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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. Hi action, I am no expert by any means, but first a few questions: Do you take finasteride or minoxodil? I personally haven't had much luck with minoxodil, although it does work nicely for some...some even state that they swear that it work on the hairline. If you don't take finasteride, I would suggest looking into it. BAsed on the picture you provided, it looks like you will indeed lost more hair in the middle section, and possibly more. Finasteride could potentially stop your hairloss where it is. You should definately do your research as to what doc to use, etc, but it looks like you would definately benefit from a larger session, 3K-5K depending on what your donor area can handle. A good doc will be able to restore a natural looking age appropriate hairline and fill in a lot of that area nicely. Again, however, consider taking finasteride if you don't, because you will definately lose much more hair, especially since you are only 21 years old. I feel for ya man...I started losing my hair when i was 22 years old. Bill
  2. This is an interesting topic indeed. My doctor for example, Dr. Katz is more on the conservative side and only does 1600 max at a time...and one of his beliefs is simply what has been stated here...that doing too many grafts at once could "potentially" ( Bill
  3. well...outside of not being able to post pictures...all is well =P Hope the pictures upload gets resolved soon! Bill
  4. No problem Robert! Glad to know others are having the same problem...and it's not just me! Darn SQL server...if that's what this site uses. Ha! Anyway...let me know when the problem is resolved and I'll repost. Bill
  5. P.S. I can't even delete the pics..it gives me another error when i try to do that.
  6. Hey guys...yeah, everytime I try to upload the pics, I get this... "Error Login/JoinWelcome, Bill [Logout] We are unable to complete your request at this time. Please try again later." So I'm not having any luck. Bill
  7. Hi Using, Well, I have a feeling that Reverse may not want the pics here due to some issues...however, I don't know. Thanks for the compliments on my pics though. I am happy with the progress...and for 1600 grafts, I guess I can say I'm pretty happy...I think my doc did an excellent job. I do know, however, that I need a lot more work...one or two more sessions perhaps until I feel fully satisfied. I want to definately get the hairline looking as thick as possible on my next procedure, and then we'll see about the crown after that. Thanks for the comments! Bill
  8. These 2 pics were taken 2 months apart....I may be dreaming, but one pic looks more full than the other...I need your help to tell me which pic looks fuller if either. I did not get any transplanted hair in this area right below the crown....but I have been using Propecia for 5 months.
  9. These 2 pics were taken 2 months apart....I may be dreaming, but one pic looks more full than the other...I need your help to tell me which pic looks fuller if either. I did not get any transplanted hair in this area right below the crown....but I have been using Propecia for 5 months.
  10. Thanks Spock and Using This Name for the nice compliments! I am happy with the results so far...and look forward to more growth. But like so many others, I know that this surgery will not fully satisfy me and I will be getting a second one about 1 year post op. No formal plans yet...but it's in the thoughts. Bill
  11. Strangely enough...I started using it...used it for about 5 days, and my scar was getting so itchy I wanted to rip my scar off! I stopped using the product, and my scar didn't itch anymore. Bill
  12. Reverse, Nice work man! I'm very excited for you. Looks like you're going to have a nice head of hair in about 6-9 months! Do you plan on posting to this forum also? I have just recently stumbed upon that forum so I will be checking in there from time to time too. Please please do keep us posted on your progress. I'm looking forward to seeing your progression! Bill
  13. Hi all....I just realized when looking through my pics, that I really didn't add many front shots of the hairline from straight on. So I just added a 5 month pic of the hairline from straight on and then a 2.5 month pic for compare purposes. Big difference it seems! Please tell me what you think! Bill
  14. I have to say, I am sad not to see my doc on the list. How does a doc become a member of this coalition? I feel that Dr. Katz has done a great job on my transplant (still only 5 months), but I'd love to see him on this list as time advances. Will this list be appended over time with new docs that join? Bill
  15. Hey Robert, Good stuff man. Your results are phenominal and you should be really pleased! What month are you in now and have you seen any improvements from the 6th month mark? Happy growing! Bill
  16. Hi Tman, Thanks for the compliments. yeah, Dr. Katz definately did a good job spreading the grafts around. Yes, I definately plan on having at least one more. I am thinking about focusing most of the next surgery on the front to really thicken the hairline and front, and then perhaps having a third surgery to try to help the back a bit. I doubt I will go more than 3 surgeries, but that is my long term game plan as of now. I will be waiting about a year between each surgery. Do you have a link to your pics Tman? I'd like to see your progress. How many months post op are you? Bill
  17. Hi Jacob...yeah, there isn't a huge difference, but I think there is some difference in regards to color and length...so that is good I guess. Hopefully there will be some more changes this next month. Bill
  18. Hello everyone! I added some 5 month pictures. Comparing the 4 month pics to the 5 month pics, I don't see a huge difference, but I definately see some sort of difference in caliper and some in length. Please post your opinions and comments. I really want to hear what you all have to say about the progress thus far. Thanks. Bill
  19. Hi Hairbethere and Gillenator. Thanks so much for your comments. Yeah, I was looking at before after pictures (up to now of course), and I have noticed just how much of a difference it has made from then until now. But I am excited to hear that I should be expecting more growth, and more caliper. I'll keep everyone up to date with pics. In the meantime, thanks for the encouragement! Bill
