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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. MrJb...good to hear that you are excited about your HT. I'd love to at least see some after pics...so if you want to do that and post them, that would be cool. Take a look at my pics in the photo section under 2249 grafts by Dr. True and let me know what you think. Yay, I'm 15 days post op. LOL. Bill
  2. I don't know when this was last posted, so this could be old news now...but all you are experienceing is normal. I just had an HT with Dr. True and I'm 11 days post op. The swelling too me to about Day 5, and then there was a slight yellow tint under my eyes for another day and a half...but I'm day 11, and all is well. No more swelling (day 5), no more discoloration (day 6), and all scabs are gone (day 9), stitches out (day 11). I didn't go back for the post op cleaning, but I was instructed on how to do it myself. I took the not so aggressive approach to be honest...just basically gently blotted....so I don't know...in my opinion, and this is only opinion, it si better to be safe than sorry...be gentle...but by about Day 6, start gently massaging your head in the shower with the soft part of your finger tips. I personally ended up showering twice a day just to get some extra moisture on the scalp. I also was advised by Dr. True to use baby oil on my head before I went to sleep by day 8, which I did....and it helps soften the scabs. By Day 8, I spent extra time in the shower and then got out of the shower with the shampoo still in my hair, but looked in the mirror where there were still scabs and gently circled the scabs until they slowly became lose and dislodged. I was extra careful not to pick and seemingly I lost 0 grafts, from my observation. Hope this helps! Bill
  3. Mrjb...got any pictures? I'd love to see before and after pics of your surgery since I too am a True patient. Thanks.
  4. Hey Arfy, Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I know what you mean about the dense packing thing. It does seem like it's pretty standard today which is good. I guess my treatment wasn't very high density because a larger area was covered, but it should bring about much more density than I had, and I'm hoping to notice a significant difference. I'm trying to go for as much density I can in a large area if that makes sense. I recognize I can't have a lot of both which is ashame....but I'm working with what I can and at least hoping to improve my hair to look much more "normal" if you will. Right now I'm doing what I can to keep my native hair. I'm on Propecia, about 10 months now, and also using Minoxodil, though I don't believe the Minoxodil is doing anything for me. I was using just minoxodil for awhile and I was losing a lot of hair, so I am thinking about not using it anymore. Thanks for the comments Arfy...and I'll keep you posted. All comments/questions welcome! Bill
  5. Thaniks Mike. Yeah, I'm excited by it....though I have a long waiting process now, so off to the waiting process I go. I will definately keep you posted. Did you have an HT? If so...who was your doc? Bill
  6. Hi Paris and welcome to the forums. I have recently just had a 2249 graft session with Dr. True, and so far so good...but I can't speak for how it will look yet because I'm only 11 days post op. It seems that after all the research I've done that more people have posted about Feller and have had excellent results. I have seen pictures of before and after shots of both True and Feller and they are both excellent from what I've seen. Do a search on this forum and other forums for both True and Feller and you will see many live examples. If you want to see my pictures and/or follow my progress, feel free to check out the photo section and look under my post for True. Good luck and happy hunting. Do a lot of research before you dive into anything...that's the best advice i can give you. Bill
  7. Just added day 9 pictures (even though I'm day 11 post op). All the scabs are gone, so todays pictures would look the same as Day 9. Still some pinkness in the recipient area... Stitches were removed yesterday....feels much better now...not as itchy, though still experiencing occasional soreness and or itchiness. I remember this takes a while to go away. Please leave Comments and/or questions if you have any. Thanks Bill
  8. Wow...a question directed to me....I didn't even see this...because I normally don't poke too much around the question/answer section...but I was bored tonight and started reading and writing some responses. First of all...thanks for asking. I appreciate that people want to know how my experience was. My session went very well I think....I'm now 11 days post op...stitches are out...all the scabs are gone....and I see and feel a bunch of little hairs all over the top of my head. There is a much more obvious hairline that I am looking forward to growing in....because it should be much more full looking in about 6-9 months than my previous HT. I received 2249 grafts this surgery, and felt more comfortable after the surgery than with my first procedure of 1600 grafts. I remember after my first procedure, the first couple days, I was in a lot of pain around the donor site, where this surgery, the pain was much less...or so it seemed. Truthfully, it could have been mental, because I was expecting little to no pain coming out of the first HT, and it felt worse than I thought it would, whereas the second one, I expected to be in a lot of pain, and it seemed like nothing. That being said, the overall experience so far so good. Check out the photos section to see pictures that I have posted. I will go post another one tonight of Day 9 which is basically after most/all of the scabs are gone. I still have some pinkness all over my scalp, and unfortunately, my hair is bleached blond now...because of a peroxide/saline combination I used more liberally than I should have on my head as a post op clean. But that's ok...lol. Comments/questions are welcome! Thanks. Bill
