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Posts posted by bigmistake

  1. On 4/21/2023 at 6:12 PM, Chiku said:

    11.5 months update. 3000 grafts, 2000 scalp, 1000 beard.


    All are in bright light except, the fourth one( carpeted floor) is in a room without lights on.










    Its not dense but it looks natural. If this was the goal, then it is a win.



    Personally I feel you look good, I am in need of a repair as well, and a result like yours would be an improvement for me. With that being said, are you happy with these results? Do they meet the objectives set before the hair transplant. Do you mind sharing who was your doctor and what was your package ?

  2. 23 hours ago, mavigo said:

    You're a stone cold dude. I wouldn't say anyone nor I deserved this. How was I supposed to know I need to go onto lesser known forums to find the truth? Most people don't get cosmetic procedures like this.

    My main source of information was youtubers like JT (who I really despise now) and with him being a major repair patient; no wonder I followed in his shoes. 

    You wanna know how I found this forum? Holt boy, the guy who screwed me up. When I was digging through the Holt Restoration website; I found a link to here. And was horrified to see old threads exposing him for running a chopshop. 

    It's not like when you research hair transplant, all resources send you to HRN. I stumbled upon this place and it was a great thing because I found my repair doctor here and avoided ending up at one of these "repair" doctors. Writing articles about repairs while producing repairs. 

    Can you please further talk about why you despise JT ? I find some of his YouTube videos to be very informative on speaking to him, he is always forthright. I am in need of repair, any information shared would be appreciated and may guide my repair procedure. You can DM if you don't want to discuss this publicly.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    Yes, FUE. But I don't want to rush into another transplant. I think the best option now is to take dutasteride, oral minoxidil and wait

    To be honest, your first hair transplant although not ideal is not bad. Yes the hairline is low, and yes there are gaps behind the hairline. The hairline should have been higher, but this does not look bad. At least in the pictures the hairline height does not look too bad. If you do not loose more hair then all should be well. 


    Also if you do consider another surgery then do ask the doctor why FUE over FUT as FUT will enable a doctor to harvest more grafts from the donor area.

    • Like 2
  4. On 3/23/2023 at 5:13 AM, GeneralNorwood said:

    "Contrast", it is very gentle word for this situation. Don't you see that it looks terrible and very unnatural?  Dr Sethi could easily make video about this case, to present mistakes in HT, only if this surgery wasn't made by Eugenix. 

    At the day of procedure i didn't imagine that final result will look so bad that i will be forced to do next surgery ASAP, believe me. 

    My scalp donor is limited to around 3000 and according to dr Bisanga it is not enough to cover huge thinning area on midscalp/crown and lateral humps. He said that my beard is not so good for HT. Just read this post https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/66820-eugenix-3514-grafts-720-on-the-temples-may-2022-dr-priyadarshini-das/page/3/#comment-707399


    Do you really think it is about confidence, if she proposed recently to implant 1500 on the crown and 1000 on the midscalp? 


    Good, that you bring out Bandit90, because Eugenix planned 2 surgeries for him  from the start and i didn't have such plan. We talked only about 1 surgery. 

    Is Dr Bisanga offering you a surgery ? If yes, then by FUE or FUT ?

  5. On 9/23/2022 at 5:05 AM, IrishWarrior said:


    I was away with family for my 10 month so I missed that - apologies all. I am just a little over the 11 month mark since I had my surgery at Eugenix with Dr Pradeep in October 2021. 

    As a Norwood 6 to 7 with a depleted donor area due to 4 bad FUT procedures, I just want to share with you the outcome of my daily routine with the use of hair fibres. As you will see from my attached photos I haven't got 100% coverage but it is a vast improvement to my hair prior to the amazing work done with my surgery with Eugenix. 

    I took two sets of photo that are attached:- One was just after a workout where my hair was wet and no fibres in. I then showered, dried my hair, applied the fibres and took the second set of photos in the exact same place and under the same lighting conditions.

    I'll let you see for yourself how I use hair fibres to massively enhance Dr Pradeep's fantastic work.


















    The beard hair look wiry and unruly doesn't it bother you ? Do you have to apply hair gel or pomade to make them lay flat ?

    I'm asking because I may need a repair as well and may require beard hair.

    Are you also on finasteride ?  

  6. 5 hours ago, kordi said:

    I booked my surgery by the end of this month and honestly I feel worried now 

    Can you please share the height of your hairline from the glabella ? Your hairline seems very high from your photos maybe 8 cm, if it is so high then the clinic can implant single hair for 1 cm, this will give your hairline a natural look. However your beard is not dense enough, and your donor looks good due to finasteride. Was your donor thin before finastride ? Are you sure you are not having sides from finastride, i am also taking finastride, the only side effects I have had is a lack of morning wood. 

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