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Posts posted by bigmistake

  1. 1 hour ago, itisme_alssiri said:

    I have been using Finasteride for couple of years , maybe it helped improving my donor area. 

    Oral or topical ? If oral did you face any side effects and what was your dose ?Going on finastride before surgery was very smart of you. The whole game depends upon donor. If a surgeon has enough donor to play with the repair becomes easier. I may make an appointment with Eugenix next month. Maybe I will go on oral finastride a year before my repair surgery to see if it strengthens the donor.

  2. On 6/21/2023 at 9:12 PM, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:


    Thank you for the update; everything is looking good and on track. From here on, you'll experience gradual growth month on month, and you'll get complete results in between 10-12 months' time.

    Keep us updated on your progress.

    Warmest Regards
    Eugenix Hair Sciences 

    Despite having three hair transplants, with the second one most probably being a repair, how did @itisme_alssirihave so much donor available to cover crown without beard hair ? Did oral finastride improve his donor area thereby increasing available number of grafts?

  3. 3 hours ago, Chiku said:

    Thank you.

    Yes, we could have if you are from Delhi. I had been on oral finasteride for years, started topical minoxidil six months prior to transplant. Topical minoxidil is stopped periprocedural.  Started oral minoxidil a few days ago. 

    When is your transplant?

    Haven't fixed a date yet. Will be visiting the clinic in person in July. Will set a date accordingly.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Chiku said:

    Those three HTs were in early 2000's and were small sessions. Such sessions caused more damage to the native hairs instead of adding more coverage with the ones which were transplanted. Moreover,  I was not on finasteride so I kept loosing my native hairs and transplanted hairs over the years. 

    Can you please share pictures of your donor with short hair ?

  5. 18 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    No my scalp was not virgin. I had scars in the donor area in the back from two bad punch graft surgeries as well as lost tissue (and more grafts) from attempting to surgically improve one donor scar. I would estimate I lost at least about two thousand plus grafts from this alone. My parietal areas were virgin but like the back of my scalp the hair in the side donor areas was poor. I couldn't tolerate oral finasteride and wasn't on it long enough to benefit. About eight months post op HT1 I think my hair and beard really began to benefit though from oral minoxidil.

    Good results from oral minoxidil makes me wonder whether bald people have vascularity issues in their scalp, which leads to build up of dht.

  6. 1 hour ago, Observatory40 said:

    Unfortunately, I've noticed this appears to be a relatively common issue amongst Eugenix patients. Especially those with fine caliber / blonde hair (I won't call out specific cases here on HRN. but feel free to search them out and form an opinion yourself.). I like Eugenix work in terms of hairline design and density achieved with most of their less ambitious cases, but the donor appearance on many of these patients post-op are quite poor. IMHO, it's the big weak spot for this clinic. If they could improve in this one area, I think they would be one of the best options out there. Unless a patient has a great donor or nice thick hair to disguise the potential aftermath, I'd probably steer clear of any clinic that has issues with donor appearance. Otherwise, you might have solved one problem on the top of your head, just to begin a brand new problem on the back / sides of your head. Just my opinion, the next person may differ.

    I agree about some of their donor work, but no clinic is perfect, even Dr Mwamba has had a few bad cases of poor growth.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/1/2023 at 3:58 PM, Gatsby said:

    Yes I can't believe it either @Big Rome. I didn't think that I had 3k scalp grafts to use in the first procedure, let alone adding over another 3k scalp grafts for the second procedure!


    NW 7.jpg

    Were your donor hair on the sides and above the ears untouched and virgin before your first transplant at Eugenix ? Oral Finasteride may have also improved your donor area after the first procedure.

  8. On 5/25/2023 at 4:00 PM, Gatsby said:

    I don't know if my donor was really that much better. My head size is large as is the size of my bald crown. Also like Rahul I have previous surgery scars and my scalp donor is quite thin and spread out in density. My scars also are not FUT scars they are punch graft scars with a linear scar being the result of corrective scar surgery. What I think has helped me most is oral minoxidil as it has thickened up all of my scalp and beard hair. All the best.

