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Everything posted by NervousNelly

  1. Vinto, Try to keep just one thread at a time so that we can follow things easier and not have to keep repeating ourselves. No biggy! Please see other thread for my response. I do want to add that you should get other consults as you are planning. I think that Dr. Straub is really making strides and trying to do quality work and sounds ethical but in your regards you need other opinions. Just don't stress yourself It's obvious that you are getting yourself pretty worked up over things and I don't care what anyone says stress will worsen your situation. It has a way of causing or elevating several different issues and ailments. Please make efforts to get your mind off of things a bit. Just some friendly advise. You'll get thru this no probs. Take care friend.
  2. Vinto, I guess B Spot and I were posting at same time and after reading what he said, I wanted to add--- He knows his shit so good idea to listen to him. Have your hair assessed by not only HT physician but dermatologist.
  3. Vinto, Again, although these are better photos and you have provided us with more angles to give you a better evaluation, they are pics and it is much better to trust the opinion of the physicians that saw you in person and have a great deal of experience. Since you have asked however, I'll give you my 2 cents but want you to put more credence in what the docs themselves have to say. I am going to stick to my original post on your other thread that from what I have read the average individual needs 5000-8000Fu for good coverage depending on the variables listed previously. I think that 3000 Fu will satisfy you for a period of time. How long, who knows. But it should buy you some time. Just understand that getting a HT that doesn't show scalp as you want might not be realistic, but having what you currently have 20 years from now is probably in reach and you need to think that way. Don't think short term. The question of the amount of donor hair is a good one. It appears that you have a below average density in the donor area. Again it is a photo so it is difficult to tell. Is that your previous scar showing thru in the photo? A top quality surgeon will be able to give you a good assessment. As you have already found out, you might get conflicting reports and that is why you should get several consults. You appear to be of Asian descent? It can sometimes be more common in Asians to have more diffuse thinning of the entire scalp. This ofcourse would be an issue. Sometimes you can look at parents and grandparents and predict but it is by NO means accurate so don't rely on it. Again, deep breaths and take your time with everything and research like crazy as you are doing. Listen to all the comments you get from us but remember it is not gospel. You do at some point have to put some real trust in the physician of choice, but atleast this way you are not going into the situation blind. Hope that helps.
  4. To a certain degree you are correct. There are several variables and we are making our assessment based off of a couple of photos. People and physicians that have a chance to evaluate you in person will be able to assess your situation much better. I believe from everything that I have read however, that for the average person it takes between 5000 and 8000 FU for what appears to be full coverage if they have advanced balding.(NW 5+) There are variables such as size of head, texture of hair, thickness and transition with donor area(ex.--super thick donor makes top look thinner), skill of physician, contrast between hair and scalp, type of haircut chosen. I'm sure there are others that I am forgetting but it gives you the idea that there is no easy answer to give you because we are all different. If you were to get a HT of 3000 FU it would probably give you sufficient coverage that you would be happy with for a period of time. Yes you might need another surgery but it wouldn't have to be something that had to be done right away. You could probably hold off for several years assuming you are on a good hair care regimen.
  5. You have had some great advise so there is no point in me adding to it. I do have to believe that what Dr. Elliot told you is correct. I'm certain that the trasplanted hairs did grow but you have just lost some of your native hairs. This was bound to happen especially if you have not been on some sort of hair care regimen. Make sure that you take your time to research things and see several physicians to find one that you are comfortable with. I agree with everyone that it will take 4000+ Fu for you to be fully satisfied. Good luck in your search.
  6. Damn Middleson, are you sure you just had 3000 Fu or is that dust particles on your scalp? That is one hell of a very clean surgery that is difficult to even detect when we know you had it. I can imagine that it was no big deal to head back to work but usually a day or 2 post op will scare most people that see it. Dr. Cooley has done some very impressive work. I'm happy for you. Did he know that you were going to post on this forum? Not that all physicians don't make every effort to do their best work each and every time, but I think it can't hurt to let them know that the world is going to be witness to their work. Give it a few months and it will be awesome. Glad to here that it was such a great experience. Another reason this site can be invaluable. Keep us posted.
  7. It really should be noted that you have made a wise and educated decision. In my time following this site, I have seen a number of people that have posted here for info and feedback and then proceeded to go with a poor choice of doctor. You have done your homework and will be quite satisfied. It is fulfilling for those that do spend a lot of voluntary time trying to help in the education process. Best of luck.
