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Everything posted by Belve

  1. Happy growing the design looks very good 👍 so what made you choose dr Chris tsakalos for your hair transplant ? Was it because he is doing the whole procedure by himself (extractions and implantation of grafts ) ? also can you tell us the cost of your hair transplant ? Thanks 🙏🏻
  2. Yaman is very good option…l like his hairlines as they look natural and dense. Can you post pictures of yourself ?
  3. It looks good in the exterior environment under the sun. Until 12 Month it will look perfect 👍
  4. The price is really good..about 0.5€/graft. If you have max growth of grafts your appearance will change a lot..good luck !
  5. Happy growing. It looks clean work and the graft distribution is good for your case with good density all over your scalp. I wish you all the best. So how much did you pay in total for the 6000 grafts ?
  6. I would select yaman, because you need 4500 grafts that dr yaman said you. Plus yaman is a good doctor and he has many independent patient cases here on this forum. Gur is also a good doctor but a bit conservative. You will need two surgeries of 3k grafts with him. I found that dr Gur has many results on his instagram page which is shown below: https://instagram.com/drgokhangur?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  7. You have growth but The transplanted hair indeed look weak and very thin so far. They need more time to get thicker…do you take any vitamins ?
  8. I think people from USA should start travelling from USA to Latin America as they can get a better result with much less money than USA by travelling to South America to countries like Brazil( dr Pittella), Mexico (dr luis Nader) and Colombia (dr Camacho - Bogota hairlines)
  9. The price is indeed good enough for a doctor doing most of the procedure by himself. Can you share the link with the great case of dr Georgiou that you saw on another forum ?
  10. 3250 euros for 2551 grafts is a perfect value for money with a great surgeon like Dr Turan. Looking forward for your future updates!
  11. you can find results of Dr Das on the link below: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/search/?q=das&quick=1
  12. I don’t think you need temple work. Just focus on the front part and save grafts and money. Your temples look fine for your age and if you make them too they will look aggressive. Think that temples are also a bit difficult to look natural..so they may need a touch up again You could also consider dr Das from Eugenix for your case. She is more a budget option but still a good and safe one that will save you a lot money in order to fill your crown next year or do it at the same time with the front.
  13. Happy growing. Dr turan is an excellent surgeon in Turkey. The design looks perfect. I wish you the best. Can you tell us the cost of your hair transplant ?
  14. The yield is low in your left side. Many grafts did not survive. The result is totally unacceptable for 12k $. I think you should ask the doctor to give you half money back. It seems that paying a lot of money for a hair transplant doesn’t mean that you will get a proper and good result.You could have paid the half or even the 1/3 of these money and get a better result.
  15. Happy growing. The design looks nice. Can you tell us the price per graft with dr Nader ?
  16. There are good and more budget options (around 1+ €/graft) in Turkey that you could consider. These are dr yaman, dr Gur, dr turan and dr demirsoy. By selecting one of these you can get a nice result without risk.
  17. You could either do In one sessions or in two separate sessions. There’s nothing wrong to do it in one session and it depends on the clinic you choose. Some clinics don’t do mega sessions, while other do with success
  18. Both eugenix and dr Gur are good options to go. You should compare their results and select the one that fit your needs and budget too. If you would select dr Gur you would do another sessions after one year for another 3000 grafts ?
  19. You could find very good and safe options in Turkey with that budget. The doctors you should consult with are : dr Yaman, Dr turan, Dr Gur and Dr Demirsoy. you could search their names on the search bar of this forum.
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