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Everything posted by Ccd99

  1. Very good result! Do you have any photos of his back? Were some grafts implanted in the "crown dip" area? Not sure if that is the case or the redness is just from extraction
  2. Excellent result! You must be very pleased. How many grafts do you think you'll need for the crown + additional density in mid-scalp?
  3. You need to give it time, if you are a diffuse thinner miniaturised hair will grow slower, and those follicles need more time, so you are going through a phase where the hair is growing in a non-uniform manner, once you have some length hair will overlap each other and look more fuller but this could take a few months because of your miniaturized hairs, unfortunately this could take anywhere between 3-6 months so you just have to sit tight and wait.
  4. Thank you both, sometimes I am in denial but when I compare the photos the difference is blatant.
  5. So, since the first photos in this thread on page 1 and today, it's been just above 7 months of me growing out my hair as I decided on going for a HT and stop wearing a hair system eventually. I've been on meds (oral dut/oral min) for exactly 7 months too. I have decided to shave my hair tomorrow to see how it compares to baseline, and then let it sufficiently regrow for my HT date of September 2024 (around 6 months). Here are my final pictures, and just as a test I decided to use hair fibres to see how it looks and to my surprise it looks actually not as bad as I thought - I feel with this look I would be comfortable to take my hair system completely off (but having to apply fibres each day sucks so I'm still going stick with the hair system until 2 months before my HT). I also want to note that I took these photos under a harsh warm bathroom light. Let me know what y'all think! Front Front - with Fibres Crown Crown - with Fibres Top Top - with Fibres Hairline - with Fibres
  6. Absolutely unreal! Dr. Pittella is amazing at NW6/NW7 restorations
  7. I don't mean to put you off but I genuinely do not think 1500 grafts is going to to do the rest of the recipient area any justice. You do have some existing hair on your scalp but they are in a very advanced stage of miniaturization, so I do not think it will blend in enough to give the illusion of density. Your donor area is very sparse too and you are are already approaching NW7 (your crown is dipping), how old are you and did you have a HT before? If you are not on meds (Finasteride/Minoxidil) I would highly recommend you get it on it ASAP post surgery. All the best with the surgery tomorrow and I really hope I am wrong.
  8. Your frontal density looks fine to me, there is a bit of spacing in the forelock area but it probably will get covered once those hairs grow longer. Having said that I am a bit sceptical of the Dr. recommending to use only 1500 grafts as a NW6 to cover the remaining areas until vertex... unless you have a lot of pre-existing hair I think it could look very sparse. Do you have any photos of the top of your scalp pre-op?
  9. Unfortunately this is not a great result. I looked at your post-op pics and in my opinion this is poor planning by Yaman. You had 4100 grafts, and some of those 4100 grafts were placed diffusely across your mid-scalp which is making the mid-scalp look very thin and visually not too much different than before. They never should have done it like that, instead they should have focused density up front only for the first surgery. You are essentially a NW6, going into NW7, so you were always going to need about 9-12k+ grafts for decent coverage (which means at least 2 if not 3 surgeries unless you go to a wizard like Pittella or Zarev).
  10. Looking good! Any plans to address crown?
  11. Decent result considering where you started from, but I will say that your donor area (mainly sides) are looking a bit empty, do you have before pics to see if it was always like that?
  12. Got lucky and grabbed a cancelled surgery slot, so I'm pleased to say that I've managed to move my surgery with Dr Bruno Ferreira forward to September 2024 now 😃
  13. They can be quite slow sometimes, it took like a week for Ozen (Bicer's patient coordinator) to reply to me, that was back in August last year. IMHO you are better off going with Pittella if you are a high NW and can afford Pittella's prices.
  14. These results are very inspiring, congratulations on your new look! I think your hairline looks great and will age very well as you get older. Are you any medications? Also do you have any more photos pre-op, curious to see your baseline, particularly your donor prior to 1st surgery? PS: Have you considered trying hair fibres/concealer? It would give you a much more dense look! Thanks!
  15. I believe I replied to you the other day on your other thread as well Up to 20% miniaturization is acceptable anything above could be considered as DUPA. This is something a HT surgeon near me said to me as I also have some miniaturization in my donor, but my donor density is also above average (> 100 FU/cm^2)
  16. Your donor looks good grown out! What microscope did you buy?
  17. Thank you @Gatsby - I think I just need to stop monitoring my progress every 2 weeks lol and wait a few months before comparing progress again. I agree from baseline I have improved so much, but the hair at the top is still fine/brittle in places so the meds need more time to do their thing. I have about 10 more months until surgery so that should be time enough for things to get to a stable state.
  18. Here are some more recent pics, this marks exactly 6 months on meds and about 6.5 months of growing out the hair. Not a drastic improvement, from now I think things will just move very slowly NOTE: still wearing a hair system, hair is a wet/damp here, not fully dry! Top - with harsh ceiling light: Top - with flash light: Top/front - with flash light: Top/front - with ceiling light: Top/front - with less ceiling light: Front - with ceiling light: Crown - with harsh ceiling light: Crown - with flash light: Donor back - good to see my crown dip thinning basically reversed with the meds: C
  19. Thank you @Gatsby @mavigo! I know I got lucky with the Ferreira cancellation. I am very pleased with my choice of surgeon. Thanks for the support!
  20. Not sure about Pinto but Ferreira is €4/graft
  21. From what I know up to 20% miniaturization is fairly normal, anything above could be considered as DUPA. Your case looks fine to me but I am not a dermatologist so it might be better to get a professional opinion. Jump on meds if you haven't already and that will hopefully reverse the miniaturization in your donor area.
  22. Thank you, I feel like results have slowed down since, not much improvement but it's still early only 6 months on meds . By the time I will be going for surgery it will be close to 16 months on meds so hoping for a little bit more improvement! No absolutely no difference whatsoever, I think my body tolerates the drug well.. or perhaps I just have super high DHT Yes I take 0.5mg every day
  23. Thank you! Hopefully you get offered a slot very soon. By the way if you are interested in my starting point and current journey so far, I have documented with photos on my thread below. The second page contains details of my consultation with Dr. BF (sorry for hijacking this thread!)
  24. Fair enough, if you have a link to the Ferreira case that would be helpful. I recently saw this case and his final temple work result looks great:
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