    Did you start oral minoxidil before your surgery ?

  9. On 5/27/2023 at 4:12 PM, Shadman said:

    @bigmistake if I’m not wrong rather than taking grafts from the safe donor  area, he only took grafts from the left portion of my head. So, technically, the right portion of the safe donor area was completely untouched. I really have no idea regarding this particular method where you’re ignoring the other portion completely.  I’ll get the bigger picture when I will be having the face to face consultation with eugenix. 

    A blessing in disguise. The rest of your donor remains untouched.

    What about the hairline does it have any multi grafts ?

    • Sad 1
  10. On 5/18/2023 at 2:10 AM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Going to be brutally honest here, the results of your previous HT's were not very good. In fact I'd say they were very bad... :(

    Could be a lot of reasons why this was the case but overall the yield looks very poor. Looking at your donor it seems you're nearing your limit of how many more grafts you can use. What are your expectations for this next surgery? How many grafts did Eugenix say they could get for this surgery? 

    Please take this as a good faith evaluation of where you stand, and very much my layman's opinion. If you have the money to spare and have realistic expectations then of course go for it, but if you were my personal friend I would advise against. 


    Do you mean his first HT with Eugenix or his previous FUT surgeries ?

  11. On 2/23/2023 at 8:01 AM, Gatsby said:

    In 25 years of wearing a hair system it never came off once! I know that's hard to believe but if it is taped and clipped down properly (or however you attach it) it should stay fastened. It should be fine. The only time my hair piece ever came off in public or on a date was if I wanted to make a joke so I would have it just sitting on my head, literally, and then I would bend over and it would fall off. When I lifted my head I would pretend that I had no idea. The reactions were priceless! 🤣 Which leads me to the next point. If you are going to wear a hair piece successfully you fully have to own it! You have to have a sense of humor and beat others to the punch and have fun. If you try to live a life of hiding all the time you will just make life miserable in the end. All the best man! 👍



    Hey Adrian, I just wanted to thank you. You are a fountain of knowledge with regards to all things hair. From Hair Systems, SMP, to hair transplants.

    I have two questions for you:

    1) Did you ever face in problems at immigration while wearing a hair piece. Since your photo in the passport versus in person wearing a hair piece must have been different. 

    2) How did you get your hair piece serviced in Australia? Or did you have to service it yourself.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Chiku said:

    You have a good scalp donor. I believe EUgenix can easily work with the kind of donor you have. 

    Another option would be Pitella, he has given some great results even on advanced Norwood 7s.  


    Somewhere you mentioned you were on oral finasteride for five months and now on topical for a month. Just to clarify, you not on finasteride at the time of transplant?

    I was on oral finastride five months after the transplant. 

    My donor looks better than it is in pictures.

  13. 14 hours ago, Bucky O Hair said:

    Topical Fin works according to many on here who use it.

    Moazzam is giving you some bad advice, so I would take what he says with a grain of salt.  He's not a doctor and his claim about "taking fin long term will make your sides go away" is foolish and possibly harmful to you. 

    There are many on here who use Fin (both orally and topically), but the results of any DHT blocker will vary from person to person.  It's difficult to measure the rate at which it slows down your loss, but people take it as a preventative measure and to increase your chances of slowing down the loss and keeping your hair as long as possible.  It's never a guarantee to continue to slow down (or stop) your loss, and there are cases where it loses it's effectiveness over time.

    Re: your HT...

    The good news is you went with FUE (so no scar to worry about) and you look like you still have donor hair available.  There are options in India (as people have stated above) and you could use that donor hair along with beard hair to fill in the area behind the hairline toward the vertex.  If you don't have enough hair to get the desired density you'd like, you could supplement it with SMP (since you're open to SMP) and you could probably pull off a nice "HT with SMP blend" giving you a dense but realistic looking buzzed look.  You have options. 




    FUE is not always good. People who have had FUT and need repair tend to have a strong donor as the rest of the donor area is not disturbed. Some Eugenix best repair cases have had previous FUTs like Gatsby and Rahul Raichand. 

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