  8. There are a couple different reasons as to why the hair will grow back at different rates. Firstly, as stated already, your native hair itself doesn't all grow at the same rate as it is. There is what is known as the resting stage and that is a factor with the transplanted hair. As also alluded to, the circulation and blood supply is a factor. Even though it seems as though all the hairs are transplanted at the same time, in fact they are not. Those that are inserted first are the "lucky" ones that get a head start on attracting the blood supply to make sure all goes well. They will tend to be the first to mature. You also have to look at the fact that it is a pretty traumatic event for the little follicle. Some of them might have a harder time with adapting to their new home. Ofcourse this day and age the new technology is so much better but the hair follicles can still be injurred or damaged slightly and they need a little healing time themselves. There are ofcourse other factors but for the most part that is why the hairs will grow at different rates. Hope that helps.
  9. I hope by good things doesn't mean that I have to be serious all the time and can't have some fun once in awhile?
  10. And I thought it was sheep? Oh dear not deer. My bad. Wrong forum.
  11. Dear Bill, Hope your consult goes well. Tell them you have a scar pattern like photo #1 and ask if they think that 100 DHI will cover it, as you later wanted to start fresh with a new pattern from MHR.
  12. Great work doc. Much appreciated photos and all in similar lighting at same angles. This is exactly what we are looking for. You're right, by not addressing his temporal angle you would have done him an injustice, especially if he ever decided to grow his hair longer. Awesome results.
  13. Cousin, Yes you are correct I have also seen the studies. To date the primary hypothesis by many is it works due to potassium channel effects and effect on nitrous oxide, but nonetheless it is a circulatory drug. Some think that even though studies with similiar compounds have proven unsuccessful, it might be the combination of ingredients and their effects. It still baffles them. I truly appreciate your vast knowledge on such topics and others. Sometimes my posts are generalized from the numerous literatures I've read, but your info packs more punch when followed by links to scientific backing.
  14. Cousin_it I should probably just let this thread die as it is not feasable to "prove" efficacy of many possible treatments because they don't have the financing of the large pharmaceutical companies to create the studies. I just wanted to correct you when you stated that in your opinion treatments that increase circulation are your #3 choice behind fin and minoxidil. Remember that minoxidil IS a circulatory enhancing product.
  15. I never was able to find the pictures either so I guess what is the harm if they are that hidden. I understand the point and agree with the poster that it is unnerving when something is touted for years and then suddenly it is banished by those who use to sing its praises. I guess though you see this happen in several industries. I thought as you did Cousin that this was actually solicitation because lets face it, it peaked my interest.
  16. Mrjb, I get what you are saying and understand fully. We are all able to rationalize whatever it is we want and that is what makes life fun. I guess I have a good imagination. I do put in my time on the couch and also take minoxidil and propecia and will continue to do so. However, I'll also consider other options that multibillion dollar companies haven't mind@*!@!* us into believing work. I like Cousin_its idea of the beer but didn't work well for Homer Simpson, must have been the brand.
  17. This discussion keeps getting more interesting. Thanks for the link Cousin. I don't think that Cousin_It or myself want anyone to start dredging up old snake oil remedies. There is nothing out there that grows hair. However, somethings do show promise and have some scientific backing to increase hair growth during the miniturization process. What might have some positive results with one individual has absolutely no results with others. I think that there is no arguement there. Yes DHT is a factor in hairloss but by no means is it the only one. That is why there are still individuals that are taking Propecia as prescribed with no results. Even though their DHT levels are diminished they show no signs of growth or less hairloss. Therefore by definition--you can't say there is a positive correlation to altering hairloss. What can be stated is that there is a positive correlation to limiting DHT. There is a difference. I refuse to just focus on the pharmaceuticals alone for treatment. The truth of the matter is that although they are successful in many cases, it is slightly greater than that of the placebo group. How do you explain the placebo group having hair growth? That's an interesting topic itself. Mrjb...No they don't use standing on your head for treating several ailments but with regards to several different diagnosis, they will focus on aspects of circulation. For example, with the healing of wounds, they will now use hyperbaric chambers to increase the oxygen and blood flow to the wound site. Remember, as previously pointed out, minoxidil is a vasodilator--increases circulation. There is no disputing that. Achems razor--sometimes the simplest explanation is the best. There is very little that we can do to limit our hairloss and that is a fact. If you are frequenting this site it is probably because you are losing your hair. I have accepted this and am looking for means to limit it and alter it. There is too much evidence to circulation, inflammation, immune system to just ignore and rely only on medications. I hope to slow the process of future loss down, but inevitably I believe that a certain amount is going to leave me irregardless of what I do. That is called aging. Even though I stay in shape and work out my muscle will atrophy as I age. The fountain of youth has not been found to my knowledge. That is why I am seeking out the professional skills of a good surgeon to help restore some youth.
