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Everything posted by Recession1

  1. Doesn’t sound very straight forward it sounds very contradicting and more about taking a guess on future loss… but thanks for the reply.
  2. That’s what I don’t understand about hair restoration…. I’m not coming at you I’m just trying to understand it. We all know hair loss is progressive and unpredictable. You went conservative since he is 28 and has extensive loss and if you go too aggressive you will run out of donor and won’t be able to cover your tracks. On the flip side if he didn’t have loss behind the frontal third you mentioned you would get more aggressive with the hairline and bring it down. So what if you did that and he goes from NW 3 to NW5 or 6 from 30-40 years old? Obviously he would then be in a bad position as he would be in a bad position today if you would have brought it lower. It just doesn’t make sense to me… it’s almost like playing Russian roulette… kinda scary
  3. So what if this patient didn’t have any other hairloss behind his frontal third? Would you be willing to go more aggressive with the hairline?
  4. Definitely a conservative approach… I think you will look great but I think you could get more aggressive than this on hairline. I agree most of this surgeons results look good because of conservative hairline that requires less area to work on so they appear dense. There was a post comparing Dr Ahmad to Dr Konior. I think Konior is one of the most ethical surgeons out there and if you look at his hairlines he is very aggressive and can do more with less grafts than any surgeon out there so he doesn’t put you in a situation you will regret if you have further loss. Im not saying Dr Ahmad isn’t a good surgeon I just don’t think there is any comparison… just my opinion.
  5. Agreed but the men in their 30s that haven’t shown much hairloss or miniturization aren’t going to go from minor hair loss to NW 6 or 7. Most of those patterns with advanced loss are gone in their 20s
  6. I agree with this but if you are 35 and are a NW 3 with no miniturization on the rest of the head chances are you aren’t going to become NW 5 or 6. I think if you are destined to become N6 or 5 you would have miniturization by age 30 all over your head.
  7. The results I have seen from Konior are top notch, but I wish there were more on this site. If you search his name there are only 5-10 results… all appear solid though!
  8. I think things looks good and the shedding is obviously expected. What would you need to go into the office for?
  9. Hairman22 wouldn’t it be just as effective to go to a hair doctor and have them use high magnification glasses to check for miniaturization as opposed to buzzing your head? I went to one and they told me bot niniturization, but wonder if buzzing hair down tells more of the story? I wouldn’t think so but who knows
  10. I’m saying they can predict nw 6 and 7 by the time you are late 20s. Those patterns show themselves early.
  11. No I mean miniturization In the donor and recipient area . When you progress to a NW 6 or 7 your donor shrinks and doesn’t leave enough available grafts to chase your baldness. Obviously your crown can drop into your donor. Many surgeons wait until 25 to be able to map your future loss to see if your donor is miniaturizing and reciepeint area and to see if your crown drops leaving you with less donor. Many surgeons i have gone to will check for miniaturization in your nape, donor, and temples and can predict better to what pattern you are going. Almost all men who go to NW 6 and NW 7 their pattern is evident well before 30 years old.
  12. I agree you can lose more hair, but if you don’t have miniaturization in your donor at 35 chances are you aren’t going to NW 6 or 7. I think that’s why most docs don’t work on guys under 25. I think 25 plus they can tell based on your donor and miniaturization what pattern you are heading for… so I think there is a lot of truth in what he is saying.
  13. He is a hair surgeon and one of the guys behind Scube 3.
  14. I was reading an article written by William Rasmussen(hair surgeon) concerning final balding pattern. He said with his 30 years of experience that he can predict final balding pattern up to 80% at age 26 90% at age 30 and 95% at 35 years old. So if one is 35 years old and a NW 3 with no ther miniaturization wouldn’t it be logical to get as aggressive as they want with a transplant?
  15. I also think with medications you are just delaying the inevitable… you can get on medications and it will stop or slow things for years and then you think you are stable but in my opinion you are just kicking the can down the road. If you are meant to be a NW 6 or 7 you are going to get there regardless of meds…. So I think people get way too caught up into waiting to get a hair transplant until you are stable… you truly never know if you are stable… it’s progressive. So in my opinion with transplants and medications you are delaying your “fall from grace” and getting more years of enjoyment with hair but you’re genes are going to dictate when and how much hair you will lose and nobody knows that regardless of age. Just my opinion.
  16. I don’t understand everybody’s hesitation to get a hair transplant at a younger age. If you have extensive loss at his age why couldn’t you get 3,000 grafts towards the front and then address the crown at a later date? What’s the risk? I think age is just a number… take somebody who is a nw 2 or 3 in his 30’s… if that person was to get a hair transplant in his 30s to the front that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to lose more hair in the future. Some guys hairloss accelerates the most in their 20s and then other guys lose the most in their 30s and 40s and beyond. I think at any age besides 60 years old you are running a risk. Anybody that has male pattern baldness is probably going to continue to progress with age.
  17. I think scars are all dependent on the surgeon. My buddy has had 2 procedures done with Konior for a total of 4,000 grafts. He shaves his head down to almost stubble. You can barely see any scars at all.
  18. It’s always hard to determine. I’m not always buying the age and nw 6 patterns while a lot of guys develop early there are lots of guys that develop late. My brother who is 38 is now showing NW6 pattern. He shaves his head and now it is is apparent. He shaved his head at 35 and 36 and he looked to be a NW 3. It didn’t hit him until 37. Even though I look fine now I’m confident I will develop NW 6 too…
  19. Melvin, So with my current state of my hair with the doctors saying I don’t have any miniaturization and also none in my donor at the age of 35 it’s safe to say I won’t ever reach NW 6 so with that being say I should have the green light to be aggressive with hairline placement right? The surgeon said I have excellent donor and up to 8 to 10k grafts if I don’t go to NW 6 that coupled with body hair and being on meds and my age I should be able to get very aggressive correct? Not looking for guarantees just looking for opinion thanks
  20. Yes I’m on Dutasteride… no he was not… but I don’t think meds are the holy grail… do I think they are important to slow things down… absolutely. If you are destined to reach NW 6 you are going to get there whether you take meds or not. Dutasteride and finasteride would be considered the cure if this was the case… you will still lose hair just at a slower rate. I have continued to thin and recede and I started on them 12 years ago.
  21. Melvin, I agree with what you are saying… I was telling the doctors that I was concerned to proceed with frontal third surgery because I felt the rest of my hair was thinning behind the frontal third… so that is why I had them check for miniaturization. As far as not following my dads pattern I do understand that there are different genes at play and my moms side of the family kept most of the hair. I just have a hard time realizing that I might not follow my dads pattern…. He looked like a NW 3-4 in his late 30s and then went full blown nw6-7 by mid to late 40s.
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