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Rafael Manelli

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Everything posted by Rafael Manelli

  1. The clinic will provide post op instructions
  2. You can get either FUT which leaves a linear scar or FUE which leaves thousands of little dot scars. Curly frizzy dense thick hair is a good indication for FUT. If you plan on wearing it super short at the back and sides, consider FUE, otherwise go for FUT. Good surgeons have a waiting list of at least a few months usually. Try Feller & Bloxham, Maitland Clinic, Konior, Hattingen, True & Dorin, Dr Wong…just to name a few. I wouldn’t go to Turkey if I were you. Not many good surgeons and many many bad ones, and the ones who are better tend to do FUE. You sound like a good FUT candidate to me. Also try finasteride and Toppik powder before committing to surgery.
  3. Try waiting another 6 months for full result. Maybe 3 more years, then you can judge. Maybe you will be eligible for a small touch-up of a few hundred grafts. /s Risky candidate, you signed the contract, so Eugenix probably won’t legally owe you anything. but I don’t think it’s fair for them not to remedy this. Total refund + scalp biopsy + reparative surgery would be most ethical and dignified solution to this. They do hundreds of patients a year; they can afford to refund the apparently tiny number who have a failed result. But that’s just my opinion. By the way, 3000 grafts was never going to be enough to cover such a huge bald area anyway, even with full growth.
  4. I was just kidding, it's your choice. Personally I think if the surgeon is good he should have no issue implanting between existing hairs. Those hairs are terminal and strong and easily visible with the naked eye, let alone surgical loupes. Easy to avoid transecting. The donor capacity is the main concern, and that's a more personal issue that varies dude by dude. I'm just so curious what sort of density is needed to overcome harsh lighting. Have you tried the harsh lighting but with toppik powder?
  5. Looks like they took out more grafts than they put back in. Probably threw the rest in the bin. This will not fill your crown. You might get a decent hairline though. Hope they grow well. Their excuse about the forehead muscles is baloney by the way.
  6. This is insane, the first pic looks perfect and the second looks totally transparent, sparse and even cobblestoned. Thanks for posting.
  7. It depends. Just how bad do they look? Just how thick is the hair? How many are there? Etc. Sometimes one layer is enough. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3. And sometimes even more.
  8. Wow! Congratulations. What a relief this must be. Would love to see pics in bright light and high detail. It'll keep getting better.
  9. Just epic. You could go back to Dr Couto and he'd make you one of his YouTube showcases Would be great to see high definition closeups of the hairline
  10. Another episode of Saved by the Beard I would agree with what someone else said, you're not a nw6, you're a full blown diffuse nw7. If you want to get a second surgery, which you seem to, if you want to lower the hairline or do the temples at all, you need to save the scalp hair for that. Beard will do the rest. You could probably get insane density from that beard. But you need the scalp for the front to look natural. Congratulations
  11. Pittella's grafts are always yellow for some reason. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just interesting. You've got lots of cracks forming now. That's fine, I think it's caused by not spraying with saline or something similar. The scabs get dry and crusty and separate.
  12. This is great. I would really love to see closeups, wet photos and a comb through video of this. Personally I wonder if you should go for most aggressive and idealistic hairline if you take this approach...
  13. A true nw7, and he got such a turnaround. Awesome. I wonder how many grafts he's had total if you include his two surgeries with other clinics. I'm surprised you only got 2000 grafts from his scalp donor. It may be nw7, but it looks fairly dense. I suppose looks can be deceiving, maybe he was already depleted by the previous surgeries.
  14. How many doubles and triples will you find in a natural hairline that hasn't been surgically altered? Everyone knows you should only use singles when recreating a hairline, at the very front. But inevitably some doubles slip through the cracks, whether it's because there was a smaller hair in telogen that the surgeon or technician didn't notice or any other reason. But I've heard from some that having a few doubles is actually perfectly natural. Also, I wonder this - if the hairline recedes, does it eventually encounter big multi hair FUs at the front? If the big FUs are 3cm behind the original hairline, and the hairline recedes 3cm, will those big FUs now be at the front? Or will they miniaturise into singles?
  15. My first thought seeing your pre op pics was that you look AI generated or CGI. That hairline was too smooth.and your eyes just look big and dark and like you’re doing that thousand yard stare, dead inside. You can really see the emotional turmoil on your face. Massive improvement after the surgery, this will fill in nicely and the previous surgery although poorly designed at the front will end up bolstering the density, you will end up looking even younger.
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