  18. What a gifted physician. You are going to be ecstatic with the results as it looks like he has done a great job of everything. Four thousand FU will go a long way with the native hair you still have. Please keep us posted as it would be awesome to see the progression and compare the changes and timeframe relative to others that have had a similar # of FU with Dr. Hasson. Thanks for taking the time and effort to post. P.S. Were your pre-pictures all taken at the same time because they look like different color hair and varying densities. Maybe just the lighting?
  19. "Now these conditionals aren't taking into consideration ALL the other variables in play like genetics, DHT, etc. So I'm certain it's more complex than I'm making it out to be" originally posted By Bill This qoute says it all. The simplistic arguement that I was making was exactly that, very simplistic. I think that we are all aware that there are numerous other factors at play here and this is why the hairloss issue has plagued scientists and many strive to find the solution to make their $$$. When I look at some of the products on the market such as minoxidil, propecia, nioxin, msn, or whatever else has some efficacy, I think "what the hell". As long as the side effects are minimized I figure there is no harm in trying, but don't hold on to any fantasies of grandeur. Even though some of these products do show some promise, there is only a slight edge over the placebo. I like to think that there is some evidence of a correlation of circulation to hairloss. Again I realize there are sooooo many other factors but if there is something simple to try why not. Maybe it is my placebo but you gotta have hope. I am going to make the effort of using the inversion table as another means of creating a better environment for healthy follicles. It also helps with my spinal situation(which is the real reason for the use) so its a win win. Along with another 3000 or so new follicles this year I figure things will be in great shape. This is a good discussion and I enjoy seeing all sides to any arguement. Bill you have a very analytical mind and that helps bring reality and balance to this forum. It helps to keep us grounded. Much appreciated.
  20. Have a safe trip and hope that all goes well. Definitely keep us posted.
  21. I can see that in your time on the forum you have quickly started to educate yourself. Glad to see it as it will only benefit you in the future. All of those docs will be good candidates and you will be happy with things. Not that money should ever be a top concern, but ofcourse it has to be somewhat of a consideration therefore I would suggest Dr. Feller for you. I think that his pricing is a little less than the others and a flight from overseas to the east coast will be cheaper for you. Just a thought.
  22. I beg to differ, there does infact appear to be a direct positive correlation to circulation and hairloss. Ofcourse most bald men have normal circulation to the scalp so no one will try to argue that point, but there are several instances that demonstrate that circulation is in fact correlated and possibly a factor in hairloss. Take for example indivuduals that have suffered strokes. Many ofcourse have neurological deficits that manifest into decreased cognitive, motor and sensory abilities. One thing that sometimes also happens is hairloss to certain regions. What happens to many individuals that are undertaking cancer treatment? The chemo ofcourse has adverse affects on cellular activity and because the follicles rapidly divide they are immediately effected. Many of the latest drugs are designed to create vasorestriction that limits bloodflow to the affected cells. One of the side effects is hairloss. Ofcourse that is a rudimentary explanation but for time sake and simplicity you get the jist. With gangrene one of the first symptoms is hairloss. Moreover, Minoxidil was discovered for hairloss as a fluke. It is a vasodilator that was initially used to treat heart conditions. One of the side effects that they noticed was hairgrowth. There is ofcourse several other examples of situations that would directly correlate circulation to hairgrowth, but you can never make the statement that increased circulation will grow hair. As we all know there is no direct validity to make this statement factual. I'm sure that many readers here are aware of these situations in regards to bloodflow and hairloss but just want to reiterate.
  23. Best of luck with everything. Keep us posted as we are all looking forward to your hairy adventures.
  24. I did see the link that you sighted and it appears that it might be a quote from Pat? I wonder where he got this info and if it is based from scientific studies or journals. I have personally read some journals where it was sighted the exact opposite unfortunately I don't have the time right now to research those findings and provide the quotes. I'm sure Cousin will come thru.
  25. AAN, I really don't believe it is an issue. Unless someone else can give good reason otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.
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