  9. Reading some of these posts really makes me sympathize and empathize since I am in a similar position. I started losing my hair a little later, but it was about 22 years old, which is only 5 years later...but at 22, I felt the same way as you most of you really youngsters are feeling. Maybe I didn't feel devastated or an extreme lack of self confidence, but I definately felt that I looked worse than I did with hair. My hair is relatively thin now, though with my first HT of 1600 grafts when I was 27 helped thicken me up just a little bit. I just went and got a second HT now with 2249 grafts placed mostly in the front with some in the mid to very front of the back portion of my head. I'd say that I'm a NW 5a before any of the transplants, and I really can't evaluate the second HT yet since I'm only 11 days post op. That all being said, I wish one of two things, which is probably the same wishes as you all: 1. That my hair would come back in full (which I guess is why we get HTs, to at least get some of it back) or 2. That my self confidence would come from something much greater than my hair. I mean, let's face it...as much as I want my hair back and we all do, and I'm even getting HT's to get some of it back...I don't want all my confidence coming from my hair. Besides....for those who are too young to be considered for an HT, and I stand by everyone here to say those who are very young, don't get an HT....the buzz look is in now, especially if you can grow a Goatee. Many women find that look very sexy, regardless if you have any hair on the top of your head or not. Yet, I'm with the rest of you...I struggle with this, and feel that some of my confidence comes from having hair. I feel less desirable without my hair than I do with it. Well...this post is sort of pointless dribble, but I wanted to say I can relate to you all, and I understand what you are going through. Have faith those who are younger than 20...HT's may not be a good solution now....but there is still hope. Get on meds right away...just get your recommendation from your doctor first to see what he recommends...and go from there. Bill
  10. Added an 8 Day Post Op pic....scabs almost gone...but still some to go. I'm trying to get them all off, but delicately by following the instructions of the doc. Seems to take some time to get these all to come off though. Stupid thing....I was told to use for a post op cleaning 3/4 saline and 1/4 peroxide on the scabs with a gauze pad....and what do you know....as I wasn't thinking...the existing hair got much blonder....you may be able to tell in the pic. Unfortunately, since my hair is thinner to begin with up top, it's going to look even thinner now a lighter color. Eh....once another 2 or 3 weeks go by, I may just shave my head until the hair grows in. I am not sure yet though. Comments...let me know. THanks. Bill
  11. Why would using Nizorol complicate an HT? Sounds to me that it should help? I've never heard anything about not using it right after an HT. Let me know..thanks.
  12. Thanks guys. I'm glad to hear it's normal. I was warned by Dr. True that this could happen, though I am comparing to my last HT, where I only got a little bit of swelling. But then again, my last HT, I only got 800 grafts in the front instead of 2000 which I am sure where the difference lies. Oh, a headband actually sounds like a great idea, of course now, it's a bit too late, but I know for next time...lol. Oh well. Well, yes, I do look like Elephant man right now...lol.....and I have to go into work tomorrow. At least, I can wear a hat...I'll use an excuse saying I got a bad sunburn on my head and I'll say I got stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. Crazy! And here I was hoping that all swelling would be gone by tomorrow...well who knows....the swelling did change a lot from yesterday to today...it moved from the side and top of my head to my eyes and nose...maybe I'll be lucky and tomorrow it will be almost gone. Well, here's to praying . Any more comments would be helpful. Thanks.
  13. Thank you Terry and Jacob. I'm excited about the next 6 months, or at least the 3 to 6 month+ area...when I start seeing growth. Update and question: I'm on day 3 now and virtually pain free. I feel a little bit of tightness around the stiches and a small bit of itching on top of my scalp. The scabs have gotten a little smaller but still have a long way to go. The one thing I'm experiencing a lot of though is swelling....ugh. It started in my forehead and then spread to the sides of my face making my head look out of proportion. Today it's down toward the bottom of my forehead and my eyes, making my nose and inside of my eyes puffy. If this normal? I was warned that due to my skin type and the high level of density that I would probably swell up pretty good. I have been icing a lot, though it doesn't seem to be helping. Is this normal? And do you have any suggestions? Thanks. Bill
  14. Wow JacobS, Very outstanding results. You must be extremely pleased. Looks like your work is done assuming no more native hair is lost. I just went for round 2 getting 2249 grafts placed mostly in the front, and very few in the back. I hope mine turns out as well as yours. Bill
  15. What does everyone think about the placement of the grafts? Does it look like I should get a pretty dense front?
  16. Hi Markcia. After my first HT, I went right back to work...though I have a desk job...though this time, I did mine on a Thursday and am taking off today, and I'm normally off Sat and Sunday. I'm already experiencing a little bit of swelling. What does everything think based on the way the grafts were placed? Looks like a pretty good job at high density...what do you think? Bill
  17. Hi all. I just got back from my surgery in good old Manhattan with Dr. True. The experience was a good one....Dr. True is very professional and showed a lot of care with me. As you can see in the pics, comparing these to my first op pics, the hairline has been slightly redefined, there is more of a dip down that blends in with the sides now rather than the slight receeding look from before. I am happy with the way the hairline looks, though it will be much easier to tell when growth starts in 3 to 4 months. I posted a few directly post op pictures. From what it looks like, I should have some awesome density when all grows in, though I don't doubt that it will be a long waiting process....which is usual. Please, do comment and tell me what you think? Thanks! Bill
  18. Thanks Terry and Robert. I appreciate your support. I will be posting some direct post op pics tomorrow evening or Friday depending on how tired I am tomorrow night. Long drive there.