  20. Hi there Gillenator, First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that. You were very thorough in your answers and gave me a lot to think about and a lot of comfort as to where I am in this stage. At 4.5 months, I am thinking and wishing I was at 12 months and that every hair was already fully mature. There still seem to be a lot of immature hairs, and the thickness of the new hairs don't seem to be as thick as my other hairs, so I hope they will continue to grow thicker, longer, and fuller. Yes, I will be continuing Propecia for at least a year, and honestly, if there is no change in my hairloss, I will probably keep using it for a long long time. I'm not sure about the white hairs growing in. I don't know if they are a result of the minoxodil, or if they will mature and develop like the other hairs. It's difficult to tell at this point, but there do seem to be a number of them in the crown area on the one side. At 4.5 months, do you suspect I should see a lot more growth? It's hard to tell when looking at the pics of other members just how much more hair they've grown between 4.5 months and 8 months. What are your thoughts? I guess I get discouraged when looking in the mirror and I don't see the results I'm hoping for...yet, at the same time, I know that ultimately, I probably won't be fully happy until I have a close to full head of hair, and I know I'll need a few more surgeries for that. But I do hope that I see a lot more out of this surgery...but oh well. Anyway, thanks again for the response. Please post any more thoughts you might have. Bill
  21. Thanks guys, Mike, It's good to hear that others have experienced the same thing, however I did not have dissolvable stitches, BUT, thankfully, the last week or so, it hasn't been as itchy, and the few little bumps in one area have gone away, although it still looks like a little tiny scratch or something, like somehow the area got irritated or something, but it's fading away, so this is good. Yeah, the more I am researching, the more I hear that the crown could take longer to grow too...so thanks again! Smoothy, thanks for your comments. Thankfully, the itchiness has gone down a lot, although not completely. So the question is...how long will this itchiness last? Like I said, it's diminished and beyond tolerable, but I am just wondering if I will experience that from time to time forever, or is it a matter of the more it heals, the better it will be? I've been on Propecia for about 4 months now, and I don't know if there is any difference or not, however, the one thing I can say is that I am noticing less shedding which was much more common before using Propecia. Just running conditioner in my hair on the top and crown used to produce a number of hairs in my hand, even before the HT, and now there is a huge reduction, so that is good. I'd love to see Propecia regrow some crown hair, but I think that's a low percentage...but who knows...maybe I'll be one of the "blessed" few right? Has propecia regrown any hair for you? If so, do you have pictures of any propecia regrowth? Also, in regards to the crown, you can tell from the pics that there is definate growth taking place even on the crown, however, what concerns me is that there is some spots of the crown that are growing in nicely, whereas, there are other parts where I am seeing some tiny white hairs, but nothing more...and I'm wondering if these hairs will develop? What do you think? Thanks again. Bill
  22. Hi Robert, Thanks so much for the quick reply. I'm glad to hear that these things are normal. In response to your question about the bumps. I don't know if I can describe what they look like because i really can't see em, but it just feels like a slight tiny little bump right on one area of the scar line. Looking at it, it almost looks like a litle cut, or a little red mark, etc...perhaps even a little scab? I am not sure. Is there anything you suggest putting on it? Some kind of cream etc? I thought maybe itchiness could be because of dry skin, so I have tried skin moisturizers, and that doesn't really have any effect. About the crown: I am glad to hear that is normal...any statistics on when the crown hair normally develops/matures, etc? I will definately be using Propecia for at least a year, as it is my last medical hope of stopping hairloss. I have tried minoxidil (still using 2%), but no luck on it's own. I have also tried Revivogen....no luck there, just an oily stick scalp. I don't know if I can attribute the thinning due to shockloss, because it was there even before the surgery. Take a look at my pictures and you'll see some of the back of my head where the lower part of my crown and back of the head area are thin...I'm trying to prevent that from balding by using Propecia, and maybe even grow a little back. Also, what do you think of my recent pic post? How am I coming along? Thanks again for your help and post soon. Bill
  23. Hi all...a couple of concerns that I need advice and/or thoughts on: 1. I am 4.5 months post op, and more than occasionally, certain places in my donor area are itchy. When I look at it, it's sometimes a bit red, maybe a little bumpy in some areas. Anyone ever experience this or have a solution to make it go away? 2. Crown Area Vs Front Area: I am happy with the progress of the front area and hairline, but the back area (although hairs are growing), are still very light in color and aren't progressing the way the front is. Is this normal? What do you all think? I do use Propecia for about 3.5 months, and I use 2% minox twice a day. 3. About Propecia: How long should I be using it until I know whether or not it's helping? I mean...the back of my hair, below the crown has been getting thin since before my surgery, and I'm hoping Propecia will preserve that area, maybe even regrow some hair there...how long should I wait to know whether or not that is working? Thanks all...I appreciate it. Bill
  24. Hi all...a couple of concerns that I need advice and/or thoughts on: 1. I am 4.5 months post op, and more than occasionally, certain places in my donor area are itchy. When I look at it, it's sometimes a bit red, maybe a little bumpy in some areas. Anyone ever experience this or have a solution to make it go away? 2. Crown Area Vs Front Area: I am happy with the progress of the front area and hairline, but the back area (although hairs are growing), are still very light in color and aren't progressing the way the front is. Is this normal? What do you all think? I do use Propecia for about 3.5 months, and I use 2% minox twice a day. 3. About Propecia: How long should I be using it until I know whether or not it's helping? I mean...the back of my hair, below the crown has been getting thin since before my surgery, and I'm hoping Propecia will preserve that area, maybe even regrow some hair there...how long should I wait to know whether or not that is working? Thanks all...I appreciate it. Bill
  25. THanks Robert! What do you think of the progress of my hair so far? I'm curious to know your opinion. Thanks. Bill
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