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Posts posted by mxnprettynice

  1. Month 3:

    More baby hairs are beginning to pop up sporadically. The first two months passed relatively quickly, but the third month felt much longer. I found myself checking for new hair growth daily.

    This month, I'm also starting to gradually reduce my Cialis dosage, skipping days until I'm completely off it. I anticipate more hair follicles will become visible, as the comparison with postoperative pictures indicates there's progress to be made.

    Overall, the progress appears to be on track for the third month.






  2. @FM1 Id stay away from Yaman. It'd be one thing if his unfavorable outcomes were from years ago, but he had a hair transplant result with cobblestoning as recent as April 2023.

    You might consider reaching out to Dr. Turan or Dr. Gur. I reached out FUECAPILAR Dr. Turan and secured an appointment within three weeks. However, I was prepared to leave on a two-week notice anytime and made that clear.

    I'm 2 months and 10 days into my hair transplant journey, and I'm seeing baby hairs sprouting EVERYWHERE, a successful procedure

  3. First Month Update:

    I experienced minimal shedding, retaining about 60% of my grafts. I attribute this to maintaining my grafts in a perpetual anagen phase by applying topical minoxidil starting from the second day post-surgery. However, I wouldn't advise this for everyone. Not all minoxidil users see hair regrowth, which is believed to be due to individual differences in converting minoxidil to its active form, minoxidil sulfate. I've also taken a high dosage of oral minoxidil, above standard recommendations, so I won't specify the amount to discourage someone following this crazy protocol.

    Planning to continue with 2.5mg of Cialis & Viagra for the next two months. So far, I've encountered no side effects.



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