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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. Billy, I'm right there with you man. I am a little over 3 months and just cut my hair, 2 clip on the sides, and 4 clip on top. I've been told my hair looks better that way. I'd say I've only experienced a little growth so far...but hopefully at 3 month and 12 days, I'm only in the beginning phases. I'm sure you are too! Bill
  2. Awesome story Hair! I'm glad to see that you've got a good and fun girlfriend. I'm sure she is definately seeing hair on your head man...you've got more now than you did before, and I'm glad you have more confidence. Just the other day, we were playing surades, and we had to act out various things. Of course, the one I selected was Shampoo....so in front of 12 people, I typically keep a hat on for, I removed my hat and started acting out that I was putting on shampoo! Nobody looked at me oddly like there's a bald man...so that is a good thing . Bill
  3. Though I agree with the concern for the most part that Pat is presenting, I can't say that I 100% agree that megasessions are all bad. I admit that it does sound that these megasessions may over-tax the donor area, and where that may be true for some patients, I don't know if that is true for all patients. I have, I admit, only seen photos, no results in person from larger megasessions, but I have seen photos that are quite impressive, both in the recipient areas and donor areas of patients who have received megasessions. I think Pat's post has some excellent information and merit, but I don't think is 100% true in all cases, at least, from what I've seen from satisfied patients receiving 4000+ grafts in a single session. It is true, as far as I am aware anyway, that sub-follicular unit grafts were not used, but natural 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s unit grafts. I also disagree with the post that someone said that a scar going from ear to ear is in the unsafe zone. Most scars, in order to get a fine thin scar, go from ear to ear, or even a little longer and are still plenty safe. Anyway, just thought I'd be the one to play devil's advocate here. I don't disagree with Pat's belief and approach, but I do think that megasessions do have some merit based on pictures I've seen of satisfied patients. Bill
  4. Just to add: There is no "permanent" cure for hairloss in the terms of medication. Even Propecia isn't necessarily permanent as it may slow or stop it to some extent, but doesn't work on everyone. Most people have luck at least slowing or stopping existing hairloss, but I'm very cautious when using the word "cure" as there is no known cure for hairloss yet. Propecia may prevent further loss and very rarely may even regrow some hair, though it could definately strengthen dying hair. That is the "best bet" as to treating hairloss medically, but it is certainly not a cure. I just wanted to be technical on that. Hair Transplants can be excellent options depending on your level of hairloss and goals, but are very costly when it comes down to it. A 2000 graft transplant could cost about $8000. There is much to consider BEFORE getting a transplant, so be sure to do your homework and talk to some recommended ethical docs listed on this site. I hope that helps. Bill
  5. Pat, I'm disappointed to hear that Dr. Katz was evasive and blew you off. That doesn't sound like him. I was looking forward to reading an evaluation. When I was there, I was treated well, and for only 1600 grafts was very happy with my results. But that's ashame. Bill
  6. you are 40 and retired? Man I'm jealous! Of course, I'm only 28, but I doubt I'll be able to retire that young. I think I'll be working until I'm 85. Oh Sad Day! Bill
  7. Here is a list of Drs that I know/believe are in the NYC area that are considered excellent Drs. Dr. True from True and Dorin Medical Group Dr. Dorin from True and Dorin Medical Group Dr. Feller Dr. Bernstein (I think he's in NYC) I have personal experience with Dr. True. I'm only 3 months op and can make no claim as to how awesome my results are, however, Dr. True is very professional, friendly, and helpful. See my links (html not working for some reason, so you'll have to copy and paste) below for my experience and some photos so far. Bill
  8. Hi Aja, Welcome to the forums. Everyone here can relate to what you are struggling with, I started losing my hair when I was 22 also. Before I get to pricing, let me mention a few things that other people will also post I am sure. The fact that you are on Propecia is wonderful...and I'm glad to hear it is helping. There is some controversy about age as to whether or not it is a good idea to get an HT at such an early age. One of the big controversies is, in my opinion, not as much age as it is the future of your hair loss. You could get an HT to fill in the missing gaps, but what happens if you lose more in a few years? You are not committing to getting future HTs to "keep up" or "stay ahead" of your hair loss. Also, another thing you should be aware of, is that while an HT can give you some good coverage and/or density depending on the loss of your hair, it will never "restore" your hair or even make it as thick as it once was. Do your homework, research this site, etc. Just remember...hair loss isn't 100% predictable. Your family of hairloss should give you a good indication, but you could do worse off or better than your family in this area. Do you have any pictures you can take and post to show us what your hair looks like right now? Though I