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Everything posted by hairthere

  1. i hear ya sky, but without any conclusive evidence that it's actually the laser helping to retain hair, it's somewhat wrong to assume it's that, post on a hairloss board, and lead others to believe this product actually works. i know for a fact that my hairloss was effectively reversed thanks to an ht and i have the photo documents (pre, immediate post, post op 9 months) to prove it. i cannot say the same for any laser enthusiast i have come across on these boards.
  2. there's a clinic in cypress that has shown lots of examples of guys who did not shave down. this one is 2500 grafts. http://www.hairlosshelp.com/forums/messageview.cfm?catid=48&threadid=79833 shaving down comes down to risk factor. as jotronic stated, the risk of killing peripheral native hair when shaved down is almost zero. but if there's no way you'll shave and understand the risk i'm sure you'll find a doc who will perform the surgery. you had just better make sure that doc is an absolute TOP doctor or you could end up in worse shape than you started....
  3. I too concur with Richie, but if there's no way you'll do it i have seen great results from alexander and a lot of his patients don't seem to shave.
  4. skv001, there are times when i shampoo and lots of hairs come out. then there are times when none will come out. it has nothing to do with a laser, your hair simply goes through cycles.
  5. People who have results from these types of products always seem to "talk" about how it helped them but never show pics. I wonder why?
  6. Guess it's ok for you to come on here and falsely accuse others of being shills. all i can say is your pics better be damned good.
  7. While she's at it, i think nicholina should perhaps apologize to all the posters who give their FREE time helping fellow hairloss sufferers become educated.
  8. Nice Richie! It's looking great....inspired me to post some pictures myself. Just realized this is almost 9 months for me....
  9. Did you contact your doc yet? who did the surgery?
  10. why do you have a link to that bogus product in your post?
  11. the reason dr. feller's patients, like myself, post here regularly is that the majority of us are very pleased with his work and would like to see other fellow hairloss sufferers go to a top doc like him instead of the numerous snakes in the grass that lurk out there. it's called paying it forward nikolina. you should concern yourself more with showing results than taking a swipe at other docs and their patients.
  12. your crown may have benefitted more if the grafts were concentrated in just the crown area and had not gone off to the side and towards the next zone. also, the way you're styling your hair doesn't help. i think you'd be better off styling it back which would provide better coverage.
  13. wong is specifically noted for the crown area.
  14. charlie, at this point i agree with the other posters and just wish you the best and good growing. however, i do think for the sake of newbies and those considering martnick you should be totally honest and list reason #4 as your number one reason for going back to this doctor. i believe you have even admitted in another thread that you now recognize the difference between her work and other top doctors out there...
  15. charlieb, I cannot believe that after all the time you've spent on here, all the advice we gave you, and all you seem to have learned you still went to martnick for another procedure. you say that martnick has a great bedside manner but acknowledge that results are the bottom line, so how could you go back to her after your results from ht #1 were so poor? it seems you rolled the dice with this doc just because she offerred you free surgery, but you must understand by now that the cost of your precious donor hair is actually quite high.
  16. sounds like you have average donor available which is good for a nw3.
  17. "Why dont you get your happy paitients to post before and after results with graft breakdowns...oh and not the shitty pics but good ones in strong light..." wanthairs is 100% correct. every clinic will take hits against their rep, but it's the truly good ones that consistently display how great their work is to quiet the malcontents. simply put: put up or shut up. no one will listen to or take your complaints seriously otherwise.
  18. azza, what did dr. rahal attribute the poor density to?
  19. adrian, i don't hold any disdain for dr. rahal and feel like he's doing quality work, but i do think this is not one such example. also, a touch up, imo, would be a few hundred grafts to perhaps fill-in a thin spot.
  20. sorry, i have to disagree with Bill on this one. azza i would not have been happy with the density from that 1st ht and would definitely want to thicken up with a second ht. while ht #1 improved your situation by framing your face i don't think it gave you the illusion of density at all. i would try for more than 1500 grafts if possible and perhaps spread some of them towards the crown. best of luck with your procedure.
  21. as the others have stated you have a long way to go before claiming your ht has failed or that it does not look so good. also, the above statement leads me to believe you should really dig in here and learn a bit more about hts.
  22. patchy, feller definitely is one of the most experienced fue docs you can find. he is widely considered one of the top ht docs in the world and has invented some of the most cutting-edge fue tools on the market. he also fits your criteria in that he's in new york... also, you're not overthinking this at all. an ht is not something you want to rush into, no matter how small the procedure. you are wise to do your homework.
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