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Everything posted by sansi

  1. While I don't fully agree that he doesn't of us, at least morally. Many people put their decisions on hold waiting for the promised trial results and also there was $15K fundraising, although most of it was raised by a single person. But I agree that we must be respectful and he deserves that. There are only two docs who tried it, and only Dr. Barghouthi announced new trials. Hope he will do it soon and all this tension will fade away together with FUE scars
  2. @DrTBarghouthi is there anyway we can help you to speed up the process ? It seems you have Verteporfin and all the necessary equipment. Maybe we should try to help you to find a patient or anything else ? I apologize, if my previous post sounded a bit critical.
  3. Hairline skin heals better than back of the head, there are many cases with close to invisible scarring after hairline extraction. With verteporfin it should heal even better. But it should be tested. Unfortunately no one is trying, I am really surprised to see that only 2 trials have been conducted in 3 years and only Barghouthi and Bloxham tried it so far. I am really thankful to Doctor Barghouthi for starting this and planning a new trial, but it takes inadequately long. Almost two year passed since the first trial and it was delayed like 10 times.
  4. @DrTBarghouthi wanted to thank you again, I hoped more surgeons will join but it seems you're the only hope now. While we are waiting for the new trials (hopefully soon to happen) , I would like to ask if the patient who had full FUE (not trial) healing well and did he agree to share photos ? Also any plans to assess first trial patient donor with the tricho device ?
  5. Will this be your first HT ? Dr. Barghouthi mentioned that he found a reliable source of verteporfin and ordered some. You better contact him and let him handle storage, preparation etc.
  6. A quote from Verteporfin Group "Geoffrey Gurtner is part of the team. I sent him two mesaages on linkedin and he replied. Maybe you can contact him to ask him as I don't want to seam pushy by keep asking him things. I asked him when will it be available, he said it should be in a couple of years and I also asked him if it makes old scars go away and he said in animal testing it does but they don't have human testing yet."
  7. In Stanford they did deep analysis of skin tissue . They know the structure of healthy tissue and scar, the structure of verteporfin treated area resembled healthy skin and it was improving. This is better proof than any photo. Longaker is like 70 years old well known scientist, would he risk his reputation by photoshoping results ? Dr. Barghouthi is reputable surgeon, if he faked results, he will have huge reputational damage. But the skepticism is legit for verteporfin being mass spread. Any doctor, or rich man who potentially can finance trial, may look at the photos and think they are photoshoped. So we need more better quality photos, hair count assessment and video maybe.
  8. Dr. Barghouthi already has preliminary good results. The only issue is the trial was not very scientific and the photos are not very good quality. If we can persuade him to bring back the first trial patient make quality photos and hair count assessment with the new scanning device and spread the word that would be huge. And 1 million is really a lot, 200k would be more than enough, so you don't need top tier rich guy like Musk, someone even with high income(but not wealthy) in US can afford that. 200k is enough because it is not very different from a standard surgery, it just has one extra injection step. 10 surgeries can easily be afforded by 200k with different scenarios. That would be more than enough to make conclusions.
  9. If doctors don't do trials, there wouldn't be anything good to show. That's way its very important to have enthusiasts like Dr. Barghouthi. However, didn't Dr. Mohebi agree to do trials ? He said something like "we owe this to our patients" so I guess now it's not about to persuade the Doctor but ask if there's been any updates.
  10. No need to wait for 12 months, in case of FUE at 4 months it should be evident which dose worked the best. The rest is just progress and better healing with time. @Tonyyy many of us are here for scars repair, theoretically if they made hundreds of cuts the first time, they could do it second time. No difference.
  11. Guys Dr. Barghouthi deserves respect and gratitude. Let's give him that. At the same time dearest @DrTBarghouthi I think the delays have become emotional burden also for you(as for us). We're so close to scarless healing and hopefully you will be able to start the trial as soon as possible.
  12. @DrTBarghouthi if I'm not asking too much, hopefully you could also invite the first trial patient to have an assessment via the new device. Thus we will have better photos and hair count of the treated/untreated areas. Thank you again for all the efforts !
  13. @DrTBarghouthi please make us happy, and announce the next trial, it's time
  14. expected more honestly from 5 months, on the other hand we see that the scar hasn't developed yet and some hair is popping out. Maybe that's just long healing.
  15. @Melvin- Admin available verteporfin https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/product/sigma/sml0534
  16. @Fox243 wanted to say sorry for your situation and thank you for all the efforts you put in verteporfin. I know you said you will take a break from this, and I totally understand you, but as you have contact with Dr. Bloxham, it would be great if you could do the last step before taking break, and ask him about results/potential update date. We all here would be grateful.
  17. You are complicating things. Of course he wouldn't do that, we just need to know the reasons of delays to stop speculating. What I can hope for is he would say things are positive or negative as he did before, and tell us date of his next update.
  18. He released only one video after last update, other two were made by other doctors. Asking won't hurt,if he doesn't share any results, at least we may know when to wait for an update.
  19. sorry to hear. Hope you will figure it out soon. You did a lot already, but please ask for an update form Bloxham, only you have contact with him.
  20. you can contact Dr. Barghouthi. He's the only one to my knowledge that is considering using verteporfin.
  21. @Fox243 thank you for your efforts, you deserve a lot of credit alongside with Dr Bs. What do you think of this result ? https://www.realself.com/review/scarless-after-verteporfin-injected-scar-revision
  22. He mentioned in his video that he didn't use Trichophytic Closure for the trial.
  23. You may consider following verteporfin thread . It potentially can repair scars and even regrow hair. Early results are very promising.
  24. An older study on vereporfin used to block scarring on penises after surgery. "VP blocked the expression of genes related to fibrosis in the YAP cascade in myofibroblasts derived from PD plaque. " https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30274909/
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