know it's discouraging losing your hair, if you don't have a lot of hairloss and Propecia is working for you, your best bet is to stay on the meds and forget the HT for now. You can always get an HT later. You may be one of the lucky ones who doesn't experience anymore hair loss, and then you can get an HT if you want later knowing that your hair will most likely not get worse. At this point in the game, it's a little tricky to know, and you could regret your decision of getting an HT. Now, for pricing...the good news is most HT docs, whether ethical or not, tend to charge around the same price which is typically between $4-$5 per graft (1-4 hair units) for strip surgery. FUE is typically around $12 a graft I think...though I didn't do too much research on this technology...so I may be wrong on the price. So if you need 2000 grafts for example, you will pay between $8000-$10000. It's a lot of money, especially when you are only 22. Again, it's hard to make an actual eval in terms of what you consider loss without pics. But most people who just starting to lose hair are in panic mode and think they need an HT when they've only lost a little hair. I understand what this feels like, but HT may not be the answer for you this early in the game. Post pictures, and STAY ON Propecia. I wish I was as smart as you at 22 and got on Propecia right away. Bill
  9. Hi Tkerr22, I can't speak from experience on a 3rd HT, but I've definately heard from just about everybody, including my 2nd HT doc that a 3rd HT can take a bit longer to come in. You are only one month ahead of me, I'm 3 months 2nd HT, and I can tell you that I'm a bit of a slower starter on my 2nd HT than my first....though there is some growth that has come in, but each person is different. As far as how many months, I couldn't tell you because everyone is different. I know there is a few people on this board who would be better to answer this question than me with experience in this area....but I've definately heard it can take longer. Being that you are only at 4 months and feel some stubble, it seems that you are on your way. You have any pics of your before 3rd HT and now? I find it helps to take pictures at least once a month, but I tend to do once a week, so I can compare to see if I notice any visual difference is pics. When I'm looking in the mirror every day, I'd say I don't really notice any difference day to day....but when I compare pictures, I realize...oh wow....hair did actually come in. If you have thicker hair, it may be more difficult to see the growth at all and only pictures will tell you. Hang in there brother....your hair will come in. Bill
  10. sac, I'm pleased that you understood the opinions of the above posters. The issue definately isn't whether or not you can do multiple smaller sessions. Of course that can be done. But since your area you want to cover is already almost completely bald, you don't have to worry about shockloss where the new hairs are being transplanted. That being said, I'd say you may need at least 2000, but probably more like 2500+ to accomplish a decent hairline and some density. My judgement is a bit off on the grafts though, because the pics don't show your hairloss very well. Try pulling back the combovered hair and take more pics. Have someone take the pics for you if you could. Also, you look young....so if you are not taking any medication for your hairloss, I suggest checking out Propecia and getting on it ASAP. The concern is, because you are young, your hairloss may continue depending on your pattern of hairloss. Propecia will help slow or stop that process. Bill
  11. PB, Thanks for the comments man. Yeah, it's just the beginning. I do like my hairline shots, but not the top shots yet. I'm hoping to see some major changes over the next 2-3 months. Yeah, well, the back was done from the first HT, though if I took straight back shots, you'd see how much work is still needed there. I won't even consider a third one for another 9 months just to make sure I have the most growth potential out of the second one. Then I'll evaluate what is needed for the third. I'll post pics again in a few weeks to a month, depending. Mike, Thanks for the compliments man. Yeah, the hairline does look pretty good in the pics. Looks ok in person, but still a bit weak. But there should be, according to what I think, a lot more growth over the next couple months. I do look forward to Christmas time though...I'm hoping to see some good changes by that point. I'll keep you posted. Bill
  12. Just added some 3 month pics...or shall I say, just 4 days shy of it. But I just buzzed my hair to a 5 or 6 clip on top to help blend it a bit better with some of the new growth. I actually think this cut could be a new look for me, even after it grows. We'll see though. I hope I have a long way to go. It does look a little better than last week. At 3 months, I should be only at the beginning though. How does my progress look? Bill
  13. Robbo, I don't see why any Dr would your head of hair to be honest. Do you mind if I ask....how old are you? When did you first start noticing a change in your hair? There are many concerns about patients getting HTs while they are still young, not so much because of age (despite controversy), but because hairloss starts early but progresses as you get older. If you waste 1000 grafts on the temples now, and then lose more hair....you'll have a hair patch on your temples and then a gap and then more hair. That's not what you want. Talk to your medical doctor about Propecia. Looking at your hair, unless you really see some kind of change in your hair, I wouldn't even get on that yet. I'm all for preventatives....but are you sure you are even losing your hair? Some people get nervous about it and think they are losing their hair when they really are not. Anyway, I hope this information helps, but I definately think the HT route is a huge mistake at this point. Out of curiousity....which doc in which area did you consult with? Did he give you an estimate for FUE or Strip? Bill
