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Posts posted by mxnprettynice

  1. On 3/26/2024 at 12:36 AM, Woody1000 said:

    Brilliant results!! Just wanted to ask you what was your pre and/or post op medication protocol? In regards to the cialis/viagra microdosing and minoxidil? 

    I started Cialis/Viagra the day after the procedure and resumed taking minoxidil orally. Within a week, I began applying minoxidil topically in small amounts.

  2. On 5/2/2024 at 11:38 PM, Myles23 said:

    This is awesome mate and great work by Turan. Not seen results like that in your 4 month update. 

    Yes, that's macro dosing with minoxidil both orally and topically plus microneedling starting from month 2.

    On 5/2/2024 at 11:38 PM, Myles23 said:

    Question…. when microdosing cialis / viagra, did you experience any mild headaches? Might be unrelated but since I’ve reduced my intake to 1.25mg / 1.25mg they’ve subsided a little. Will stop at 5 months…. To my wife’s delight 

    I really didn't pay much attention to side effects. I don't remember having migraines, but in my opinion, you are providing great aid for the grafts, which need more blood. It's important to use Cialis starting the second day after the procedure, especially if you are a vaper or smoker.

  3. Month 6 | Hairline!


    I really like the new hairline. I've gotten so used to it that browsing old photos shocks me with how much my hair used to look recessed.

    Though my treatment early on worked very well in terms of speeding up the recovery and having full results by month 4, nothing much has changed since then, just that the hair got longer. And I did check for any new growth but didn't see any.




    Harsh lightning (Lamps directly at my hairline)



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  4. Month 4 | No More Widow's Peak!

    I did not think for such growth as early as the fourth month. Finally, I ditched the hat, and going outside with styled hair is a relief. I started microneedling, once a week at a depth of 1.5 mm, starting in the second month. I am waiting for further growth in months 7 and 8, as I continue to see sprouting of new, baby hairs.

    Photographs were taken on day 8 of the MONTH 4




    cc @O-Myles59 @consequence @Melvin- Admin@baldingbosnian@irfsss@Fortitude@Capt.hair@stephcurry30@Spring15

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  5. @12345

    I use a derma pen, which you can find on Amazon or a local online store. I wouldn't recommend rollers and stamps. I apply minoxidil immediately after microneedling and wear a hat, as I've read a study that says most topical minoxidil evaporates.


    @duchaine These results are from before I had a hair transplant. I stopped microneedling during the transplant and resumed 2 months and 8 days post-transplant.

  6. Yes, @12345 @duchaine

    it is indeed a game changer. Typically, the results are seen around four months. Especially good for miniaturized hair. Personally, I use a 2mm depth, but I advise starting at 1mm and gradually increasing to 1.5mm. Over time, the nerves and skin adapt, and the discomfort reduces.

    Below, I'm excited to showcase a photo with my remarkable results from microneedling combined with minoxidil (and finasteride)


  7. Start using microneedling and minoxidil fast before your hair follicles diminish completely. I assure you, it will lead to complete hair regrowth.

    I know I keep advocating this on this forum but microneedeling has made significant impact on my hair. Id recommend any derma pen for ths

  8. 1 hour ago, duchaine said:

    Microneedeling: depth and frequency please :D
    do you use something on the scalp after MN?

    I use a 1.5mm needle for microneedling once a week. Immediately after microneedling, I will spray minoxidil and then wear a hat because of a study suggesting that most of the minoxidil evaporates from the skin before it can be absorbed topically.

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  9. Looks good @consequence! some transplants gain density by month seven, so there's potential for even more fullness in the coming months. You might consider trying microneedling with a derma pen. This could potentially revive follicles that are dormant. I began using one at a depth of 1.5mm weekly, starting in the month 2. I was surprised by results within 20 days. Combining topical minoxidil with oral minoxidil can be a good approach as well, especially now if you've started microneedling. This dual therapy has been effective for many people I've seen.

    Cialis/Viagra can be particularly beneficial in the early stages of a hair transplant. In my case, I used it since I didn't want to give up nicotine vaping.

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