. Would you consider cropped pictures of just your hair or with you face blacked out?
  14. Thanks for all the nice comments guys. They make me feel good. I'm happy with my progress so far but I do not think my hair is as thick as the pictures may make it appear. Please keep in mind I'm not complaining at all. I just want to be upfront and honest. It does makes me feel pretty good that I do not have to wear a hat anymore.
  15. There is a girl I talk to online. She is interested in me but I'm not interested in her in part because she is really wound tight and gets really mad at the littlest of things. Today I get this message from her. LOL she doesnt know I had a HT.
  16. I will let you know if I get there. I'm not there yet but I'm definitely feeling better about my hair. Thanks for the nice comments.
  17. LOL you know me...I'm super cautious. Maybe get a real hair cut by the 8th month. Thanks for the kind words.
  18. Thanks for the kind words guys. One day I will go to a real barber and get a real hair cut so it has some style. I'm hoping for more growth and more thickening in the next 6 months but so far so good as I always say.
  19. This month I cut all my hair EXCEPT the transplanted grafts. Good news is I did not see my scar at all. Bad news is I'm horrible at cutting hair so it looked kind of goofy long in front and short everywhere else. Also my transplanted hair is much darker than my other graying hair. Its not a great look with 2 different colors. Once I'm out of my ultra cautious period (LOL that may last 12 months) I will use some just for men to make it all one color. I took the pictures this morning with my hair not really having any style to it but oh well.
  20. That is what I think is happening with mine. In the back its very straight but in the front sometimes it curls at the ends now especially on one side.
  21. Does transplanted hair keep the old charecteristics of the donor hair or take on new charecteristics from the recipient site? I see some of my new hair curling a little at the ends so it got me curious.
  22. Does transplanted hair keep the old charecteristics of the donor hair or take on new charecteristics from the recipient site? I see some of my new hair curling a little at the ends so it got me curious.
  23. I prefer patient posted pictures rather than doctor posted pictures so this isnt a big issue to me. I figure doctors because of human nature would prefer to post their best pictures where with patients hopefully we would see the good and bad pictures.
  24. Canadian Buba thanks for the kind words. I'm glad to see you asking so many good questions. How was your pain from day 1-5? Day 1 night I had some pain until the pain killers kicked in. It was not anything drastic. The pain killers took care of the pain the first 1-3 days and then it was gone. The pain should not be a major worry in my opinion. Did you feel any of the donor strip removal? I have a pretty good pain tolerance. With that combined with the numbing injections I did not feel the actual strip removal as far as I can remember. Any tips for during and after the procedure? I would just ask the Dr every question you have before the surgery and try to be clear with him about what you want. During the procedure maybe bring your own dvd movies so you are not bored. It is a long day. After the procedure just becareful not to bend so you protect the sutures in back of your head. Follow the doctors instructions 100%. Do you experience swelling? If so for how long? I definitely experienced swelling. You can see it in my pictures. I believe it lasted 3-4 days. I think the 2nd day was the most significant swelling. I did not feel the swelling but I saw it in the mirror and pictures. It is expected so dont let it worry you. The doctor instructs you to stay at a 45 degree angle so that is what I did and the swelling soon went away. Did you tell many people about your HT? I only told 2 people. A friend of mine and my mom. Overall how happy are you from 1-10 (10 being very happy) This is a great question but a hard question for me to answer via number right now. It is a 12-18 month process. I just passed my 6th month. I'm 100% about the final result. So its like looking at a cake that takes 60 minutes to bake and asking what you think after only 30 minutes. I will tell you at 6 months I'm very optimistic about things so far. I now go outside and to stores without my hat. I cant tell you how many years it has been since I did that! I'm a very conservative person when answering questions. I believe getting a HT is a huge decision for most people. I see some people really try to push HTs or certain doctors. I do not like that and I never want to be that guy. I want people to know what ever I tell them I lean on the side of being conservative/cautious with my answers/posts so they can have faith that my answers/posts are my unbiased honest opinion.
  25. Space may I suggest you look at some blogs and see what people look like in the first 1-8 weeks following surgery so you can have a firm idea when you would feel comfy returning to work? I had my HT with Dr Rahal as well as Eman so if you have any questions always feel free to ask them. As far as booking goes Dr Rahals assistant Adrian made it pretty easy for me. He just gave me a bunch of open dates around when I wanted to schedule and I picked one.
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