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Everything posted by sansi

  1. That's awesome ! Means Doctor Barghouthi is pretty confident already that he proposes verteporfin as a part of a normal procedure. Trial or not any new surgery with verteporfin would be beneficial. IMO all we need is more photo/video and maybe histological/statistical evidence for this to have a snowball effect.
  2. Also better quality pictures with different angles/distances will help to spread the word and be more convincing. I know Dr. Barghouthi is very busy these days, but if someone can reach him and ask for these photos, that would be a big step forward.
  3. Agree, this shouldn't be burden only on two doctors. But Dr. Barghouthi has two trials planned, and hopefully he will find the best dosage, as he mentioned 0.4 is not too far from it. Anyone reached out to Gary Linkov ? He is HT and plastic surgeon and has a big audience from both sides. Actually reaching out also plastic surgeons may speed up the things .
  4. Wow Sounds Good ! I reached out few doctors in Europe, but they still seem to be hesitant. Hopefully that will change soon. Anyways I will wait until they find the best dosage. I think Dr. Barghouthi will be also pioneer here offering Verteporfin as part of the surgery. Do you have any information on his plans ? Also would one vial be enough for a full FUE ?
  5. When do you think guy this can be a part of a surgery ? Is one year from now too optimistic ? I hope Dr. Barghouthi will try also old FUE scars, Dr. Bloxhams trial seems to work the same way for older scars and fresh wounds.
  6. I think it will start rolling when/if Dr. Bloxhams trial shows success. In linear scar regeneration would be much more evident.
  7. There is a chemical Verteporfin that potentially prevents scarring, promotes skin regeneration including hair follicles. Very promising so far. You can try to repair your donor area and laser off the rest.
  8. @DrTBarghouthi wanted to express my huge gratitude for the amazing job once more. I would be happy if you could answer the following questions. 1. When do you think it would be possible to use verteporfin in normal surgeries (not trials) ? 2. Will one vial be enough for a full FUE ? 3. If Dr. Bloxhams scar revision shows success do you consider doing existing FUE scars revision ?
  9. The most important value verteporfin brings is the potential to help botched people. People with scars, injuries or failed hair transplants will be able to return to normal life.
  10. Most Doctors actually don't care that much about innovation. There are a lot of efforts and money to be spent to conclude a trial. But I think it would go mainstream if Dr. Bloxhams trial shows success. Full thickness wound healing would be much more persuasive. We also were skeptical few days ago before we saw healed 0.4 site. But as more solid evidence comes, it will spread.
  11. There is literally no reason for a reputable surgeon to fake the results. Maybe he will have some short term gains, but in a long run he will have much worse reputational damage. The first few months of this trial are well documented and you can easily find the photos, also you can compare control photos show what happens when you don't inject Verteporfin. Of course we would benefit from different lighting scenarios, angles and distances, but I am quite happy with what I've seen so far. We are speaking about full recovery or something close to that. And this is only one trial. Doctor Barghouthi definitely deserves all the credits and gratitude .
  12. Guys why do you dislike my comment ? I am very encouraged and want to see the photos of the healed area . Asking for an update does not equal to disrespect and I am as grateful to Doctor Barghouthi as you.
  13. @DrTBarghouthi you are being harsh on us after such an encouraging update we haven't seen photos for two weeks already.
  14. Dr. Barghouthi reported some new hair growth since month 2, if the healing timelines of the two trials match, Dr. Bloxham will report new hairs in his next month 2/3 video. In case of FUT if hair grows from the wound that would be much more straightforward evidence. Can't wait to see next updates from both doctors. These updates will shed a light on the verteporfin potential.
  15. Hair wouldn't grow out from scar. If hair grows then scar should also heal. The opposite is possible healed scar without hair.
  16. If something didn't work in the past doesn't mean verteporfin wouldn't work now or anything else in the future. So far what we've seen is very promising.
  17. This is one month update, I guess it does what it supposed to do in such short period. Month 4-5 would be crucial. One thing we are not talking about, Stanford guys did also trial on human skin graft that was transplanted to mice. They made sure that human cells would be responding during the trial not mice cells. And on cellular level the response to verteporfin was similar to pig's trial. With the evidence we have so far I would speculate that verteporfin is proven to be at least efficient to some degree. And it is matter of trials and finetuning the protocol to increase the efficiency.
  18. Easy to say. Most probably patients don't want to expose their scars. Also no need to shave, in 3 or 4 months update the hair growing directly from wound (if it grows) would be visible. I believe Dr. Barghouthi's uploaded photos will show some evident hair regrowth also according to his last reply,
  19. I agree with you, but adjacent hair was shaven, so it is also difficult to explain the length. Maybe the hair was trapped under scar tissue and got a chance with vert
  20. Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seemed hairs are popping out directly from the wound also. In Fue trial verteporfin did show regrowth since month 2, so maybe we will have more clarity in the next update.
  21. I think these early results are what should be expected in the good scenario. In pig study skin showed good recovery at month 4 and still was in remodeling process meaning it would improve over time. Especially promising is the amount of hair around/in the wound. During Next week when hopefully Dr. Barghouthi will have uploaded photos and Dr. Bloxham will update 3 months results we will be able to say more confidently that verteporfin works. (I already believe it does) . Both doctors deserve huge gratitude and will go down in history.
  22. In dissertation 2mg/ml is mentioned both in terms of concentration and dosage. I assume 2mg/ml was used to inject 1ml in 2mg concentration for 5 cm.
  23. So, in pig trial they used 2mg/ml, 4mg/ml and 8 mg/ml concentrations. 2mg showed the best results. This means we are very close to the optimal dosage. 0.4mg per cm2 is close to 2mg used for 5cm. The difference is that in pig case the scar was linear and had no width. In fue the dosage is calculated for cm2. So I think it is worth to increase dosage to test the improvement, but the good news is we wouldn't need to increase it dramatically.
  24. A student from Stanford had dissertation about wound regeneration. A lot more information about pig trial is included here - https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:rp239gf7751/Talbott HE Dissertation-augmented.pdf @DrTBarghouthi
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