  19. Hello everyone. Well, I'm at it again. I decided on Dr. True of NY for my second surgery. My surgery is actually tomorrow 7/28/2005 and I'll be doing a 2000+ graft session in the front region of my scalp, to further define the hairline and frontal thickness of my hair. After a lot of research and careful consideration, I decided to select Dr. True. He seems to be an excellent physician and has had great results with other patients. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I journey off tomorrow to NY. I'll be getting up very early, like 4am, leaving by 4:45am so I get there nice and early. The surgery starts at 8am, but I want to get there earlier so I miss traffic rather than later. For those of you who know me on this forum, Dr. Katz of Philadelphia performed my first surgery. I personally think for 1600 grafts that he did an excellent job. If you look at my other photo album, you can see that 1600 grafts all over my scalp made an all around difference, though not extremely noticable. I chose Dr. True for this session over Katz for the following reasons 1. Dr. True will do more grafts in a session that Katz, and although 1600 is a decent number, many people do surgeries with much more grafts than 1600 and have excellent success. 2. Dense packing, though controversial has been shown with much success in Dr. True's office as well as other highly reputable physicians such as Feller, Shapiro, and other Drs. Katz is not against Dense packing in specific cases, he is just more conservative, which is not a bad thing, he is working ethically according to what he thinks works best for him, and as I said, he did a good job with me 3. Similar to number 2, Katz didn't feel comfortable putting 2000 grafts in the front in one shot due to the amount of dense packing. Other physicians have had much success in doing this including True So in short, though I am satisfied with my first surgery, I decided to go see True for my second one based on the above reasons If people show interest, I will do as I did with the first surgery....I will post monthly results. Comments are always helpful as well. The one thing I have noticed is unfortunately, I have seemed to lose a little bit more native hair. I'm not positive about this, but when I look at my 8 month pics compared to my 10 month, it seems like I may have. I don't know. I have attached a few pictures of my 10 month post op AKA before second surgery pics. Remember...I am only getting work done on the front half of the scalp this time....so I am hoping, if all goes well, this will be my last HT in the front. Please, do offer your comments and/or support. Those Christians on this board....please say a prayer for me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bill
  20. Hair...excellent man! You're on your way to a hairy man again! Excellent results. You'll have to remind me...how many surgeries have you had so far...and what are your future plans for more? Bill
  21. hmmm....well, I don't have all the detail of your situation...but I do know, that after a surgery, you should not be exposing your scalp to the sun for awhile....so I don't know if you just have a surgery and just exposed your head to the sun for a period of time. This is not a good thing. You should be wearing a hat in the sun.
  22. Hey Damo! Oh wow...great...congratulations on your second procedurel. In my opinion, you already had an excellent hairline and good density, I guess this one will really make a huge difference for you eh? You already had the appearance of a full head of hair to me, so this one will really dense things up in an awesome way! I will be doing a second procedure sometime in the near future. I will keep you updated! Please, do keep us updated with pics! Bill
  23. Markcia, Thanks for the comments! I appreciate your feedback! Jacobs. Thanks man....yeah, I guess I'm half way there. I'll definately be focusing on the hairline for the second session, like you said. I've had 800 put there so far, and I will be doing most likely about 2000 more in the hairline and then we'll see how it looks! Hopefully then I can begin to target the back. Thanks man. I think Dr. Katz did a great job too for only 1600 grafts! Bill
  24. Hair, Indeed...yeah, I know everyone had different goals. The one thing I have determined is that it doesn't matter so much what your goals are, as long as you have them and know what your goals are to make you happy. For me...I'd love a full head of hair...lol....but if I can't, I'd rather have the front back then the crown. Thanks for your support...I appreciate it and need it! Terry, Sounds awesome! I forget...did you say you have any pics of your surgery? I'd love to see before and after pics! Good stuff!
  25. Hi everyone and thanks for the comments. Robert, Yeah, I know what you mean...I am fine with leaving a thinner crown and having a fuller thicker hairline. Most people look at my face so I rather have a natural looking bald spot in the back with a nice thick hairline than have thin coverage everywhere. That being said, I have been so advised that I should have enough grafts to attack both the front and back, but we'll see. Bottom line? I'd be satisfied with a good thick and natural front half and a natural looking thin area in the back. I mean, I'd rather have it all...but if I had to choose, I rather attack the front. Hair, Thanks for your comments as well. Like I said....I much rather have a nice thick looking front half blending into a natural looking thinner crown than to have it thicker in the back and still thin in the front. However, docs have advised me that I should have enough to cover some of the back as well, so we'll attack the front, and then do the back on a third session....yikes! Don't want to jump the gun on the third...since I"m only just thinking about round 2. Terry, Yes, this was my first HT. I'm quite happy with the work for only 1600 grafts. My second session should be a little larger, so that will be good. Please, do post pics, I'd love to see them. Who was your doc by the way? Bill
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