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Everything posted by baddecisions

  1. Impressive work by dr Yaman? Where can you find it? There are many unsatisfied patients in "hair transplant reviews" section in this forum that won't second that. To Mascherano, run away from Yaman and similar clinics/doctors. You have alreday made a mistake, do not make another one.
  2. Typical Yaman result. Seems ok at the beginning, ends up being a failure. Just like the vast majority of his results. I hope you find a good surgeon for the next procedure.
  3. I am so happy you are finally going with dr. Zarev. If there is a doctor that can properly manage your situation is him. Hopefully some cancellations eventually occur and you end up having your surgery sooner than later. All the best and thanks for sharing your story in such a detail and such a high level of honesty.
  4. You need to find a doctor to remove the implanted hair in one or potentially more removal sessions. Then in a different procedure, once the area has healed, implant hair in a natural way with proper angles and directions. Another possible way, is just removal sessions and accept your baldness since it is moving to high Norwoord. Another point to be highlighted is that you have what seems to be cobblestoning in the implanted area. In what condition is the donor area? Who was the doctor that did this to you?
  5. Sorry to hear, angles and directions do not change over time: if implanted hair remains always straight in upward direction you have been botched, that's it. It would be great if you could share pictures and doctor's/clinic name, so that other people do not end up going to the same doctor. Good luck!
  6. These are exactly what honest pictures look like. Not pictures taken from above (like vast majority of clinics and people do), but truly frontal ones, which show reality, things as they are. Do you have pictures from the last procedure/small touch-up? Congrats on your repair journey with dr. Feriduni
  7. Wait, is that accurate? What is exactly done by Hasson and what by techs?
  8. Survival rate was really low and sadly I don't think it will improve in the following months.
  9. I am so sorry to read this. Even though hair appeareance may improve, it won't be a radical change. If you are located in the UK, ask dr. Ball as well, he is well considered and have a lot of experience in repairs.
  10. Why did you or admins remove the previous thread? After pictures are in different conditions and are obviously low quality.
  11. The majority of Pitella's cases do have rows, in any case and being as against to rows as someone could be, his results are great.
  12. The fact that Yaman is a "recommended doctor" in this forum, says it all about its credibility. One decent case for every 5 mediocre to bad results. All the best with your new journey with dr. Michalis, in other forums he is well considered.
  13. Do not have a surgery then. And, in case you want a surgery, save as much money as possible and ask top doctors for consultation.
  14. Horrible, that is incredible. How is the donor area? Hopefully it is a relatively easy fix
  15. Not only the clinic not admiting it, but also people here defending this saying everything is ok. Shameful.
  16. It looks good, but pictures are low quality and not close enough. Could you upload pictures in more detail? How is the scar? All the best
  17. I agree with @Gatsby, do not throw those grafts. It is better to extract and reimplant instead of killing them. Maybe is doctor being too conservative (ie, extracting fewer than he could) in punching out those grafts?
  18. I am sorry to say this, but... Not only doubles, but also hair caliber for the hairline is way too thick. Moreover, directions/angles from implanted hair does not match the native.
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