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Posts posted by mxnprettynice

  1. 10 hours ago, Abdul said:

    Hi mate, 

    did dr turan duran do everything or he has other staff who do the transplanting? 

    also how much does cost? 

    iam planning to rebuild the hair line (about 2000 grafts) and abit of crown area. 

    Turan personally handles the graft implantation. I was impressed with the angles of the grafts, they all aligned with mine. However, the extractions are performed by technicians. As I've mentioned before, the cost is 3.5k EUR.

  2. I would've recommended a more proactive medical treatment, perhaps considering a Cialis + Viagra microdosing combination along with macrodosing minoxidil. However, I believe this approach is most effective in the early stages of a hair transplant. I've developed a new protocol, which I'll discuss in an upcoming hair transplant post. With this protocol, I managed to maintain all my grafts in a perpetual anagen phase. As a result, I experienced no shedding, and the transplanted hairs have continued to grow. It's been nearly a month, and they've shown consistent growth. Baiscally you just need to commit to an aggressive medical regimen for just three months, after which you can discontinue it. Given your youth and health, I believe you'd handle this approach well

  3. Your regrowth looks fantastic! The next update will be even better. I notice a few grafts haven't sprouted yet, but they seem on the cusp of doing so, which will add to the density. The lowered hairline will improve facial framing for sure 🔥

    Were you open about having a transplant, or did you keep it a secret from people? Personally, I've never understood the idea of concealing a hair transplant from everyone. Being open about it seems less stressful than trying to hide it 👉👈

  4. I understand you might be concerned about one side appearing sparser, but I've seen many cases where one side lags behind but eventually fills in well.

    I'm currently two weeks into my own HT journey and can't wait reaching the three-month mark 💯

    You're nearing the phase where rapid growth will soon begin. Grow brutha

    • Like 1
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  5. Two weeks have passed since my surgery. For the first ten days, my donor area was tender and I experienced a throbbing pain, had to use painkillers throughout. Now, the pain has subsided. Also, I'm slowly regaining sensation in the transplanted hair. Although it's faint and not consistent throughout the area, I can now feel a sensation when I brush the hair, something I didn't experience in the first week.





  6. 6 hours ago, JasonElva1990 said:

    Great info! After Turkey i bleeded alot from my donor so i wonder how will it be this time. It's overall my second procedure. How long did it take for you to sleep normal or the pain go away? 

    I'm exactly two weeks post-surgery, and the donor area still hurts a bit. The swelling, throbbing pain, and numbness in the donor area subsided on the 10th day, so I finally stopped taking anti-inflammatory medications.

  7. It's okay. You'll likely doze off during the surgery. Just be careful with your donor area once you return to your apartment post surgery. It'll be numb and painless, but avoid sleeping on it. Even with a neck pillow, if there's another pillow beneath, it can still make contact. As a result, it might swell and it will hurt like hell for the next two weeks with a bigger chance of shockloss

  8. I appreciate the concern, @Turkhair.

    Cialis and Viagra come in various dosages, usually 60mg, and personally, I've always tolerated them well, both Cialis and Viagra. In the protocol, the dosage is much less - 2.5mg. I barely feel the effects and am already growing tolerant to it quickly.

    Thanks, @Belve! The cost was 3500€, and as for the protocol, I started using Cialis and Viagra the day after the surgery. I plan to continue taking 2.5mg of Cialis and Viagra every day for three months, as Dr. Thiago Bianco recommended.

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