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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. ME - Thanks Bill - Just got back and my arms are tired. too late now I even sen't out invitations for christs sake Kudos , to NN be in touch. For you viewing pleasure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKyLgRzOTsY Do a search on Sen # 1337 Thanks for what you do Patrick. Tired but back AQ
  2. Great Thread ! Props to all. Ng2b . I heard you were funny . From what I just read a quick study too. NN - I Agree with everything you say, but I am sure even Pat would not encourage blind faith to anyone. Way too huge a responsibility as well. This is actually the only real patient based forum that allows this type of dialog. Free from *****ship. The bald what? If Kobren was Ralph Nader we would all be driving a freakin' Corvair. Oh yeah Arocha - indifferent .I do think there should be a trial membership as there are way to many hair doctors. I propose ,take his money and if within say 3 months even 1 patient gets gas as a result , you keep his money, like some doctors do to patients and send him packing.
  3. Why wouldn't he be? I am on this one. S.1337 Secret S I'm @ imgonnamakeuscream@comcast.net now.
  4. I guess this guy had the invasive hair job. http://malpractice.worldwidewarning.net/www/archives/47 I wonder if .
  5. dhoose75 - Perfect. That's why regulations are needed as well as retroactive penalties.
  6. Tam - you should do some deep recon ( AKA go - for it ).and you come back with the intel . I ' ll be second in line to tell you you look great... After your esteemed "Bosley " Dr. ".".. Yipers Michael ...I didn';t know they gave out green meanies for h/t's . And No ; you cannot just threaten to sue. There could be punitive / oppertunity costs to pony up against a nusance suit. Moderator : PleaSe Istallate SpelChech
  7. The only thing I like about this horrid affair (business [= JOKE.is a good repair.) Onward and upward . Mike - are you still taking meds with the NYC diesel?
  8. Your little friends? Curious as to why the white jackets aren'nt there with a thorozine adntidote. Well have fun and try not to be as active in the carple tunnle forum or at least not as candid.
  9. Yea Mike ; Lay off the hand jobs and narcotics for a few days ,at least til the point of numbness (left;right; middle.). After that you may end up with black eyes for a while as a result...of your surgery. Which may be acompanied by swelling. I.Homer in which direction ?
  10. Thanks for the slack Big and the guys. Bill - It was too late to edit otherwise I would have. Point taken Mrjb. I will now pull 375 hairs (157 grafts)out of my head. Not to worry though they are like Krupps steel and will grow back.
  11. NoBuzz -Try putting regular conditioner in your hair (alot) and leave it in for a good 1/2 hour before taking your shower, slicking it back every once and a while (with brush) until you rinse it out. Not a cure all but trains the corkscrews somewhat. A few times right off then once and while.
  12. Well you seem to have continued your cheerleading career on it so take my wife.. please... You are right though the sensitivity level did suck and I was going to change it but I had been quoted so it was too late. What support are you offing him mrjb ? Does it look good or have you seen far worse? The worse thing is being told it's fine while having the clock run out. How many people have you corresponded with offline with your infinate wisdom based on your individual experience and " objective" obsevations ? I didn't say his H/T sucks . It sucks that a guy went in with great expectations and is now stressing and noone validating his concerns. In any case.
  13. 4.40 a ()plug-unit-family with a dominant tendancy )damn you did get a good deal. If only everyone were so shcrewed and thrifty. You had it done front , sides ,back and crown ? The double diamond V>I>P> deluxe..... Yea right, you got SOLD, sorry Mrb but this sucks. No everyone will have the lucious locks that you have after only a few minor surgeries nor appreciate having anything where nothing was.Just trying to bring reality to the door of subjectivity. OOOH Rah.
  14. I am not trying to give advice nor commenting on the work of either . But I think in your situation experience gets the nod. I would go with Dr. Keene if it's either or. Repair is a whole different animal. Best Wishes.
  15. Without delving into what caused aggressive tarction alopecia in those active teenage years, I think about 3,000 + grafts may be in order here. Perhaps a widows peak twords the naval? My only regret was not doing it sooner.
  16. T-awry. Thats about the size of it other than being Giddy, that should be followed by "for now". pokerbrat - I just flushed 20 minutes of crap that made me cry. The real answer is... Dump the bitch. Find another while your enjoying life and forget about your head.
  17. Bill- What part don't you understand ? The multiple surgery part or that or original density maintainance / application part? 4,000+ post you shouldn't sound so demure.
  18. No I would . But I would have waited 20 years and gone to a real doctor. Are you in a hurry to get your hair back (Mathmaticly impossible) by the way ? You also already seem to have figured out the multiple sugery thang. This sounds sexy to you? Use the search.
  19. None of what you expect is reality . As a matter of fact it has a better chance of going the exact opposite way. Sorry.
  20. 11 - Has Powerranger seen the consent form or even the doctor for that matter ? If not he can P.M. me so I can explain it to him and what INFORMED CONSENT is. Noone would ever be obligated to pay for services not yet rendered , under false pretences. Why doesn't "Grace" enlighten us on what informed consent is, as well as the Bosley " position on that, while I back up my next post. You also state that you are affiliated with Bosley. Medical, Sales or Threat management? Because you are offering medical advice and I want to be clear. We kinda like trouble makers around here. As well as sucking sounds going South.
  21. WOW !! Just Imagine what an MHR dr.. would have done to this veal. Time for some tough love though. That's all folks.....
  22. Hello Karma, Welcome to the forum. Do you think it might be possible for you to start another thread. I don't know , something like. My wonderful experience with Dr. Buchwald, Recently proactive first time poster or I wanted a chevette and I got it. This thread should not be jacked. Bill - I agree with you but I won't debate on this thread, it has taken to many turns. Gotta respect Fuzzy bro. This has nothing to do with a 36 yo female and as far as I'm concerned Bu****** is a persona non grata.
  23. Ringo - If nothing else a base has been established. With the help and guidance of this forum and a ligit doctor, you WILL realize what you sought out, not what you were sold. I do think we get pissed/passionate here when we see things like this but it's better for you to know instead of having smoke blown up your proverbial ass by an MHR quack. Nothing like hearing how great you look as you put on your hat. ( The Emperors new clothes) Hand tough Bro - Your in the right place.
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