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Everything posted by BillyHopkins88

  1. Same here but OUCH 🤕 hopefully it'll heal into a thin line
  2. How did you find the fut part 🧐
  3. That's actually not to bad considering it's Eugenix 🙂 IL be following your journey mate
  4. Hi mate do you mind sharing the total cost in pounds ? you can message me if you don't want it out in the open. Thanks
  5. I'm not sure yet mate , I can't find voloomed on Google ? am I spelling that right 😄
  6. Thankyou , I think yours is abit better than mine. Wishing you all the best mate 🙂
  7. Nice one 😃 I'm a high Norwood aswell , have you got a straight on picture of your back and sides before please ? Struggling to see how good your donor was from the above pictures. Thanks
  8. Hi all this may sound strange but I'm getting nowere so thought I'd pop a message up here. Basicly when I hold a mirror straight on the sides and back I can't see any diffuse thinning but as soon as I lower the mirror looking upwards at my sides and back I can see horrific Diffuse thinning ? Lines everywere weird patterns pure scalp etc is this normal as I feel like I'm going mad 😂 I have no diffuse pattern ontop if anything things are improving slowly ontop . I'm on dut 0.5 a day , I don't no if it's a shed from dut but surely I would see a shed looking straight on at sides and back. It's only when I tilt the mirror you can clearly see really bad diffuse thinning. it's soooo weird 😄 got me stumped out of ideas
  9. Nice one mate looks natural , 6 more months atliest for it to thicken up and more hair to sprout out. I was thinking of Dr gur but he Allways sticks around that 3000 graft mark. For my loss IL need about 6000 grafts I wish he did 2 day sessions .
  10. Have you seen much regrowth ? or just maintenance
  11. Hey man 😃 can I ask please was all grafts taken from your donor or did he need to take from your beard to ?
  12. Thankyou , yea I get it from Oxford online pharmacy uk
  13. Hi all does anyone take Milpharm dutasteride ? is it a reliable generic ? Thankyou
  14. Nice one 😀 sometimes with fut you can spot a kink in the hair at the back but it's very hard to spot in your case. There very good surgeons , I was thinking of fut but I like a very sharp back and sides the scar would be obvous unless I did SMP on the scar 🤔
  15. Hi mick can I ask please if you have a picture of he's fut scar when the hair was shaven down to the skin ?
  16. Hey Melvin 😄 can I ask please if you've had any heart palpitations on oral min ? I suffer from them due to anxiety I'm actually on propanolol 80mg a day which slows my heart rate. Do you think it'll be a bad idea for me ?
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