  14. Hi Mr. Invisible, do you have any pictures to share with us? 500 grafts does not sound like a lot, but depending on how much of your temple region is being covered, it may be all that's needed. 500 grafts isn't a significant amount of grafts which is why I ask. that being said, 4 months is very early and I am certain your final results are not in. Some people have new growth all the way up to 9 months or even a year. Believe me though, I'm just under 3 months and feeling very impatient, but we just have to wait it out. As far as the crusts, I am thinking that could be dry skin? Without pics it's hard to evaluate. for what it's worth, I have been seeing some dry skin on my scalp and some new hairs are sprouting, so it could be a good thing! Bill
  15. Hey Robbo, Looking at your photos, I would strongly object to you getting any kind of HT. You have a completely natural and excellent looking hairline and I see no reason to change it. If there has been any receeding, it's certainly not noticable in your pics. Even when your hair straight back in your second pic, most people would kill for that hairline. That being said, keep in mind that HTs are not for quick fixes. Depending on your age and pattern of hairloss, you could lose a lot more hair, and if you spend many grafts trying to restore your high school hairline (which in your case, you are not far off anyway), you will waste grafts. I say, no way should you get an HT. Bill
  16. Hey PB, Definately some popping going on....some good shadowing. It's hard to tell whether or not there's been any new popping in the last couple days since I took pics on Thursday....but I have a few new ingrown hairs....ouch. On Wed I'll be 3 months in and I'm hoping to see some big changes between 3 and 4 months. I'll be posting pics at least once a month, but maybe sooner if I'm excited about the progress I have made. Thanks for asking. Bill
  17. Hey Damo, The subject of your photo says Septemeber...don't know if it's mislabeled, but if it's not, that can't be an updated photos since it's the end of October man. 5 months and no growth yet? I guess that is normal yes? I'm about to hit 3 months and I have started to see some growth, so I'm happy about that. But I know everyone grows at different rates. I look forward to seeing your progress man. Bill
  18. I'm not sure I understand the point of this post. Did you get an HT? A more detailed post would be nice. Bill
  19. Hey Hairhope! Thanks for the encouragement man. I do hope I look as you say...I'm just shy of 3 months as of Oct 30th, so I'm hoping the next 3 months will bring me some wonderful density and improvement. Did you post any pics of your HT from Dec 17th? I would love to see before/after pics. Bill
  20. Hey Hair, You are right for the number of grafts...though 2360 sounds like a lot of grafts, when you are starting with virtually nothing on top, and filling in 2/3rds of your head, it doesn't add a whole lot of density. I assume you are more into the overall coverage approach than the dense packing of the front routine. I understand both mindsets, and I think it comes down to what the individual patient wants and expects. I am happy that you are happy, that is what is important. Seeing the photos, there is definately a difference, but like I said, it's not significant....but it is definately an improvement. I know I have posted before asking this, and I believe you said you are going for at least one more? What is your goal for your next surgery? Are you going to shoot for another overall, or are you going to focus on any one given area to try to nicely dense up? I look forward to more of your posts. Yes, I have been around awhile now...over a year now I guess, and as you know, just shy of 3 months out of my second HT. I'm hoping that this will add good density, but we'll see how it goes. Thanks for replying and I look forward to hearing from you again. Bill
  21. Hey Hair, Well, I can definately see a difference, but I am with everyone else....it doesn't quite seem like 2500 grafts. I guess I would also be expecting more density. Who was your doc? Forgive me if this was already mentioned, but I can't remember. How do you feel about your results? I guess that's really the important question. Are you satisfied with what you have received or do you agree with the other posters? Bill
  22. [Hey Gorpy, I would doubt that you are having any growth that early...it's probably what you said....just that the hair fell off, but you can still see some of it...I had a couple of those myself. Yeah, I think I'm just as obsessive as you....now that I'm actually seeing some growth....I am looking in the mirror a lot more even....but with hope....seeing that I"m only 12 weeks yesterday, and there's some decent shadowing....I know I have a long way to go...and that's exciting. Just think....you'll start seeing some growth in about 2-3 months =)
  23. Gorpy, Looks all and well for 22 days. I'm looking forward to seeing you with a new thick head of hair in about 4-6 months! Bill
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